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"was he always there, hayls?" mike asked, as haylee shifted her weight from one leg to another, and switching her phone to her left ear. it was odd to be on the phone with mike after lex and him had abruptly broken up. she was angry at both of them. making haste choices on temporarily emotions when she knew damn well their hearts belonged to each other.

it was a fairly sunny morning in san francisco as haylee stood in a stand still in the middle of her yard when she finally let out an airy breath, "was tayla always there?" she asked again wanting to know how long had mike been so emotionally unavailable in his relationships. when facetiming up to three times a a day turned into a five minute phone call and when that five minute phone call turned into a text letting his ex know he would he unavailable to talk to her all day, "i want to know when things changed with you because lex refuses to tell me when she decided that she needed to block you off."

mike didn't know the answer. tayla had come into his life in a time where lex wasn't there for him as he had grown accustomed to. he didn't blame her anymore. it had taken him time to realize that she had a life she needed to tend to outside of their relationship. she had college to worry about and he knew how hectic life was getting. at first he resented her for not always being present but he was selfish to do so. tayla was there. willing to fly out and leave things behind for him. he come to the realization that he liked the attention from her more than he actually liked her, "i don't know." he muttered, "things just kinda happened."

haylee scoffed. it was the same answer lex had given her when she started flying out to arizona to be with devin. when she disappeared for a week and all of sudden she was posting instagram stories of devin and her on a yacht. things didn't just happen like that, "right." she muttered, "just kinda happen."

"don't be like that." mike mumbled

"be like what?" haylee questioned, an edge to her voice that he had heard plenty in his time knowing her. it was similars to lex. but he prefer to hear the edge and spite in her voice than lex's. lex was vicious and malicious and didn't care how deep she would cut or how it would cut. haylee was more ice cold, and lex was fire.

mike sighed, "you know what, like that."

haylee rolled her eyes, "what do you want me to say? that i agree with how things ended? that you guys just cheated on each other? and you know what it would've been better if it was actually physically but you hurt each other emotionally. do you think i like seeing lex with devin? or that i enjoy seeing tayla posting you on instagram? do you think i didn't notice that you guys broke up one day and two day's later you guys are already in the next relationship? no, mike i don't. i don't enjoy seeing two of the people that i love the most hurt each other like that. " haylee wasn't done, in fact she was just getting started, "i think you guys are being childish." haylee stated but was cut short when she saw lex stand by the pool and she let out an annoyed sighed because this was the first time in weeks she was actually seeing lex in person, "i gotta go."

haylee let out a loud groan as she rubbed her temples furiously making lex snicker from where she sat dipping her feet in the water, "what's wrong with you?" she teased making haylee scoff in response before she got closer to her best friend, "what's up your ass?" lex asked as she noticed the attitude haylee was giving her.

"you!" she hissed out, "where the hell have you been these last three weeks, alexia? no call? no text? but sure lemme post on instagram? what is up your ass?"

"i'm sorry?" lex asked confused, the venom building up in her tone wasn't a suprise to any of them, "i didn't know i had to give you an hourly update on my life." she hissed out making haylee scoff in return.

"oh, i'm sorry? miss independent. you know one does get worried when your best friend all of sudden disappeared to god knows where without answering any of my calls, your brothers or megs or lauras. what do we tell your parents when they ask if we know where their daughter has gone, huh?"

lex and haylee didn't notice but there was voice had gotten so much louder that it was turning into a screaming match, "i was with devin." she countered back.

"we figured that much by your post." haylee hissed back.

lex walked away and she felt haylee following hot on her trails, "there she goes, miss independent walking away like usual."

"stop being such a bitch, haylee!" lex finally exploded, "you're acting like you've never fucked up in your life before! it's okay if you do it but once someone else does it? all hell breaks loose!"

haylee swallowed back her venom as she walked closer to lex, "i'm just worried about you, lex." haylee finally brought her voice level down making lex to look at her with her green eyes narrowed, "you've been ghosting all of us."

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