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Haylee stood up and raised her glass in celebration as Jonah hit the ball

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Haylee stood up and raised her glass in celebration as Jonah hit the ball. He ran to first base and then passed on to go to second. He dove for second when he realised he could get out. Haylee cringed and gasped when he landed on top of the base—hard.

"Oof that hurt me to see," Lindsee flinched.

"Me too," Haylee crinkled her nose. Jonah didn't immediately stand up and rolled on to his side and held an arm up, "something's wrong. He's hurt."

"I think so too," Genevieve agreed, "I'd head down."

"I am," Haylee nodded grabbing her bag and standing up.

She stood there for a second and watched while the team medics checked him out. Haylee's heart was racing as she walked quickly though the stadium towards the locker rooms. She slipped her oversized sunglasses on and pulled out her phone when she felt it buzzing. She looked down and saw it was a call from Millie.

"Hey, Millie," Haylee answered.

"Haylee, do you know what's wrong?"

"I don't. I'm heading down to the locker room. It looks like they're helping him up now," she looked back out to the field.

"The TV announcers think he landed wrong," Fernando added in.

"I thought it looked like a rough landing too. I quite literally cringed," she agreed flashing her badge at security, "I just got down to the locker rooms. I'll call you back when I know what's going on."

"Okay thank you. We love you both!" Millie said before hanging up.

Haylee quickly walked through the hallways towards the locker rooms. She pulled out a different badge that would allow her to scan into the hallway in front of the home locker rooms. She walked in just as Jonah did.

"Jonah!" Haylee ran forward to him, "what happened?"

"Broken arm for sure. Potentially a dislocated shoulder," Ethan told her.

"Jo," Haylee whispered softly taking his other hand.

"I'll be fine," he mumbled.

"You're bleeding," Haylee's eyes widened when she saw his white jersey stained red.

"Yeah that's how we know his arm is broken," Will nodded.

"Compound and open fracture," Haylee sighed walking into the locker rooms with them. Jonah went and sat down in his locker.

"Yeah how do you know?" Will asked.

"I started off as a sports med major," Haylee explained as packed up Jonah's bag.

"Come 'ere," Jonah mumbled holding his arm out to her.

Haylee obliged and walked over with his bag. She dropped it at his feet and wrapped her arms around him, careful to avoid his arm that was in a temporary sling. She gently kissed his jaw and rubbed his back.

"The ambulance is ready for you, Jonah," Will said walking in with more paramedics.

"You can go with him, Haylee," Ethan informed her.

"Okay," she nodded picking up Jonah's bag again. 

Jonah was helped up onto the bed. Haylee followed behind as they walked to the ambulance. She was helped in after they got Jonah in. She was directed where to sit. Haylee held Jonah's hand and kissed his cheek.

"Am I going straight into surgery?" Jonah asked.

"I'm guessing they'll do x-rays first and then get you ready."

"Okay," Jonah nodded.

Haylee felt so bad for him. She could tell he was really hurting even if he didn't say it. Jonah didn't like to say when he was hurting. Even when he had been younger that was something he didn't like to do. During one of his college games, he played for a month with a sprained wrist before he told anyone about it. She kissed the back of his hand softly.

"I'm gonna call your mom and then your brothers and Lex."

"Don't call Lex, please."

"If you're sure."

"I'm sure," he nodded. She nodded and called Millie back.

"What's the verdict?" Millie answered instantly.

"Open fractured arm, and a potentially dislocated shoulder. We're heading to the hospital now."

"We're catching the next plane up to you two," Millie informed her.

"Oh great! I'm gonna call Nolan and Cousy when we get off."

"Not Lex?"

"Jonah asked me not to. Lex hasn't spoken to me, Jo, or Noly in weeks. Maybe you'll have better luck getting through to her," Haylee sighed.

"Can I talk to Mom?" Jonah asked.

"Of course. Jonah would like to talk to you Millie," Haylee handed him her phone.

"Hey, Mom. Yeah I'm fine. I'm fine. No Haylee's just dramatic," he winked at her.

"I can be but not about this," Haylee rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. It's fine if Couz can't get up here, and I'm sure Nols won't be able to either. Don't even bother calling Lex. She's busy globe trotting with Devin and D'Angelo. No I'm serious. Don't even bother. She's not gonna answer, and we all found that out a while ago. I'm serious. Don't call her. She'll find out when she finds out. Here's Haylee," Jonah handed her phone back and held his hand out to hers.

"I'm guessing you heard that," Millie sounded sad.

"Yeah I did."

"Can you please talk to him? Lex would be devastated to find out on social media," Millie begged.

"I'll try, but you and I both know Arenados don't change their minds," Haylee sighed.

"I do know. Well thank you in advance for trying. We'll see you both soon."

"Okay, bye, Millie," and with that, she hung up.

"She want you to change my mind?" Jonah asked.

"She asked me to talk to you," she conceded.

"Are you?"

"We're talking now. At the end of the day it's up to you. I'll tell whoever you want me to. But your mom is right. Lex is gonna be pissed if she finds out on social media."

"She hasn't talked to us in weeks. She doesn't give a damn. Just call Cousy and Nols for now," Jonah squeezed her hand.

"I think I should call Lex, but I'm not going to argue with you," Haylee sighed as she pressed call on Cousy's name.

"Thank you. I love you," Jonah gave her a pained smile.

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