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In the morning.

I woke up with sunlight hitting my face. I slowly fluttered my eyes open. After a while, I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face. Then I went back to my room to fix my bed by arranging the pillows and folding the blankets. After that, I went downstairs to have breakfast.

I saw my mom cooking breakfast while dad is watching the news on the TV. My sister is not here yet. Maybe she's still sleeping in her room.

"Hi, mom and dad! Good morning."
"Oh, good morning, sweetie."
"Mom, what's for breakfast?"

"It's pancakes with maple syrup and pecan nuts and bacon."
"Wow, it's looks tasty, mom."
"What are you waiting for? Go eat your breakfast."

"Aren't you going to join me?"
"Honey, I'd like to join you but your dad cannot join you today because he's allergic of nuts."
"Oh, I see."
So mom joined me. After I ate breakfast. I went to my room to rest for a while before fixing my things and getting ready for school.

So I got my bag and put my notebooks and and other books I need for school, after that I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Afterwards, I dried myself with a towel and go to my walk in closet and took out my black school uniform and wore it.

I sat on my chair and began drying my hair with a blower. I also put black and white colored clips to my hair so that they'll match my uniform. Then I wore my white socks and black shoes then I went downstairs and say goodbye to my parents.

"Bye, mom and dad see you later. I love you."
"Enjoy your day sweetie, bye we love you too."

So I went out and walk to the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive. While I wait I just plugged my earphones to my ears so I could listen to music while I was listening to music someone sat beside me I didn't mind. Then the bus here. I climbed up and saw Tony with another girl I just ignored him and sat on the front. At least, he's not my problem anymore. I saw Daniel at the window of the bus.

He climbed the bus and no seats are left well there's one in front and beside me. He sat there I didn't mind.

"Hey, Cherie." he said.
Wow he is actually talking to me now but why is he acting strange the the other day. Hmm? I said in my mind and said.

"Oh, hi, Daniel."
"Look, I'm sorry, that I completely ignored you last week is just that my ex-crush came back and I was bothered for a while."
"It's okay, don't worry about it."
"Ah, so did you finish your science homework yesterday?"
"Yeah, it's alright, it's a bit hard but after a few tries, I finally got it right."
"That's good."
I put my head on his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled.
"Do you mind if I take a nap."
"Not at all, I just wake you up when we get there."He said gave a smile at me.

So the bus drove off it stopped and other passengers got off the bus. Then it took of again. Daniel just looked at Cherie, she's so cute when she's sleeping. He said to himself.

Then the bus stopped and he look at the front. It was their stop. So he started to wake Cherie awake by slowly shaking her.

"Cherie, wake up, we're here."
I opened my eyes to see Daniel staring at me. I shook it off and got of the bus.
"Cherie, wait for me please?" He said as he tried catching up with me.

I just walk on the grounds of the school then I saw Marie and Clarie are waiting for me at the lockers.

"Cherie, why did Daniel followed you here?"
"What?" I asked kind of confused.
I turn around and saw that Daniel was still here.
"Daniel, don't you have class to attend to?"
"Oh, yeah, I'll see you later Cherie."

Daniel left.

"Ooo, I didn't noticed Daniel followed me all the way here."
"Hey, I think he's doing that to get your attention."
"Ah, no way, that's impossible besides he told me there's a girl that he likes and it's not me, Maybe it's Mindy don't you think? Oh guys, I'm sorry but I have to go my English class starts in less than five minutes."

"Okay, well see you later."
After Cherie left.
"Cherie has no idea at all, doesn't she?"
"Yeah, but I think she'll notice it sooner or later."
"More like sooner or never."They laughed as they went to their respective classrooms.


"I miss Cherie, when can I see my best friend again? I'll just ask her out on a date later. If I confess that I like her, will she accept my feelings? I've known her since we're little kids. But until now, she doesn't see me as her lover, only her best friend. I want her to be my girlfriend. But I know she's not ready for it. I've already told her how I felt for it's all up to her now if she accepts me or rejects me. But I hope she'll accepts me I just hope. She'll agree.

Then the teacher called him.
"Ethan, can you come here and answer this question on the board?"

His thoughts were interrupted at that moment, And so, Ethan stood up and solve the equation about five minutes.

"Wow, Ethan I'm impressed. You may take your seat."
"Thank you Miss Thomson."

As he went back to his seat, someone talked to him.

"Wow, Ethan, you're so good at math."
"It's nothing, besides I owe it all to my best friend. She's a good teacher."
"Ethan, do you like someone?"
"Riley, that's a bit personal to ask don't you think? But, yes, I do like someone."
"Really? Who is it?"
"Sorry, I can't tell you because it's my secret to keep."
"Aww, why not?"

Then the bell rang.
"Sorry, girls, I've got to go. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye, Ethan take care, I love you."
He just ignored it and shook his head.

After walking for a while, he got into the bus. A few minutes later, the bus drove off.

He then went to Cherie's place to tell her that a girl at school told him "I love you."

How would Cherie react to this? If she gets affected that probably mean that she somehow has feelings for me too. I just hope that will be the case. He said in his mind while he got down the bus and walked all the way to Cherie's house.

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Where stories live. Discover now