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Ethan said he wants to talk to me. I was in the corner with him. He was facing me. I can feel his breathing and his minty breath. Then he said,

"Yes. Ethan?"
"Do you love me?"
"Yes, Ethan I do love you as my best friend."
"Cherie, you know I'm not after this friendship, right?"

He then pushed me to the wall and he gently placed his lips against mine and we made out for a while then he gently pulled away.

"Cherie, I promise if you choose me. I will love you for the rest of my life," he said before kissing me again.


Daniel was wondering what's taking them so long so he decided to use the men's room and spotted Ethan kissing Cherie, then he came up to Ethan and punched him in the face. Ethan punches him back. Many people gathered to watch the fight.

"Ethan, why do you keep on kissing Cherie? You're not even her boyfriend! You're only her best friend!"
"How dare you say that to me? Cherie loves me more than you bastard!"
"Bastard? Cherie loves me more than you, you little spoiled brat."
"Hey! If anyones the brat here it's you! You're just trying to ruin my friendship with Cherie so that you get her all to yourself. Well, guess again I know you kissed Cherie and you even confessed your feelings for her." Ethan said to Daniel.

"Will you stop arguing already? Or else I will not speak with both of you in a month."
"Sorry, Cherie, '' Daniel said.
"Daniel, why did you punch my best friend again?"
"Because, I saw him kissing you."
"Yeah. So?"
"You're not angry he kissed you?"
"No. Why would I be?"
"So, you like Ethan kissing you?"
"Yeah, what's the matter?"
"I confessed my feelings for you Cherie and I even kissed you. Did you not feel anything the moment I kissed you?"

"Yeah, I felt it. It was magical. But you only did it once and you're not making any move to show me how much you love me. I waited and waited for you to make a move but who was there to show me I am special. But Ethan did. Ethan keeps showing me he loves me in many ways, surprising me with gifts, talking me on dates but compared to you I don't think you still have a chance with me after what you did. You once again let your emotions ate you up. I'll still give you a chance to prove to me you love me. Cause I like you Daniel. But I don't want to see you beating up my bestfriend. Cause if you do that again. I'll instantly forfeit the chance I gave to you so be nice."

"Okay, Cherie, I'm sorry Ethan, can we be friends again?" Daniel said as he ruffled his hair.
"Good thing, Cherie is here. So I'll agree once again. He said as he nodded.

He looked at Cherie and then to me. He sighed and said.

"Okay, but you better not mess this up."
"Yeah, okay, I'll be good from now on."
"Let's get back to our table and eat."

So we went to our table, chatted a little then and ate after we were done. I stood up and Ethan followed me. I smiled at him. Then he said,

"Cher, let me give you a ride home."
"Oh, thanks, bye Daniel see you at school."
"Yeah, sure." I said and got in the car.
"Ethan, just drop me at your place and I'll treat your wounds."
"Awe, Cherie you're so sweet."

I just smiled.

After a few minutes of driving. He dropped me at his house. I got down and went in. I saw Jennie watching TV.

"Oh, hi Cher, what brings you here?"

I sighed and said.

"My classmate hit your brother again for kissing me. But I told him off already."
"Oh, okay, where's Ethan?" She asked.

Then Ethan came into the room. His sister was shocked when he saw him. He got bruises on his forehead, cheek and lips.

"Don't worry, I'll cure your brother." I got a first aid kit on the top cabinet and I told Ethan to just sit on the couch.

After I grabbed the first aid kit from the cabinet, I went to the living room to sit on the couch beside Ethan. I took out a cotton ball and put on the ointment and began to smear the ointment on his forehead, cheek and lips.

"Does it hurt?"
"A little but it's fine. He said and smiled at me.
"Ahh Cherie, what would I do without you?"
"Maybe, you'll have a hard time making friends and you still be a shy boy back then." I said as I burst into fits of laughter.
"Yeah, maybe."
"So, Ethan, I'll see you tomorrow goodnight. I said and kissed him on the cheek.
"I'll walk you out."
"No, it's okay, I can manage on my own."
"Cherie, it's dangerous for you to go out there. Jennie, can you bring Cherie home?"
"Ethan, I can manage on my own so stop being sensitive. I'm fine."
"Cherie, I'm worried about you."
"Okay, I'll stay a while."

Then I asked.

"Jennie, did you eat already?"
"No, not yet."
"Okay, I'll cook something for you two." I grabbed an apron. "Do you want me to make you dinner?"
"Oh, it's not necessary. But okay. I'd really appreciate it. Cause mom is not here yet and it's getting late." Jennie said to me.
"Okay, Jennie. I'll whip you and Ethan something to eat."
"Okay, Thanks Cher good thing you're here."

I just smiled at her.

"Okay, Jen. I'll call you when dinner's ready."
"Thanks," she said before leaving the room.

So I checked the fridge for anything to cook. There's a mix of vegetables so I got them out and I checked the cabinets and I found a can of beef. I heated the saucepan then mixed the vegetables that contained peas, carrots, potatoes and corn. I also checked the freezer if there's anything left. I saw some shrimp in the freezer so I took it out. I can see Ethan staring at me across the kitchen, I smiled at him and continued cooking. By the time I finished, I saw Jennie setting up the table and Ethan putting the plates out. Then they both sat at the table and just in time. Their mother Mrs. Patterson got home and she saw me and greeted me.

"Hi, Cherie, what brings you by?"
"Hi, Mrs Patterson. I'm just here because Ethan got hurt again by my classmate. I'm sorry Mrs. Patterson. I told him off already. It won't happen again."
"Okay, Cherie, but if this happens again. I'll have to take matters into my own hands. So make your friend behave or I'll put him in jail."
"Don't worry Mrs. Patterson, I will."
"Did you make dinner?"
"Yes, I did."
"Mom you got to try Cherie's soup, it's so yummy."
"Yeah, mom, it's so delicious."

Mrs. Patterson grabbed a chair and I served her some soup.

"Thanks, Cher."
"It's no problem, Mrs. Patterson."

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Where stories live. Discover now