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So Daniel wants to spend time with Cherie and Cherie was hanging out with Marco.
Then Marco came to see them.
"Daniel, let me go? Will you." I said and struggle free from him.
I then shook my head.

Daniel is acting weird why would he suddenly hug me like that. Ah. I sighed wondering.
"Come on, Cherie, wait who's this guy?"
"Oh, Marco this is my classmate Daniel."
"Hey, Dan was it it's nice to meet you."
"Come on Cherie, let's go." Marco pulled me on the skating zone.
"Okay, Marco."
So I and Marco skated and he was at the back of me in case I fall.
Someone bump me and I almost lost my balance good thing Marco was at the back he steady me so I won't lose balance.
"Cher, are you okay?"
"Yeah, thanks for keeping my balance."
"Come on, I'll buy you something warm to drink."
"Yeah, that sounds nice."
"Well, come on," he said as he held me to the nearby coffee shop.
"Three, hot chocolate please."
"Um, Marco why three?"
"It's like Dan, is cold as well since he followed us all the way here."
I looked back and saw Daniel was here.
"Yeah, I guess. Come on let's take a seat."
"Oh, Cher, where is Ethan, I'll love to meet him again."
"Oh him, he's at home probably doing his homework or works from school."
"Oh, I see, next time get we get together."
"Why, sure."
"So, Marco do you have a girlfriend yet."
"Sadly no. But I think I like someone."
"Who is it."
"What me?"
"No, I'm just kidding, I like Jennie Ethan's sister. She is just so pretty."
"Oh, and I'm not."
"Of course you are. I mean your the most popular girl at your school and I can see many boys likes you just like Dan here."
"Cherie, look at Dan here, he obviously likes you."
Daniel blushed red.
"Oh my Dan, your blushing."
"No, I'm not." Daniel said and stuttered.
"Guys, let's go to the library I'll just borrow some books and check it out."
We went to the library and Marco and Daniel just sat on a chair and began reading a book. While I'm looking for a book and I have to return the book I borrowed. While I was looking around for some fantasy books I saw Jennie was in the comedy section I went near her. I tap her and said.
"Hi, Jennie. What are you doing here and where's Ethan."
"I'm here, to check out the book I just borrowed and Ethan is at home."
"Why didn't he came with you?"
"He said he's tired to go out today."
"I don't know with him."
"Cherie, I have to go see you again."
"Oh, wait before you go, I like you to meet someone."
"Oh, who is it?"
"It's Marco."
"Hi Jennie, long time no see."
"Yeah, Marco by the way where's your sister?"
"Oh, you mean Marci?" she's at home taking care of mom."
"Oh, okay."
"By the way, what are you doing here?"
"I'm here because we've just finished skating earlier."
"Did you skate?"
"Well, yeah, Cher, didn't quite get of the hang of it yet. But she's learning slowly. Well Dan just watched us.
"Wait, who's Dan?"
"Daniel, I named him Dan for short."
"Oh, I see."
"So, I'll see you another time."
"Jennie, I'll stop by your house later."
"Okay, Cher. I'm sure Ethan will be happy to see you. Okay see later bye." she said and she left.
"Now where is that book. I roam around and look for the entitled. 'It's only a fairytale.' Oh, found it." it's in top shelf and I cannot reach it.
"Can anyone reach that book for me please."
Actually none of us are tall enough to reach that book. I sighed. I wish Ethan was here he can easily reach things in high places. I said thinking. I snapped out of it. Oh my goodness. Did I thought about Ethan just now. Maybe it's okay to think about him sometimes. It's only natural for me I guess.
"I'll go get a step ladder." Marco said to me.

Jennie went home and she saw Ethan just woke up.
"Hi baby bro, still tired."
"Will you stop calling me that it's embarrassing."
"Would you wake up already." she said shaking him.
But he didn't move.
She sighed.
"What if I told you I've seen Cherie and his with Marco and Daniel."
"What where did you see them." he said and quickly got up from bed.
"Ah, I guess only Cherie can wake you up. She said and giggled a bit.
"Jennie, where are they I need to be there."
"They're at the library."
"Oh okay thanks."
"Now, where are you going?"
"I am going to the library. Oh and thanks."
"Why do you care so much."
"You know why?"
"Because you don't trust Daniel? Well how about Marco do you not trust him too?"
"Marco is alright it's Daniel I don't trust. See you later."
"Yeah, okay." She said and shook her head.
"Oh mom is sleeping in her room don't wake her she seems tired."
He got quickly got changed into his blue polo shirt and jeans and headed out. He then walked to the library and as soon as he got there. He entered the library to see Cherie on a step stool tiring to reach a book then she lost her balance. Just in time he catched her.

I used the step stool reach the book but I lost my balance and I thought I was going to fall to the hard pavement. I closed my eyes for the impact but it didn't happen. I opened my eyes and see I was caught by Ethan. Huh. How did he get here so fast. He's looking at me with those concerning blue eyes and a voice asking if I was okay.
"Cherie, are you okay?"
"Yeah, thanks for catching me."
"Are you hurt?"
"No, Ethan, I'm just glad that you came." I said and smiled at him.
I noticed I was still in his arms.
"Ethan you can put me down now."
"Oh, right," he said and put me down.
"By the way Ethan, how did you know I was here?"
"Jennie told me that you are here."
"Ethan," Marco said.
"Marco what are you doing here and what's with the outfit?"
"Oh, this, me and Cherie went to the skating rink earlier I was teaching her on how to skate and after we get some coffee and then we went here to rest."
"Oh, is that so."
"Why did she fell on the step ladder?"
"She was trying to get a book from the top shelf."
"And none you of tired to help her?"
I was reading so I didn't see her climb a step stool.
"How about you Daniel?"
"Ugh. What if she fell and bump her head."
"Ethan please, don't be mad it's my fault I ask them to help me but the shelf was too high so I climbed it myself. I lost my balance earlier and that's why I fell."
"And no one even tried to catch her. What are you people are you that blind and you should be more careful next time because I'm not always there to save what if something happens to you. Ahh. I can't stand you being in danger. Because I love you. Please be more careful next time. He said imagine it. Cherie, was still in arms.
"Ahh, Ethan,"
"You can put me down now."
"Oh yeah."
"Thanks, Ethan for catching me. I smiled at him.
Her smile can light up my day. I can stare at her all day. I noticed Ethan was staring at me.
"Ethan, is there something on my face. You keep looking at me."
"It's because you're so pretty today."
"Oh, am I? I shyly smiled at him."
He nodded his head.
"Oh, Ethan, thank you for the compliment."
"No problem."
"Hey, Tan, Marco said to him.
"Ethan may I ask your permission to date your sister?"
"You should probably ask her, if she'll agree."
"I hope she does."
"Marco, I'm warning you, she's not the type of girl who likes to take things fast and I can tell she likes someone else. So you'll just have to wait and see if she will open up to you."
"Thanks, Ethan. I'll keep that in mind.
"If you'll excuse me I have to go somewhere with Cherie."
"Hmm? Me?"
"Of course let's go."
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see come on."
So Ethan dragged me out of the library and we left Marco and Daniel.
"I'll see you again Marco."
"Yeah, sure."
So Ethan and I went to the parking lot to get his car and he drove it near me and asked me to get in so I got in and put on my seatbealt. He noticed my seatbelt already fasten.
"Yes, but where are we going,"
"You'll see, and he drove off to a place I don't know but I trust him that the place were going to go is beautiful.

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Where stories live. Discover now