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"you promised." lex cried staring at mike, tears blurring her vision as her pointer finger stabbed his chest, "you promised me you would be there to catch me when i fell and you didn't."

mike stood there, motionless. tears were brimming his eyes as his face was expressionless. he watched her finally crumble down, a loud sob leaving her lips and he fell to his knees next to her but as soon as he reached out to touch her, she slapped his hands away. daniella finally recollected herself, wiping away the tears from her eyes as she stood up and reached for her phone to call haylee , "can you come get me?" she asked, as haylee answered the phone to hear her best friend's hoarse voice through the other end, "please." haylee didn't question it, but nudged jonah to help her up

"you're not going anywhere." mike muttered as he sat on the bed watching his girlfriend zip her suitcase up.

lex scoffed, "the audacity." she spoke, "he cheats and still wants me to stay?" she questioned as mike shook his head as he finally met eyes with her.

"i didnt cheat." he muttered earning an amused look from lex. the one where she raises her eyebrows and looks at him with wide eyes, challenging him, "i didn't."

it was quiet for a moment in mikes room as they both refused to make eye contact, instead he watched her movements and how she finally picked up her suitcase and was heading for the door. mike was quick to guard the door, not moving his long frame, "just move, michael." lex muttered, exhausted from what life was throwing at her and she wanted nothing more than to escape, "please." she begged after a few moments.

"don't leave me." mike finally spoke, tears finally spilling his eyes as he knelt down in front of lex, his arms wrapping around her legs, "don't leave me, just, just let me fix us." and lex closed her eyes, preventing herself from making eye contact with him because she knew if she looked at him she would melt.

her hands finally touched his, as tried to pry him off but his grip tightened around her, "let go of me." she breathed out, her eyes still closed but she felt mike shake his head.

downstairs, cierra had opened the door to haylee who smiled warmly at her before they two embraced each other in a hug, "what happened?" haylee asked as she followed cierra into the living room.

cierra felt guilty. she was the one that had brought tayla around and part of her wanted daniella to hate her instead of end things with mike. she would take all the blame if it meant his brothers happiness, but no one had told mike slowly start bring tayla around. to have phone calls with her that now replaced lex's, or to have her over when lex was back in college, "i think mike cheated." cierra finally confessed, "it just doesn't add up, hayls."

haylee swallowed thickly as she shook her head not wanting to believe her, "he talked about proposing soon." she trailed off, "youre lying."

upstairs, lex had finally pushed mike off and was starting down the stairs as mike chased after her, "I never want to see you again!" she yelled, tears finally leaving her eyes, "i hate you."

haylee stood up, watching as michael stood looking at them with a defeated look and his shoulder slumped as tears streamed down his eyes. cierra was up too, and they watched as lex rushed to hug her best friend holding haylee impossibly close to her, "take me home." she begged, as haylee looked at her and then at michael before nodding and escorting lex out who cried uncontrollably.

cierra looked at lex once more before hugging her tightly, "nothing is gonna change between us, lex, i love you." she whispered into her ear as lex nodded pulling away from cierra and leaving the house with michael watching her leave. as soon as the door was closed, he let out the loud sob he was holding in, his hands smacking the wall as he yelled in anger.

"stop it!" cierra yelled as micheal slid down his body against the wall, "nothing is gonna change anything, michael."

"i was going to propose." he spoke as he felt the box in his pocket. the same one he had been carrying around all week because he didn't want lex to see it before it was needed to be seen

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