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So Daniel asked Cherie on a date. What will Cherie say about this?

"Hey, Cherie. Want to go on a date?"

"No, thank you I have a lot of things to do at home. I'll think about it."
"Just tell me when you're free."

"Daniel, why did you buy shoes for Sunnie?"

"I was just trying to help."

"Next time, tell me first. You just spent 2,000 dollars on my sister."

"It's okay Cherie, besides I want to help you anyway."

"So, are you coming to Ethan house tomorrow after school."

"Yeah, that's the only way that you'll forgive me then I'll do it."

"Well, that depends if Ethan will forgive you."

"Cherie can't you decide on your own if you will forgive me or not."

"Daniel, it's not easy because I saw you punch my best friend, if you hadn't done that in the first place. So please just apologize to Ethan sincerely so we could go back to the way we were before."

"But, I did and he doesn't accept it."

"Daniel, give him time to think because it's hard for him to forgive you. I mean you just punched him out for no reason at all."

"Yeah, I'm sorry Cherie,"

"It's not me who should be the one who you should be apologizing to. It's Ethan."

"I understand."

"Just tell him you're sorry and maybe he'll forgive you and Ethan is not that bad once you get to know him better."

"Yeah, Cherie, I guess you're right."

"Come on go and apologize."

"Okay. I'll do that."

"Then, see you later."

I said and went with Sunnie.

"Yeah, see you around. Come on, Sunnie. I'm getting hungry."

"Hey, Cherie, do want me to treat you."

"Sure but where?"

"I know a place."


We followed Daniel to a nearby restaurant and it's looks not that bad but still. The place needs more cleaning if you ask me.

"Daniel, where are we going? Are you sure that this is the place you're talking about."

"Well, yeah. Come on let's take a seat.

He didn't pull a chair for me. Well it's okay I guess. He just sat there. I'm feeling a bit nervous around him. I wonder why?

"Cherie, here's the menu."

"Thanks Daniel."

Just then, the waiter arrived.

So I take a look at the menu. There's so many choices. Hmm.

"I'll take the Burger Bacon with extra cheese and lettuce and a cheesy fries and iced tea please."

"Okay, mam, how about you sir?"

"I'll take the double meaty bugger and a hot chilly fries and ice tea please."

"Cherie, I have to go to the ladies room,"Sunnie said.

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Where stories live. Discover now