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Jonah could hardly believe the phone call he got. His heart started racing and his head was spinning. He didn't know what else to do except call Nolan and tell him to get to London as quickly as possible. Nolan agreed and said he'd bring Laura and Lex with him.

"They haven't talked in months, Nolan," Jonah mumbled.

"I know. But you know Lex would be even more mad if she didn't go."

"True. I'll see you guys there. I already booked us hotel rooms."

Jonah booked the first flight out of San Francisco to London. It was the longest 10 and a half hours of his life. He was anxious the whole time. He tried to sleep but just couldn't. It was a relief when they finally touched down. He raced through the airport and went straight to the hospital where he met the Sernas.

"Mama S! How is she?" Jonah asked as he embraced Haylee's mom tightly.

"She's on a medically induced coma. It was a really bad accident."

"What exactly happened?"

"She was riding horses with Kieran, Hector, and Calum. Her horse apparently spooked and took off. It fell trying to jump a creek and rolled on top of Haylee. The horse had to be put down because it broke two legs," her mom responded before bursting into tears into her husband's chest.

"Holy shit," Jonah felt the colour leaving his face, "what all did Hayls break?"

"Ribs, collar bone, wrist, ankle. She fractured her spine in 2 places and slipped a disc in her neck. Fractured pelvis. Punctured lung. Internal bleeding. Concussion," Dillon explained grimly.

"H-has she be-been in s-urgery?" Jonah stuttered.

"Only to repair her lung and stop the internal bleeding. She's not stable enough yet for any other surgeries. But the doctors said that she will need about six."

"C-can I see her?" Jonah's voice cracked.

"Mhm," Paige nodded.

His hands were shaking as he walked into Haylee's ICU room. About 10 machines were around her bed beeping steadily. There was a nurse stationed in the room to watch for any changes.

Jonah felt his heart break when he saw her. She looked so small and fragile. She had a neck brace keeping her head steady. Her face was pale. She had oxygen as well as tube hooked up to a machine that was breathing for her. His breathing became erratic as he walked over to her. His hands shook and tears welled in his eyes.

"Hayls," he whispered brokenly.

Jonah gently took her hand in his. He shivered feeling how cold she was. He looked at her face. It was bruised and pale—not at all how he remembered her. He leaned down and gently pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"You're gonna get through this. You're gonna be okay, Hayls," he whispered as his tears fell onto her cheeks, "I love you so much."

Jonah stood up and slowly let her hand go before turning to Paige. The other blonde was in tears too. The two hugged each other and cried before walking out.

"Thanks for coming out, Jonah," Dillon said quietly.

"Of course. I couldn't not come. Nolan, Laura, and Lex should be here around midnight."

"Okay. Visiting hours are almost over. We'll let you know if there are any changes."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Visiting hours start again at 9 in the morning."

"I'll be back then with everyone," Jonah nodded.

"Okay. Have as good of a night as you can," Dillon gave him a weak smile.

Jonah grabbed his suit case and walked through the hospital. He ordered an Uber to his hotel. He was lost in thought thinking about Haylee. He was just replaying all the memories he had with her as he checked into his room.

Jonah stayed up waiting for Nolan, Laura, and Lex to arrive. He wanted to tell them what happened. He got a message from Laura when they landed saying that Lex was complaining the whole time. Jonah sighed heavily and ran his fingers through his hair, tugging at the roots. He turned on the TV to get some background noise.

An hour and a half later, Nolan, Laura, and Lex came into the suite. They all looked jet lagged and haggard. Nolan embraces Jonah tightly as he broke down sobbing. Laura rest a had on his shoulder not sure how to console her brother in law. Lex simply rolled her eyes and took her suitcase and bag into the bed room.

"How is she?" Nolan mumbled.

"Bad. Really bad."

"What all is wrong?" Laura rubbed his back.

Jonah watched their eyes widen and the colour drain from their faces as he told them. Laura and Nolan stared at him with their jaws agape. He nodded grimly and wiped his eyes.

"Visiting hours aren't for another six hours."

"We should try and get some sleep," Laura rubbed his arm.

"Yeah," Nolan nodded, "this is going to be draining."

Jonah nodded and wiped his eyes. He said good night to them. He slept badly that night. He kept waking up after dreaming that Haylee died. He rubbed his face and groaned into the pillow before trying to fall asleep again.

He woke up a little bit after 7. He went up to the roof and got some food. He brought it back and ate in his room. Jonah was getting dressed when he got a phone call from Dillon.

"Hey, how is she?"

"She's taken a turn for the worse. Jonah, we're gonna loose her. Get here quickly to say goodbye," Dillon sobbed. Jonah dropped his phone and ran out to get everyone.

"NOLAN, LAURA, LEX WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" He yelled through his tears as he pulled on his shoes.

"What?" Laura asked as she and Nolan all rushed out.

"Dillon just called. She's not gonna make it. We have to say goodbye," he said panickedly.

"I'm not going," Lex folded her arms.

"What?!" Nolan looked at her.

"I said I'm not going."

"Lex, can you please let your grudge go for 2 seconds?! Haylee is dying," Jonah grabbed his sisters shoulders, "you're coming with us."

"That bitch isn't dying without me getting the final word."

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