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Ethan brought me to a place I didn't know. It was my first time seeing a place like this.
     “Uh, Ethan where are we?”
     “Hmm? We're at my other house in the suburbs.”
    “Come on, I want to show you something?”

He dragged me upstairs and to the rooftop.

     “Wow, what a view!”
     “I know, that's why I brought you here to see it.”
     “My mom doesn't know about this. Can you help me keep this a secret?”
     “Also, please don't tell Marie and Claire.”
     “Why not? They're my best friends.”
     “Because if you told them. They will tell the others about it. You know how Marie and Claire can be at times.”
     “Okay, I won't tell.”
     “So aren't we going to talk?”
     “Yes, we are. Come in.”

I went inside the house. The decorations were sophisticated and luxurious, this house must have cost a lot. The floor tiles are wooden and the walls are made of glass. There's even a fire place in the living room and at the bathroom the vanity is amazing. Wow this is really a beautiful house. I keep looking around and I found out that there's even a hidden library here.

     “Ethan, how much did you spent on this house?”
     “I'm not sure, maybe about 100,000 dollars."
     “How expensive! How do you manage to afford all that?”
     “My dad is a doctor and he makes lots of money by helping the patients health.”
    “Wow.” I said looking around in awe.
    “Let's go to the dinning room.”
     “Sure thing.”
     “Come on," he said as pulled me to that area.

When I saw it I was amazed. It's looks like the dinning hall was made only for the two of us.
     “Come on, Cherie, sit.”
I wonder what's going on. But no matter it is I'm safe because I'm with my best friend and he wouldn't do any harm to me.
     “Cherie, what are you doing? Come and take a seat."
     “Oh, right, thanks Ethan.

So I sat in front of him.

     “So, Cherie, I just wanted to say to you that you're more than a sister to me you're my best friend.”
     “I know Ethan. But what are you trying to say.”
     “I know you and Jennie are close as sisters and I'm your big brother.”

It's getting to awkward she seems to be not getting the point. Maybe I'll try again next time and bring her to a more romantic place than this.

     “Cherie, remember when you and Jennie were building a snowman in the winter and I threw a snowball at your face and you and Jennie were teaming up to get back at me.”

     “Yeah, those were good times and remember when you got lost turns out you were just hiding to scare us.”

     “I can still remember. You were really frightened that you shouted at me."
     “Really? Oh, yes. I must have, I could still vaguely recalling doing that.”

We were having a good time we chatted more and didn't realize it's getting late.

     “Ah, Ethan I think it's getting late.”
     “Yeah, oh I should probably get you home. Come on.”

We headed out and we went to the car. I got in and he got into the driver seat and start the engine but it's not working.
     “Ethan is there something wrong?”
     “I'm sorry, Cherie, looks like we're stuck here for a while.
     “We have no gas and gas station is miles away.”
     “Oh, no what do we do?”
     “What about you stay here with me for the night.
     “Don't worry, you will get your own room.”
     “Tomorrow morning, I'll walk to the gas station to get the car filled so we can go home.” he said.
     “Ethan. Maybe I should call my mom and tell her I'll be back tomorrow.”
     “Yeah, okay, but don't tell her where you are okay? She might tell my mom and I'll be in a lot of trouble because I didn't tell my mom I bought this house. So.... He trailed off.
     “Okay, Ethan. I won't tell.”

He breathed a sigh of relief.

     “When you're done talking come inside I will prepare dinner for the both of us.”

I dialed Sunnie's number and she answered at the second ring by saying: “Hello.”
     “Sunnie. It's me, Cherie,”
     “Oh, hi sis!”
     “Can I speak to mom?”
     “No, she's still at work. The same goes for dad.”
     “Oh, I see, but if they look for me tell them I'm safe and there's no need to worry cause Ethan's with me.”
     “Oh, where are you by the way?”
I walked inside and give Ethan the phone.
      “Ethan talk to her.” I mumbled. He grabs the phone in my hand.
     “Sunnie, there's no need to worry Cherie's safe with me. Where just at the area so don't worry, I'll bring Cherie home tomorrow cause my car just ran out of gas.”
     “Okay, Ethan, I trust you and will you bring Cherie tomorrow safe and sound.”
     “I give you my word.”
     “Okay, just take care of her. Just make sure of it. Oh that's mom. I got to go bye. She said and hanged up.

So I went back inside and saw Ethan has cook our dinner.

    “Come on, Cherie let's eat.”
    “Okay,” I said and sat down.

So we ate our dinner and it's quite delicious.
    “Wow! Ethan I didn't know you're such a great cook.”
     “Awe, thanks, I learned it from mom.”
     “Ah, Cherie, there's something on your face.”
    “Huh? Where?” I said trying to wipe it off.

He smiled.

     “Oh, Cherie you're so clumsy, here.”

He came near me and brushed the dirt near my lips. I blushed. He saw me blush I covered my face. He took off my hands off my face and said.

     “Hey it's okay. There's no need to be shy, it's just me.”

     “I'm not shy, I was just quite embarrassed.”

     “Cherie, I'm your best friend so don't be embarrassed because it's okay.”

When I heard those words my heart skip a beat. I don't understand it. Why can't I understand this feeling? What's this. I mean he's my best friend and I know I can tell him anything but I don't know what to say just now? Maybe I like him but I like Daniel also I don't know what to feel I don't understand this kind of feeling what is this?” I just ignored my feelings for him.
     “Cherie, Cherie, are you okay?”

I was back to my senses when I heard Ethan's voice calling me.

     “Cherie, are you okay?”
     “Huh? Yeah, I I'm okay.” I said smiling at him.
     “Come on, I want to show you something." 


Daniel was in his room. He was thinking about Cherie. Yesterday, she was supposed to teach me math but Ethan was in the way that's why she didn't get to teach me. I don't understand why I got so worked up when Cherie said that she's going with Ethan? I don't know. He ruffled his hair in annoyance. When he finally got back to his senses, he opted to the bathroom and changed into his t-shirt and pants before going downstairs.

Leah saw him and ask.

     “Sweetie, are you going somewhere?”
     “Yeah, Leah, I'm going to Harris's house.”
     “Okay, but don't stay there too long your mother might fire me.”
     “Don't worry, Leah, I'll be home quick I just need to let out what I feel right now.”
     “Oh, okay.”
Then he left and went to Harris's place.
He rang the doorbell and waited.
Harris heard the doorbell ringing and opened it. 
     “Daniel, it's you, what do you need bro. Come in. Take a seat. 
So he sat down on the couch.
      “So, tell me what's your problem, wait don't tell me is it Cherie again?”
     “So don't just sit there. Tell me what happened."

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Where stories live. Discover now