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Ethan drove me home. On the way, we went to a nearby ice cream store. He bought me my favorite, strawberry peppermint ice cream.

"Thanks for treating me to ice cream, Ethan." I said with a smile.

He got his cream flavored with mint chocolate. We were just walking and talking about various things when I saw Daniel up ahead.

"What is he doing here?"

He looked up and he saw Daniel.

"Cherie, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Sure, Ethan."

Daniel came near me and said.

"Where have you been?"
"I've been with Ethan and he brought me somewhere."
"Oh, I see."
"But why are you here? Are you here to see me?"
"Yes, I'm here to see you."
"Why, are you going to say something?"
"Um, so....... Is Ethan..." Just then, someone interrupted us.

"Cherie," Sunnie called my name.
"Wait Sunnie, I'm talking to Daniel, he's just about to say something."
"Cherie, you have to come with me inside," my sister said she pulled me inside the house.
"Sorry, Daniel but I have to go. Can you ask me about it later?"
"Okay." He said with a nod before leaving.

"Sunnie, what are you going to say to me?"
"Mom's sick, she has a high fever."
"What did you say?"
"Mom's sick and dad is taking care of her."
"I want to see her."

So they entered the house and went to their parents room. I saw dad taking care of mom. I then entered the room and closed the door. I went near mom and took a seat on the chair.

"Mom, how did you get sick?"
"Cherie, it's nothing, I just need to take my medicine and I'll be better."
"Okay, mom."
"I don't know when I'll be better so you have to cook for us."
"Yes, mom. I'll try. Mom, can I call Ethan over so that he'll help me to take care of you?"

She just nodded and smiled.

"Sunnie, take care of mom for a while. I'll just get Ethan next door."
"Okay, Cher."

So I rushed to get Ethan. I ran next door. I didn't notice there's a car running towards me. I thought I was going to get hit by a car so I closed my eyes but someone caught me and guided me to safety. I opened my eyes and saw...... What I have least expected. It was none other than Xian. He helped me up and said,

"Are you okay? Little girl?" He asks with a worried look on his face.
"Yeah, Xian thanks for saving me from that speeding car. By the way, what are you doing here?"
"Nothing, I'm just passing by."
"Are you really? Or were you stalking me?"
"Me, stalking you? No, my friend lives near here so I'm paying him a visit."
"Uh, Huh, sure carry on."
"Hey, where are you going by the way?"

If I told him, maybe he would stalk me even more so I just said.

"I'm just going to a friend's house.
"Oh, okay, carry on."

So I walked to Ethan's place and knocked on his door. Ethan opened the door and saw me.

"Cherie, what are you doing here?"
"My mom's sick and she wants you and me to take care of her. Is that alright with you?"
"Of course, come on."

As we walked we were just talking about stuff and I said to him.

"Ethan, did you know Xian saved me from a speeding car earlier."
"Oh, really? He did?"
"Yeah, but I find it kind of weird. I mean how does he know where I live? I didn't tell him that. But he knew?"

He sighed.

"Don't worry, I'll handle him so don't be scared."
"Okay, thanks Ethan."
"Sure, Cherie." I'll do anything just to protect you. I love you." He said silently in his mind.

Then they got in the house.


Jennie was thinking about that guy he met at Brandon's pool party, the guy was blocking her way. But I feel like I've met him before. But it's impossible. He's not the guy I met in France or is he?" No, no, no, Jennie, have you gone insane. I don't even remember him and yet I'm assuming that it's maybe him. Maybe I don't know." She said as sighed deeply. I stop thinking about it and read a book to keep my mind off him.

I don't know where he is but I sure do miss him. I wish I could see him again." She said as she laid on her bed.

Minutes later, Harris went to visit Jeffrey because he said he would give something that belonged to him. So he got dressed and wore his black shirt and leather jeans and his black and white rubber shoes. So he was done. He went down stairs to see Harry and Donna playing cars and then I said to them.

"Donna, I'm going out."
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to meet an acquaintance of mine, he says he's going to give me something."
"Oh, okay then, just don't stay out too long."
"Okay, I won't."

So Harris went out of the house and went to his garage to get his car and without hesitation he drove to the Blue hotel. A few minutes later, he arrived and saw Jeffrey standing outside the building and he saw him and called.

"Jeffery, I'm here," he said as he went near him.
"Oh, Harris. I'm so glad you came."
"Sorry, if I came late, because so much happened lately."
"It's alright, at least you're here now."
"Right, what was it you're going to give me?"
"Oh. That... Wait here, I'll just get it."
"Please come and take a seat."

So he came in and sat on the chair. He looked around and saw beautiful paintings all around and it's a large place. It's so spacious, wow. It's beautiful here. Just then, Jeffery came back holding a folder and he handed it to me and said.

"Open it."

He saw a picture of Daniel and some cash money.

"Uh, Jeffery, what is the meaning of this?"
"That guy, do you know him?"
"Yeah, he's my friend."
"Oh good, can you tell him to meet me sometime? I just want to offer him something."
"Yeah, sure."
"Yeah, see you again thanks, and keep the money, I know you will need it sometime."
"Thanks, for this."
"It's no problem."
"I better get going, see you again Jeffrey,"
"Yeah, okay."

Harris then took a cab to get home. Minutes later he got home and Donna greeted him.

"Hi, sweetie! How was your day?"
"It was great, talk to you later, I just want to rest in my room."
"Sure, sweetie, I'll make you dinner."
"Okay, thanks Donna."

So he went upstairs and freshened up. Afterwards, he wore his homewear which is a white t-shirt and blue shorts before laying on his bed as he wonders if Jennie still remembers him. While he was thinking about that, suddenly there was a knock on the door. He opened it to see Donna with his dinner. She entered the room and put the food on my table. He then sat down, chewed it thoroughly and swallowed it. Hmm, it was a delicious meal. He then drank water and rested for a while. Fifteen minutes have passed Donna came up to his room to get the plate and utensils and he handed them over and said.

"Thanks for dinner, it was really delicious."
"Your welcome." She said and gently closed the door.

After thinking for a while, he stood up, brushed his teeth, played with his phone before deciding to turn off the lights and laying down on his bed before he slowly dozed off to sleep.

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Where stories live. Discover now