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Embarrassingly enough, Laura had found Lex straddling Cole's lap one evening before her and Nolan were out the door for a date night. It wasn't like there in the midst of this intense make out session or some intense public dry humping, it was far from that actually. Lex was actually in the middle of trying to pluck her boyfriend's eyebrows.

"Just let me clean them up, it won't even be noticeable." She pleased as she appeared with the golden hair plucker making her boyfriend narrow her eyes at her, "Please."

Cole sighed nodding as Lex squealed throwing her thighs on either side of his lap her hands tilting his head as she began plucking away making her boyfriend groan and yelp in agony, "Stop being such a sissy." She smirked as Cole pinched her upper arm softly. He wasn't sure if he was able to hold her hips down, his arms limp awkwardly on his sides as Lex did as she pleased with his eyebrows.

"They're gonna make fun of me." He groaned as Lex giggled slightly as she ignored him, instead all her attention on his left eyebrow, "I'm being serious, the boys are gonna notice and I'm never going to live it down." He sighed as he felt Lex finally stop what she was doing and looked at her boyfriend.

"And you're gonna tell me that you are the only one that has done something stupid for his girlfriend?" She asked, "Sam has done so many stupid things for Haylee I've lost count." Finishing off, she leaned in to kiss his cheek. Her lips lingering just a few seconds more before she giggled softly moving to kiss the next one. He felt his cheeks flush red, his hands landing on her hips. Another fit of giggles erupted as she shamelessly continued to leave small pecks on his cheeks his own chuckles filling the room.

Whatever bubble of Cole growing a boner and the blood rushing south was quickly thrown out the window as Laura came padding down the stairs, a loud gasp leaving her lips that made Lex pull away from Cole even though she was doing anything wrong. Laura wasn't quick to say anything, before Nolan appeared behind her asking his high school sweetheart if she ready to leave, "I ordered pizza for the both of you, should be here soon." Nolan muttered, an awkward vibe shifting in the room as Laura looked between Cole and Lex. Nolan just hadn't come to the conclusion of the teen being in his sister's life, it wasn't like he didn't like the kid. It was quite the opposite, he thought Cole had a good head on his shoulders, he knew what he wanted for in his future and his determination to get it was admirable. Nolan just hadn't come to the conclusion of him and Lex being an item.

The second time they had been caught in the act, which was just nose bumping and awkward head tilts as both didn't know what they were doing, they were caught by none the less a police officer. Who flashed his light inside the back of Cole's car making Lex screech, her body falling off of Cole leaving the growing boner in view, "Do you kids know what time it is?" The officer questioned, "Are your parents aware that your out this late?"

There was stutters and glances exchanged between the couple who looked over at the officer who expectantly looked over at them for a valid answer, "No." Lex murmured as she brought herself closer to Cole, feeling a sense of reassurance as he snuck his hand between them to squeeze her smaller hand, "My brother Nolan, would lose it.

"Nolan?" The officer questioned. Making Lex nod curtly muttering something about Nolan being her brother.

"I live with him." Uttering the officer nodded as he watched Cole shift uncomfortably in his spot.

"You're the kid who debuted the other day with the Rapids, aren't you?" He asked. Cole swallowed thickly nodding, scared that his voice would falter if his dared to open his mouth. There was a sigh that left the mans lips. As if he was having an internal battle within himself as he looked back at the frighten kids, "Just get home, next time this happens your parents and or guardians will have to come get you both from the station."

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