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Haylee sat in her hospital room watching Arsenal play. Her memories were slowly coming back. She was starting to remember her parents, brother, sister-in-law, best friend and her three brothers. They had been showing her pictures and videos to try and help.

She had other visitors too. The whole Arsenal team had come and visited her a few times. Another friend named Christian had been coming every few days as he could. She appreciated that everyone cared so much.

Haylee had been through all six surgeries that had been deemed necessary. She knew she was lucky to be alive having seen pictures of the accident and what she looked like when she first arrived at the hospital.

There was a knock on the door that drew her out of her thoughts, "who is it?"

"It's Jonah."

"Come in," she called back.

The door opened before he walked in with a smile. She smiled back at him as he sat down next to her.

"How are you feeling?"

"Tired and sore so nothing too new. How are you?"

"I'm good. I have to go back home in a couple of days though."

"Oh," she frowned, "Do Lex and Nolan have to go too?"

"Unfortunately yes. Nolan and I have to get back to our teams, and Lex has to go back to school to get ready for midterms," he explained.

"Oh. Okay. So then it's just gonna be my parents and Paige because Dillon has to get back to pre season too," Haylee looked down at her hands sadly. She sniffled a little bit.

"Oh no, please don't cry," Jonah begged as he carefully hugged her.

She rest her forehead on his shoulder as she cried softly clinging on to him. She had gotten used to having everyone around. Haylee was almost never alone.

"I'm just gonna miss everyone," she mumbled softly as she tried to calm down a bit.

"We'll miss you too. But we'll still call and talk to you."

"Promise?" Haylee looked at Jonah.

"I promise. I've never broken a promise to you before, and I don't intend to start now," he gently kissed her forehead. He gently placed a hand on her cheek as he pressed their foreheads together, "and when you go back to Colorado, I'll be there to greet you."

"Okay," she smiled at him.

He smiled back and gently took her hand as they turned their attention back to the TV. Arsenal won a penalty, and Pierre stepped up to take it. He nailed it into the top left corner. They cheered together wildly.

"Get out of my seat, gorilla man," Lex said as she walked in with water.

"You can sit over there," Jonah rolled his eyes and pointed to the chair on the other side of Haylee's bed.

"Leave, Jo. I want as much Mama H time as possible before we leave. Which is not possible with you here," Lex folded her arms.

"Sit over there. We're watching the game, Lex."

Lex huffed and walked over to the other side of Haylee's bed. She gave her a quick hug before walking behind the bed. She quickly dumped Jonah out of the chair and sat down.

"I meant it, Jonah."

"You're rude," Jonah huffed as he stood up, "I'll give you guys some time. I'll be back later, Hayls."

"Okay, bye, Jonah," she smiled and held an arm out for a hug.

She closed her eyes as she wrapped her arm around him. She held him as tightly to her as she could. He ran his fingers through her hair carefully before kissing her forehead. He let go of her and stood up. He flipped Lex off who retaliated by kicking his thigh.

"Annoying ass," she muttered before climbing into Haylee's bed next to her, "how's the game been, Mama?"

"Good I think. Arsenal just scored and broke the tie."

"That is good. I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too," she sighed, "I was just telling Jonah that I've gotten used to you guys being around, but now you have to go, and I'm sad."

"I'm sad too. I'm gonna miss you a lot. Even if you're a hoe."

"For what?"

"You don't remember?"

"No. What happened, Lex?"

"You kissed Jonah behind my back after I told you not to use him as a rebound."

"Oh," Haylee furrowed her eyebrows trying to remember, "I don't remember. But I'm sorry. I don't mean to upset you," Haylee frowned, "so what happened with me and Jonah? Did we date?"

"No. I don't think so. You got a divorce, and you and Jonah got close. Apparently he told you he's loved you for the last six years. And then you kissed, and me and him had a big fight. And we didn't talk for a couple months."

"What made us start talking again?"

"Your accident. Nolan and Jonah brought me over here."

"Oh. Okay."

"What do you think of Jonah?"

"I don't remember much about him. Or anyone really," she sighed heavily.

"No I mean right now. Not with your memories."

"He's sweet. I like having him around. I'll miss you, Noly, Jonah, and Dillon."

"We'll miss you too. Would you date Jonah?"

"I don't know. I want to get all my memories back before I make any big decisions. I'd also like to be able to walk and move again."

"I understand."

"Who's Sam Nicholson?" Haylee looked at Lex.

"Pardon?" Lex's head jerked.

"Sam Nicholson. I woke up this morning, and Dillon, Nolan, and Dad were talking about Sam Nicholson and him having some nerve to text me and ask how I'm doing," she explained.

"Sam Nicholson is your ex husband."

"Why did we divorce?"

"He was cheating on your with a girl back in Scotland while you were in Colorado working and getting over a concussion and a miscarriage."

"Oh. Did you like Sam?"

"I introduced you two and set you up. I liked him a lot until I found out he was cheating on you. Dumbass."

"Okay. Thanks for helping me with my memories. I appreciate it."

"Anything for you, Mama. I love you."

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