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Nathan has liked Sunnie since the day he saw her. But he wasn't sure how he was feeling so he kept on delaying his confession to her. However, he decided on telling her soon, especially when Leo showed up, he decided to tell her how he feels but he is like his brother he is also shy to admit his feelings. But now, he is going to do it. He's just finding the right words and the timing. Just then, someone called him.

"Nathan." Gigi said to him.
"Gigi, what is it?"
"Ah, nothing, I was calling you cause class starts in five minutes.
"Okay, I'll be there, you go ahead I'll catch up."
"Sure, but hurry."
"Will do."


Daniel was in Math class. He was thinking about how to get Cherie's attention. He was staring at the window suddenly, and the teacher approached him and asked.

"Daniel, solve this problem." Miss Lisa said to him.

When Daniel was solving it. Cherie noticed he wasn't doing it right.

"I'm sorry Daniel, you got it wrong. Next time, try to focus and listen okay. He nodded. Miss Lisa sighed. You may take your seat. Who wants to try next?"

I raised my hand.

"Ah, yes. Go ahead, Cherie."

I went to the board and solved the equation within minutes. Everyone was amazed.

"Cherie, you got it right, congratulations."
"Well, I just fixed Daniel's equation and answered that and added a few touches.

Everyone was amazed by my math skills, including Daniel.

"Someone is waiting for you outside the school?"
"Really, who is it?"
"Go out there and find out."
"Okay, okay."

I asked Miss Lisa if I could go out and she agreed. So I went out of my class and checked out who was waiting for me outside. To my shock it was........ Delin. Ugh not him. I said to myself.

He saw me and went near me and said.

"Hi, Cher, how are you?"
"What are you doing here and how did you manage to find me?"
"I'm sorry, Cher, I didn't mean to hurt you before, yes I'll admit I was selfish and insecure back then. But I want you back please Cherie."
"No, from what I remembered you're so much worse than Tony, I loved you back then since we were in fifth grade but no you only played with my feelings and threw them in the trash bin. Since you left, I wasn't able to be myself and now you want me back. You act as if nothing happened between us that it's okay for you to just move on and leave me behind and now what? You want me back. No thanks. Besides, I love someone else now."
"You don't need to know. I'll go ahead and you better stay out of my way." I said as I bumped into him as I passed by.

I was angry that I saw him again. But what can I do?" I said and sighed deeply. I sat on a chair. When Marie and Clarie saw me they went near me and sat down beside me and said.

"Cherie, what's wrong?"

I sighed and said.

"It's Delin, he's back."
"What the.... For real?"
"Yeah, and you know what he freaking said to me.
"He said he wants me back."
"That a***h**** when I get my hands on him I will rip him to shreds the nerve of that guy. Ugh just thinking about him makes my blood boil.
"Come on, guys, let's go to the cafeteria, I need something cold to drink to release this anger of mine."

So we went to the cafeteria and I bought an ice cold drink to calm my nerves. I slowly calm down.

"That refreshing drink is surely soothing my nerves."
"Yeah, come on."

We get back to class.

"What's your next subject?"
"I think I have no classes left. So, I'll head to the library and I'll meet you there okay."

I was waking my way to the library when suddenly I bumped into Daniel. He turned around and looked at me and said.

"Sorry, I didn't realize that you are passing.
"No, it's alright,"
"Um, are you headed to the library?"
"Yes, are you?"
"Why are you going there?"
"To read I just finished my class earlier? How about you?"

I smiled at him. He's kind of awkward when he has nothing to say but that makes him cute. I looked away. Good thing he didn't notice.
So I and Daniel went to the library. We entered and sat side by side with each other.

"Daniel, keep my seat warm, I'll just grab a book to read." I said to him,

He got a chance to make this right. He thought to himself. I should keep my eyes on her so I can protect her if something happens.

I was reading a book when suddenly someone pushed me to the shelf. He went near me and said,

"Cherie, listen can we just forget about the past and start over as friends.
"I don't want to be friends with someone like you."

He was about to slap me when I saw Daniel confront him.

"What's your problem?"
"Who are you? Get out of my way."

Then Delin shoved Daniel aside but Daniel was still covering Cherie. Then he said,

"What do you want?" Daniel said with a taunting voice.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Cherie's boyfriend of course."

I faceslap myself here we go again.

"As if, Cherie, wouldn't date such a wimp like you. Cherie, only dates guys who have buff bodies. Right Cherie?"

I couldn't answer but part of it was true. So I slowly nodded and shook my head.
I look at Daniel asking him to do something. So he prevented that guy from coming near Cherie.
"Go away. Stay away from her. He snarled.
"Cherie, will tell this guy to back off. I just have something to say to you."
"Ugh, what is it now."
"Cherie, if you don't listen I won't hesitate to hurt sister."
"Stay away from Sunnie, Delin you creep."
"If you want to know more, meet me at my place and don't bring your prissy wimp sad excuse for a boyfriend. I know you Cherie, you will not actually date this pathetic guy, if you want Sunnie to live let's talk later and don't bring Ethan either, okay? And strictly no cops."

I silently nodded. After he left Daniel asked.

"Who was that guy?"

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Where stories live. Discover now