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After Haylee gave Cole Lex's Instagram, she heard that they DMed all the time. Cole then worked up the nerve to ask for her phone number. The two texted all the time. Haylee also asked Paige and Dillon to help out. Everyone agreed to go out for ice cream after their next home game.

The next home game was against LA Galaxy. Sam scored a 90th minute winner. Haylee was off to the side cheering wilfully with Taylor, the event presentation coordinator. She was so proud of Sam, and honestly couldn't wait to go out and celebrate.

"Where are you going?" Haylee called after Sam as he ran by her, "you have a player appearance!"

"Bathroom," Sam yelled over his shoulder.

Haylee and Taylor nodded slowly looking at their watches. There was still some time. Haylee'a quickly texted Alexia asking her to please meet her at the Eighteen 76 where Sam's player appearance would be. From there, they would go meet Cole and Dillon down outside the locker rooms in the North building.

Haylee walked Sam up to the Eighteen 76. Haylee stood off to the side chatting with Jordan, the Senior Graphic Designer and designated photographer, and Lex while Taylor explained to the fans how it would work. Paige slipped in and hugged the youngest Arenando before turning to Haylee and Jordan.

"You have to be happy that Sam scored," Lex smiled.

"So happy," Haylee agreed.

"Before I sign anything, there's something I want say," Sam said nervously walking over to Haylee. Jordan immediately pulled out his phone and started recording.

"Sam," Haylee whispered.

"Haylee, you've been such a big part of my life for the last three years. I love you more than anything. Celebrating my goal with my team is awesome, but there's no one else I'd rather celebrate everything with than you," Sam got down on one knee and pulled out the black velvet box, "Haylee, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Haylee cried as everyone cheered.

Haylee grinned as Sam stood up and slid the ring onto her finger. The two of them hugged and kissed. Sam winked at Haylee before walking over to sign autographs and take pictures with the fans.

"We're engaged!" Haylee cried to Paige and Lex.

"Congrats!" The two women hugged Haylee as they gushed over the gorgeous square diamond ring.

"Is Dillon still waiting with Cole?"

"He is," she nodded.

"Did he know Sam was going to propose? Did you?" Haylee asked.

"He probably did. I didn't."

"We have much to celebrate tonight then," Haylee gently nudged Lex in the ribs.

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