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I got down and I noticed that we are at the ice cream shop. He bought my favorite flavor, strawberry peppermint. Then we went out and we saw a playground nearby.

"Ethan, push me on the swing," I said as I got on the swing.
"Okay," so Ethan pushed the swing.
"Higher, Ethan higher!"

He did as I told him to. Not long after, I saw him smile. "I wish he would be my boyfriend someday." I thought. "Huh, what am I thinking?"
Ethan noticed my plight and asked.

"Is there a problem?"
"No, it's just cold here."
"Here, put this on," he said as he covered me with his jacket.

I can smell the perfume from his jacket. I feel so warm now and my heart is melting from his gentle gesture. Why is he so sweet? I guess I'm falling for him without even noticing it.

But I don't know but whatever it is I'm sure it's nothing."
Ethan called me I was so spaced out to notice it. So he called me again.
I snapped back to my thoughts and said. "Huh?" Like I didn't know anything.
"Come on, Cher, I'll take you home."
"Okay, Ethan."

So he got his car in the parking lot and drove it towards me.

"Come on, get in," he said and opened the car door for me.
"Thanks, I said as I got in. He closed the car door and went into the driver's seat. He opened the door and got in.
"Strap your seatbelt on."
"Oh, yeah."

I strapped my seatbelt on and he drove off. Minutes later. He drove me to my house.

"Cherie, do you want me to walk with you or can you manage on your own?"
"You can walk me to the front door if you want."

So he walked me to the front door.

"Cher you're here. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Wait, Ethan."

He turned around. I smiled at him and said.

"Ethan, thanks for today, I really enjoyed the time just hanging out with you for the whole day."
"Yeah, so do I. He said as he smiled at me.
"So, I'll see you."
"Yeah, okay," I said as I waved goodbye.
"Goodnight, Cherie."
"Night, Ethan, I'll see you tomorrow.
"Okay, I said as I got in the house.

In the morning.

Ethan woke up, with the alarm clock ringing. He just remembered what happened yesterday. He spent the whole day with his best friend Cherie and he also remembered he also kissed her and yesterday and even before that. God, she's so adorable. He smiled as he remembered the memory. He shook his thoughts off and got up from his bed, took a shower got dressed. Now what to wear? Did he say thinking? Hmm. Just then, someone came knocking on his door.

"Who is it?"
"It's me, Jennie. Can I come in?"
"Sis, can you help me?"
"With what bro." She said entering the room.
"I don't know what to wear."
"Well, let me in so I can help you."
"Sure, just give me a minute."

He got his bathrobe and put it on. Then he opened the door to let his sister come in.

Jennie came in and saw Ethan in his bathrobe.

"So, you need my help, huh?"
"Yeah, I need it. Because I want to impress Cherie."
"Baby bro, you are already impressing her in everything you do. What more do you need?"
"I know, but I need her to see me as a man, not just her best friend."
"Ethan, you know what happened to your best friend when Tony left her and before that? Things didn't end well either when she was with Delin remember? That's why maybe she isn't ready for another relationship at the moment you do understand her right?"
"Yeah, I understand her. I wish she would let go and love me instead."
"Ethan, Cherie does love you. She might not express it so well but I think she's starting to fall in love with you."
"You really think so?"
      "But I still need something to wear though."
"Okay, I'll help you. How about this beige shirt then you can pair it with white pants and black rubber shoes. As for your hair, how about putting a little bit of gel on?"
"Thanks a lot for your advice. I'd do as you say." With a smile, Ethan continued.
"Bye, sis! See you." He said and closed the door.

Jennie just smiled and went out shaking her head.


Maybe I should ask Ethan to hang out again this coming Saturday. But when he gets here, what will talk about? Ahh. I need to calm down. So I grabbed a book from my shelf. Its called. 101 ways to talk to your best friend. I read a few pages from my book today. Today is Friday and tomorrow is D-Day. Every Saturday is D-Day for me to have some RnR it's only half a day of school later.

So I can call up Daniel to hang out with me. So I called up Daniel. In the second ring he picks up saying:

"Hello," he said while drying his wet hair.
"Daniel, it's me. Cherie."
"Ohh, hey, what's up?" He asked, kind of nervous.
"Um, can you meet up, there's something I have to ask?"
"What is it?"
"Just get ready to meet me at the park later."
"Okay, see you there."
"Yeah, see you there."

So I got dressed and went downstairs. Mom and Dad saw me and greeted me.

"Morning, sweetie, did you sleep well."
"Yes, mom, thanks for asking."
"You're probably hungry, I'll fix you something up.
"Okay, mom. By the way, where is Sunnie?"
"Oh, her? She's still sleeping in her room. She told me she had class later in the afternoon."
"I see. Mine too, my class is also in the afternoon."
"Okay, then. Where are you going by the way."
"I'm just going to the park and I'm meeting Daniel there."
"Sure, honey."

After Cherie left her mom wondered why she was going to meet up with Daniel. Is she going to admit to Daniel her feelings? I'm sure she isn't going to do that, is she? Maybe I'm just overthinking. She said and went to her room and lay in bed.

Minutes later.

Daniel went to the park to meet Cherie. He sat on the bench and waited for her to show up. A few minutes passed by and he saw her coming.

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Where stories live. Discover now