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laura and nolan where the first ones to arrive  to the hospital later that night, followed by the rest of the family later in the later hours of the night. it was such a confusing time for them. they hadn't slept. they refused to leave the hospital and mike hadn't gone back to the game or flown back to denver with the team because he refused to leave.

"atleast go to our home and rest." haylee mused as she looked over at mike who shook his head in response. jonah looked at mike. their eyes bloodshot from their crying. but jonah knew then and there that mike would end his own life for his baby sister.

"i think it would do her good if she saw her brothers." meg offered as she looked at cousy who hadn't said much since they all had arrived, instead resorted to looking at the wall blankly, as tears streamed down his face. nolan nodded. trying to keep his composure for his family but his throat was aching to release his sob.

"i dont want to see her like that." cousy answered after a while, "that's not the lex that we know."

lex had woken up the following morning with a pounding headache. a groan leaving her lips as she opened her eyes, the lights blinding her. from his spot, nolan shot up, rushing to her side as she opened her eyes to have a good look of her surroundings, "where am i?" her voice raspy and clawing up her throat wanting release.

nolan felt the color and his soul return to his body as lips were instantly connecting to her forehead, never leaving. feeling his hands push back her curls, lex tugged on nolan's shirt, the feeling of warmth surging her body, "your beard." she was able to muster as she signaled to him that it was scratching her eyelids and nolan didn't seem to care that she was already on his head.

looking at his baby sister, nolan smiled again as lex scooted over for him to plop himself with her in her bed, enjoying the few minutes he had with her before the rest of the family was filling in, "hold me." she whimpered, as she felt her brother hold her closer to his chest, reminding him of when she was a child and would stretch her arms to him so he could pick her up. if he could go back to those days, he would. he would protect her under his wing for the rest of his life.

"you had us all scared for a second, squirt." he finally broke the silence, the news that his sister might have been fighting with depression and anxiety didn't sit well with him. it was like he had failed her. like he hadn't done enough to protect her, "i'm just happy to see you."

lex smiled at her brother as she got closer to him, "i wanna go home." she mused and by home she meant back to the safety of her nook. with her brothers and her parents.

"we can't leave yet." nolan answered, "they gotta run some test. some fall you took." and he wanted to ask her but he wasnt sure when  the time would be right to ask or if he even should, "if i ask you something, you gonna answer truthfully?" he asked as lex nodded, "how long have you been fighting with anxiety and depression?" he asked

lex felt her heart stop. suddenly her demons were not being fought in private and now she had to face them instead of trying to quiet them, "maybe april." she croaked, "nols, i'm sorry."

"it's not your fault." he spoke, "i should've been more aware-"

"i should've asked for help but, i couldn't bring myself to do it. i felt like i was drowning in my own skin. there was times where my lungs fought to be able to breathe. i couldnt be around you guys, i would get so overwhelmed and i thought it was me." tears were forming in both of their eyes as lex began explaining how she felt day to day for months, "and everything was happening so quick, i couldn't process it. i'm sorry."

"it's not and will never be you fault." nolan promised, tears filling his eyes, "i'm just glad, i can help you now."

"i wanna see the rest of you guys."

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