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"Come on, Cherie, I'll take you home." He said and opened the car door for me.
It was silent and it's getting a bit awkward I broke it by saying.
"Ethan, thank you for buying this dress it's so pretty."
"It's no trouble Cherie."

I smiled at him and said.

"I had a great time at your place, maybe we can go there again sometime?"

He dropped me near my house and said.

"Do you want me to take you all the way or can you manage on your own?"
"I can manage, thanks Ethan." I said and got down.

So I went inside the house. My mom greeted me.
"Cherie, where have you been?"
"Hi mom! I've been with Ethan and he brought me somewhere."
"Somewhere around the area."
"Okay, did you and Ethan have a good time there?"
"Yes," I said and nodded.
"Why didn't you tell me you were going somewhere with Ethan?"
"Oh, I forgot and I was in such a rush that time, I'm sorry mom." I said as I apologized.
"Honey, it's okay. I can trust Ethan with you cause he knows you your whole life. So tell me did he do something surprising?"
"What do you mean? Surprising?"
"Like take you somewhere special, talk to you, wipe the dirt on your face. Something like that."

Then I remembered. How he came close to me and told me I was clumsy and wiped the dirt near my lips. I bit my lip and slowly stood up.

"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to my room and rest."
"Okay, sweetie, talk to me later about it alright."
"Sure mom."

So I went to my room and rested for a while. I wonder what is Daniel's doing?

Daniel was with Gio and Harris and he went to his house and talked about how Sofie's back.
"Hey, guys why did Sofie came back anyway?"
"I don't really know maybe Sofie here to visit her family or friends I don't really know?"
"Maybe, she missed you that's why she came back."
"As if, she cared, all she knew to do is dressing up, looking good. She doesn't even know how to cook."
"Yeah, I remember that. She overcooked the rice."
"Hehe, yeah, then she left the stove on it almost set my house on fire."
"I could still remember that we helped you put out the flames on the kitchen floor."
"Yeah, and to be honest, I like her, but she ignored my feelings for her that's why I got hurt cause I thought she likes me too. But it wasn't that. Turns out she only wants to be friends but we're okay now but it still hurts when I remember it."
"Dont worry, I'm sure, Cherie wouldn't act that way,"
"How did Cherie get into this conversation?"
"Daniel, it's obvious that you like her."
"What? How can you say that I like her?"
"Cause you like spending time with her, you like talking to her and you like to talk about her with us."
"Oh, is that so. Yeah, maybe I like her. But I want her to be my girl but how if she didn't know how that would work."
"Daniel just chill, just take it slow with her and maybe, she'll finally be able to notice you."
"I don't know but I'll try."
"Okay, See you in class tomorrow.
"I just hope Soffie doesn't come so early.


Sofie is at the airport. Her plane just landed.

"Sofie over here!" her friend Catherine called out to her as she waved her hands in a big arc to grab Sofie's attention.
"Ahh, it's good to be back, I've missed Cherie, how long has it been since we last saw her?"
"Ah, Sofie I don't know Cherie."
"Oh, right sorry, but you'll meet her. She's really good at math plus she's a great cook and she's really nice."
"Sofie, who is this Cherie you speak of?" She asked.
"Oh, her, she's my best friend and she's like a baby sister to me."
"Oh, Come on, I've got work to do after I rest for a while."
"Come on, let's find a hotel to stay for the night."

Then her phone rang.

"Hello?"she said as she answered the phone.
"Sofie, have you landed already?" Her manager asked.
"Yes, Jeffrey, don't worry, I'm just looking for a hotel. I'll call you later."
"Sofie there's a fashion show this week and I've chosen you to be our model."
"Oh, Jeffrey, thank you, so what day this week is the fashion show?"
"Hmm, maybe Wednesday or Thursday I'm still not sure."
"Well, double check it and let me know."
"I have to go. Talk to you again." she said and hung up.

So Sofie and her friend Catherine looked for a place to stay for the night.
"Hey, Sofie why don't we stay here?" She said and pointed to a luxurious building.
"Oh, okay, it's Blue Hotel and looks like it has a 5 star rating."
"Yeah, come on."

When they went in a staff attended to them right away.

"Sofie Anderson! Woah, is that really you?"
"Yes, I am."
"Can I get your autograph please? I'm a big fan of your styles and dresses."
"Hey, out of the way, I want to take pictures with her," The other girls said and pushed the girl in front of her away.
"Come on Sofie , Catherine, dragged me away from the fans.
"Thanks, Cath."
"Now we hide. Come on over there.

We hid behind the door. Good thing that the fans were gone.

"Are they still there?"
"Nope, all clear."
"Yeah, come let's book in for the night.
So we went to the receptionist and told her we were booking in.

"Ah, miss Sofie your manager was here a minute ago and he said you were coming and told me to book you here."
"Oh, really?"
"Now come on follow me and I'll take you to your room."

So we followed the guy to our room.
"So, here's your room miss Soffie."

When she went inside she couldn't believe her eyes. She saw a queen size bed, a flat screen TV, two recliners and there were two bathrooms and a beautiful scenery from the outside and there's a swimming pool too.

"Awe, Jeffery, you really outdone yourself." She thought to herself.
"Catherine you stay here for a while I look around downstairs and unload our things will you? Then follow me downstairs."
"Okay, Sofie, will do."

So Sofie went downstairs to check out the pool when suddenly a guy bumped into her.

"Hey, watch where you're going."
"Oh, sorry," she said as she looked up.
She thought this guy looked familiar. Then, she suddenly remembered.

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Where stories live. Discover now