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Haylee forced a smile at D'Angelo as they finished their interview

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Haylee forced a smile at D'Angelo as they finished their interview. She was extremely on edge about being in Arizona. She could tell Jonah was too by the way he was sitting in his court side seat.

"What's up your ass?" D'Angelo asked.

"You know exactly what it is, so how about you just fucking leave it alone?" Haylee hissed at him as she took his microphone.

"You and Lex both know how to spit venom," a new voice added that made Haylee see red.

"Shut the fuck up, Devin," Haylee snapped, trying to keep her cool, "you gonna explain where the fuck my best friend is, and why you've been keeping her away from us?"

"That is not what I'm doing. And there's not much to tell you, Hayls-"

"Don't fucking call me that!" Her blue eyes flashed dangerously at him. Her glare was so intense that he and D'Angelo literally stepped back from her.

"If Lex doesn't want to talk, I can't force her. You and I both know that very well."

"I'd like nothing more than to smack that smug ass look off you face," Haylee could feel her cheeks and ears flushing as the anger she had been holding back started to bubble out, "is she here tonight?"

"I don't know," Devin said, "honestly," he added when Haylee scoffed at him.


The outburst came as a surprise to everyone. Jonah stood up seeing Haylee's fists balled up. Ayesha jumped up with him to alert Alison who was watching with concern. Haylee was usually very calm and collected when she was working. She always smiled. But right now it was the exact opposite—her face was red with anger, blue eyes blazing.

"Haylee, walk away. You're getting emotional," D'Angelo advised stepping between his friend and the furious blonde.

"YEAH I'M FUCKING EMOTIONAL!" She yelled, her whole body tensed up. In that moment, she only saw red. Haylee was ready to fight the two players standing in front of her. Any care about her career was thrown out the window. This was personal.

Before she could say or do anything else, Alison, Ayesha, and Jonah intervened. Jonah wrapped his arms around Haylee and quickly threw her over his shoulder as she lightly hit his back and yelled at him to put her down. Alison scolded the players of them for antagonising Haylee when it was a very sensitive topic for her and the Arenados.

"I will be telling Steve," Alison glared at D'Angelo, "don't expect to start tonight. And there will be conversations when we get back to San Fran."

Meanwhile, Jonah and Ayesha took Haylee down into the hall in front of the locker rooms. They were trying to calm her down along with Joshua and Steph. It wasn't very successful considering how fired up Haylee was.

"Was It because of Lex?" Jonah asked already knowing the answer.

"OF COURSE IT WAS ABOUT LEX! WHAT THE FUCK ELSE WOULD IT BE ABOUT?!" She yelled at her boyfriend, her eyes flashed a darker blue as her hair flipped into her eyes.

Jonah held his hands up and took a deep breath, "Haylee."

"I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that," she took a deep breath and moved her hair out of her face.

"Are you going to be okay for the game?" Ayesha laid a calm hand on her arm, "you're shaking."

"I think you should take a break. Just go back to San Francisco now," Joshua interjected before Haylee could answer.

"No, no. It's fine. I'll be fine," Haylee forced a smile, "I'll be fine I promise."

"I agree with Joshua. How about you just take a few days off to cool off? It's not a big deal. We all understand," Alison walked towards them, "you've been very open and clear about this situation and how it's been affecting you and everyone else."

"If you're sure," Haylee mumbled feeling unsure.

"Positive. Put your plane tickets on your Warriors card. We can figure everything out on Monday," Alison nodded.

"Okay, thank you," Haylee mumbled.

"Thank you," Jonah echoed kissing Haylee's temple.

"Of course," Alison smiled kindly, "the team bus can take you back to the hotel to get your things. Have a good few days off."

Haylee nodded and hugged her boss tightly, fighting back the tears that were in threatening to spill out. Joshua gave her a quick hug before he and Alison walked back out. Steph pulled Haylee in for a quick hug as well. He rubbed her back and squeezed her shoulder before Ayesha shooed him away back to the stadium to finish warming up. She gave Haylee a hug and just held her as Haylee broke down in tears. 

Jonah wrapped his arms around the two women as Haylee sobbed on Ayesha's shoulder. They both tried to calm her down even though they knew it wouldn't work. Haylee has grown close with Ayesha and Steph very quickly since joining the Warriors. They had become fast friends.

Haylee hated crying. She hated feeling weak. So for her to absolutely break down in front of Ayesha was a big deal. She knew Jonah understood too. She hardly even liked crying in front of Dillon let alone someone she had met only months earlier.

Haylee eventually stopped and was just sniffling trying to even out her breathing. She wiped her eyes as she attempted to take deep breaths. Ayesha gently wiped her cheeks.

"Fee better, Hayls. We'll see you soon. Want to come over for brunch tomorrow?" Ayesha offered.

"That sounds nice," Haylee nodded, "sorry for getting your shirt wet."

"Don't worry about it. Just get some sleep," the older woman gently tucked a few stray strands of hair behind her ear.

"Thank you, Ayesha," Haylee smiled half heartedly before her friend walked away.

"I love you," Jonah said softly.

"I love you too, Jo," Haylee looked up at him. She could see the concern and hurt in his crystal eyes.

Jonah bent down and wrapped his arms around Haylee's thighs. She threw herself around him, burying her face in his neck. Haylee knew she had been wrong to start yelling at Devin and D'Angelo, but she couldn't help it. She hadn't talked to her best friend in months. She didn't even know where she was. But they did. They knew and were holding back information from her friends and family. It wasn't right.

After a few moments, Jonah set her back down and just rubbed her cheek. Haylee closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh. He always knew just what to do. She turned her head and kissed his palm softly.

"I have your bag, so we ca-"

"Haylee!" A voice called from behind them.

"Walk away, D'Angelo," Jonah advised narrowing his eyes at him, "you and your friend didn't help this situation at all."

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I know you're all upset about it. I really am sorry," his shoulders sagged.

"You mean you're sorry that you're no longer starting," Haylee rolled her eyes.

"No. I really mean it. If I had any information, I'd share it with you. Swear. I know it's a bad situation. I feel really bad."

"Whatever, D'Angelo," Haylee sighed defeatedly, "let's just go, Jo."

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