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We got down and went in the restaurant and when we got there I can't believe my eyes. I saw a huge building that has a sign of a cook and it says: Taste of Italy.
"Wow," I said in awe.
"Come on Cherie let's go in." Ethan said.
So we went in and the waiter told us.
"Do you have a reservation sir?"
"Yes, I'm Ethan Patterson I made a reservation here a few days ago.
"Ah, yes, here you are. Please follow me."
So we followed the waiter to our seat.
"Here, Cherie sit." Ethan then pulled the chair so I can seat.
"Thanks, Ethan you're such a gentleman."
So I sat down and he sat in front of me and Daniel sat beside me.
It's getting awfully awkward because Daniel is here but it's okay I guess?"
"So Cherie what do you want to order?"
"Hmm? I'll have the salad with fettuccine and I'll have a mango shake please."
"I'll have a vegan pizza with extra avocado."
"Okay, how about you sir?"
"Can you just give the special here?"
"Okay, sir coming right up."
While waiting for our oders we just talk about school stuff or our friends.
"So Daniel what do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a singer or a dancer.
Oh, Daniel that's so cool you must have a beautiful voice."
"Yeah, Daniel give us a sample."
"I'm shy. I do it when I'm in the bathroom."
He said very nervous. He lied about the singing he was just trying to empress Cherie. But he lied to himself instead.
Ethan can read Daniel clearly that he is lying.
"You're lying are you?"
"What? No."
"Then prove it."
Why did I come here in the first place I shouldn't have come. Oh right I came here to be with Cherie. But Ethan ask Cherie out first. Ahhhh. What was thinking? I'm being the third wheel here. This is so humiliating. Why did I let myself be this way. Should I go? It's looks like I'm the only one third wheeling around here. Should I just go? But if I go. I'll won't get to eat the food here. But my pride is more important I can eat here some other time. This is too much why did I get invole in the first place, oh right Cherie. Ahh I can't take it anymore. I said in my head.
"Cherie, Um, I'm not feeling so well?"
"Are you that hungry? Well let's wait for the food I'm sure it'll be here in any moment now."
"No, Cherie, I'm not feeling well. I have to go home?"
"All of a sudden?"
"Okay, take care, do you want me to buy you food here?"
"Ah, Cherie, that wouldn't be nessessary,"
"Cherie, let Daniel go and let's eat lunch together."
"Okay Ethan,"
So Daniel left and got back to our reserve table. back and we both sat down and waited for our orders to arrive. We just talk for a while. We talk about how Daniel just left like that.
"Cherie, I think Daniel is lying to you."
"Lying? What do you mean lying?"
"Remember earlier when you ask him about his dream?"
"Yeah, so."
"He said he wants to be a singer right. Well I can see through him. That's not want he wants. He was just lying to empress you."
"I'm sure, his just shy to sing in public."
"Yeah, I guess so."
Then our orders came.
"Hmm? Looks, yummy doesnt it?"
"I wish Daniel hadn't left so early, he was hoping to taste the food here."
"Don't worry, I'll take out his order so that you can give it to him?"
What the... What am I saying? Why am I helping Cherie get closer to Daniel? why?" he said in his head.
I noticed Ethan mumbling to himself again. Then I ask.
"Ethan, what's wrong?"
He came back to his senses when he heard Cherie calling him.
"Oh, Huh?" He said.
"Come on, Ethan let's eat I'm sure your just hungry."
So we ate are food and it was divine. It was so good and delicious I wish Daniel was able to taste it somehow.
What the... Why am I thinking about him? It's strange, I cannot seem to get him off my mind but why? I got nothing to do with him? I'm sure I'm just overreacting that's why I keep thinking about him.
Then Ethan called me and I was back to reality.
"Ah, Cherie are you alright, you just zone out for a minute there."
"Huh? Yeah. I just.. Nevermind. So are you still going to my house later, invite Jennie then we'll camp out okay?"
"Yeah, sure."
So we kept eating and talking and about fifteen minutes were done.
"Awe, Cherie, you got something on your face."
"Where," I said touching my face and trying to remove the dirt away."
"Here, I'll get it. He came closer and remove the dirt from my lips. I blushed red.
He came closer and closer.
My heart suddenly beating faster and faster but why?
"What is he doing is he going to kiss me again?"
He came close and gave me a quick kiss. I covered my face because I'm a red as tomato right now.
He took off my hands from my face.
"Hey, there's no need to be embarrassed. I just want you to know that I'm here for you and I love you."
"But... Ethan, do you really like me?"
"I don't just like you Cherie, I love you."
"What but... How can that be?"
"Well, my feelings told me so. If you are not ready yet. He smiled I understand.
I just nodded and said.
"Okay, but I need some time to think about this."
"Yeah, of course let's talk about that some other time. Come on now I'll take you home."
So we headed out and got to his car.
He opened the car door for me so I got in the passenger seat then he got into the driver seat.
It was silent but not awkard even though we kissed. I still cannot understand this feeling why am I so confused? Probably nothing.
Then ten minutes passed by and we're here.
"Come on, Cherie get down were here."
"Oh, okay. Bye, Ethan I'll see later."
"Yeah, you will."
"And Cherie,"
"I love you," he whispered.
"Okay, I'll see you later."

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Where stories live. Discover now