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Ethan and Daniel were still stunned by Cherie's beauty that they remained like a statue for about five minutes until I got Sunnie then Sunnie went near them and snapped her fingers.

"If you don't like my bathing you guys could've told just me." I said.
"No, Cherie, you're beautiful. I was just stunned for a while." Ethan said.
"I also think it's good on you. You look sexy in that bathing suit you're wearing."
"Awe, thanks, guys, now can you teach me how to swim, Ethan?"

"Yeah, sure,"
"Can Daniel join us?"
"But Cherie, he'll only be a distraction to us."
"Please, Ethan. You can teach both of us how to swim since Daniel only knows a few tricks off his sleeve."
"Okay, if that's what you want."
"Daniel, come here, I'll teach you the proper way to swim."
"Fine," he said, crossing his arms.

So Ethan was teaching the procedures of how to swim.

"Now watch, first let's do the easy one. First, you should learn how to float. Just lay your body beneath the water and relax."

So I did. It's hard at first but then after a while I got the hang of it. "Like this, Ethan?" I said and laid on the water.

"Yeah, Cherie you got it."
"Daniel, how are you doing over there?"
"I'm fine."He said to us.

"Next is the doggy paddle, so just do a belly flop then move your arms and legs to paddle with."

I didn't notice that a ball was coming near me then it hit me on the head then I drowned in the water. I saw Ethan coming near me to save me and I can see Daniel too. He was just there. Ethan pulled me up the surface.

Cherie was unconscious. So he performed CPR on her by pumping her stomach and the mouth to mouth procedure. After a while Cherie begin to flutter her eyes opened.

I then woke up. "Ethan what happened?" I ask as fluttered my opened.

"Someone hit you on your head while you're at the pool so you drowned. You should be more careful Cherie, you had me worried there. I thought I was going to lose you."he said as hugged me tightly.

"I'm fine, now thanks for saving me." I said as I pulled away from the hug.

Then Daniel near me and asked.

"Cherie, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I just need to rest."

Daniel got me a towel.

"Here, cover yourself with it so you wouldn't feel cold."
"Thanks, Daniel."
"Come on, Cherie let's sit down over there,"
"Sure, Ethan."

So they sat at the bench and just talked about stuff.

"Maybe I was right. I shouldn't have come here in the first place."

"Cherie, what do you mean?"
"If weren't for me, you wouldn't have been so worried."
"No, it's my fault, I know you couldn't swim yet I still went on deciding you were coming in this pool party. I'm sorry Cherie."

"Hey, don't blame yourself, if it weren't for you I couldn't have drowned in the water earlier. Thanks for coming for my rescue."

"It's no problem."

He looked into my eyes and started leaning in.

"Um, Ethan what are you doing?"
"Nothing, I was just thinking. What if I'm not your best friend."
"Um, Ethan, what are you saying?"
"If you're not my best friend, then what are you?"
"Ugh, Cherie, you do not get the point."
"What are you saying Ethan?"
"Never mind,"just forget he said to me.

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Where stories live. Discover now