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Cherie went to the park and he saw Daniel sitting on the bench so she sat beside him and said.

"Daniel, we need to talk."
"About what, Cher?"
"The day you confessed your feelings for me and that day that you kissed me at school, was it true? Do you like me?"
"Yes, I will admit I like you, and would I say it if I didn't mean it?"
"Daniel, I don't know what to say?"
"You don't have to say anything, I know you're not ready for this, and I'm not expecting an answer now. I'll give you time to think about it."

I nodded. Before saying.

"Okay, Daniel, I'll think about it."

We remained silent for a while. Then he asked me.

"Do you want to go inside a cafe?"
"Sure, let's go."

He said leading the way we stopped and we saw a sign that says: Cafe de Flore. We went inside. There are not a lot of people here who were the first ones.

Then a waiter approached us and said,

"Êtes-Vous prêt à commander." (Are you ready to order?)
"Oui, j'aurai la baguette et le croissant et un shake au Chocolat et une Boisson à la fraise à la Menthe poivrée s'il Vous plaît. (Yes, I'll have the baguette, croissant, one choco shake, and peppermint strawberry drink, please.)
"D'accord, à venir." (Okay, coming right up."
"Wow, Cherie, I didn't know that you could speak french."
"It's nothing, Ethan can speak French too. You wouldn't mind if I asked him to come here, would you?"
"What now?"
"Okay, sure." He said, pretending not to be annoyed.
"I'll talk to him in French so that you can hear him speak French as well."

Before he tried to protest. I dialed his number and on the second ring he answered by saying:

" Ethan pouvez-vous venir ici. (Ethan, can you come here?)
"Ah, Cherie, why are you suddenly speaking French?"
"Ethan, just go with it, I'll explain later."
"Ethan, où es-tu?" (Ethan, where are you?)
"Je Suis à la Maison en train de finir mes devoirs. Je serai là dans dix minutes." (I'm at home just finishing my homework. I'll be there in ten minutes.)
"D'accord, Je vais attendre et oh Je viens d'apprendre qu'il y a un nouveau restaurant français près de l'école. Moi et Daniel sommes déjà là. J'ai décidé de vous informer." (Okay, I'll be waiting and oh I just found out there's a new french restaurant near the school. I and Daniel are already here. I decided to let you know.)
"D'accord, merci de m'avoir prévenu, j'y arriverai dès que possible." (Alright, thanks for letting me know, I'll get there as soon as possible.)
"D'accord, j'attendrai d'arriver ici comme tu peux." (Alright, I'll be waiting to get here as you can.)
"Je le ferai bébé, je t'aime." (Will do babe. I love you.)
"Ethan viens-tu de le faire." (Ethan did you just?")
"Oups. Ne Vous inquiétez pas, Je serai là dès Que Je pourrai. Je dois y aller Chérie, Je te verrai plus tard." (Oops. Don't worry, I'll be there as soon as I can. Got to go Cherie I'll see you later.)
"D'accord, Je te verrai plus tard." (Okay, I'll see you later.")
"Okay, bye."
"Bye," he said as he hung up.

I couldn't believe he called me babe on the phone while speaking French. It's so adorable. I thought to myself.

"Ah, Cherie,"
"Yeah, Daniel?"
"Yes, Daniel?"
"Is Ethan your boyfriend?"
"I don't think I have the right to answer that. But if you must know, we're just close friends and we love each other."
"So, you're not dating?"
"Why should I answer that? Are you interrogating me right now?"
"No, but why can't you answer?"
"Because it's personal okay, I didn't push you when you had a problem on the bus. Why are you so interested in me dating Ethan?"
"It bothers me okay? Because I told you I like you and you still care about Ethan."
"What are you talking about Daniel?"
"I'm jealous of Ethan alright because I like you! No, let me rephrase that. I love you. But you don't see it. Because you're focusing on Ethan and not me?
"What do you mean? I spend so much time with Ethan because he is my best friend."
"Don't you see? Ethan likes you."
"I already know that Daniel, he confessed his feelings for me while we were eating at an Italian restaurant."
"Yeah, I saw him kissing you."
"That day, at the restaurant I didn't really leave. I was outside watching you and Ethan eat lunch and he kissed you."
"Yeah, so?"
"What? Cherie, do you not like me? I already told you how I felt and you still have no idea?"
"I'm sorry, but you said you'll give me time to think this through. But why are you pressuring me right now?"
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pressured you."
"Nevermind, just don't bring it up again. You know my situation and I am not up for a relationship right now."
"Okay, Cherie. I understand."
"Alright, then."

She just sat there watching and waiting for Ethan. She keeps glancing at her phone.

While we were waiting for Ethan I had to go to the bathroom so I told Daniel.

Ethan just finished his homework he double-checked them. Then he remembered that he must meet Cherie at a French restaurant. So he got dressed and went to the garage to get his car in the garage. He then drove it out and strapped his seatbelt on and drove there. He uses the ways in his car just to get there. After minutes of driving, he finally got there. So he entered the room and saw Daniel sitting at the table.

He came near him and asked.

"Daniel, where's Cherie?"
"Oh, her? She's in the ladies' room."

I came out of the ladies' room and saw Ethan just came. I rush out and give him a back hug.

"Thanks, for coming Ethan,'' I said as I pulled away from the hug.

Daniel is feeling awkward. He cleared his throat and said.

"Yes, Daniel?"
"It's nothing, never mind."
"So, Ethan, I'm glad you came."
"Of course, anything for my girl... I mean best friend. Haha."

I smiled at him.

"So did you guys order yet."
"Oh, I haven't ordered yours 'cause I didn't know what you like."
"Well then, I'll order the croissant and one choco mint latte."
"Okay, sir."

Then the waiter left us.

There's an awkward silence between the three of us. Should I start a conversation what am I supposed to say?

"Ethan, um, how was your day?"
"It's fine. I just finished my homework earlier." He said.
"Cherie, Daniel suddenly said.
"What is Daniel?"
"Are you joining the badminton championship?"

Wait, how did he know that I was entering the championship? I said in my head.
I was still thinking when Ethan said.

"Really? You're entering?"
"It's undecided yet, Ethan."
"What's there to hesitate, don't worry, I'll practice with you just like before. I'm sure you'll be able to beat your competitors."
"Okay, Ethan."
"So, Daniel, how was science for you?"
"It's hard combining the formulas and measuring them to get the exact amount. It is very tricky."
"Oh, is that so."
"Yeah and even with Harris helping me I still didn't get it quite right."
"Oh, I see."

Then our orders arrived. We ate our food silently. After that Ethan said.

"Cherie, I need to talk to you."
"Sure." We both stood up and went to a quiet place."
"Daniel, will you excuse us?"
"Go ahead."

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Where stories live. Discover now