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Jonah had officially asked Haylee to be his girlfriend when he picked her up at the airport, and she, of course, said yes

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Jonah had officially asked Haylee to be his girlfriend when he picked her up at the airport, and she, of course, said yes. She smiled up at him as they walked through the restaurant towards the door. They just had a great dinner down in Fisherman's Wharf. They were almost to the door when a few people stopped them.

"Excuse me, sorry for interrupting, but you're Haylee Serna correct?" The woman asked.

"Yes. Uhm, how can I help you?" Haylee asked a little taken back.

"I'm Alison Martens, and I'm the senior director of broadcasting with the Warriors," she held her hand out.

Haylee let go of Jonah's hand to shake Alison's, "nice to meet you."

"You as well. I'm glad we bumped into each other. This is Joshua Klein, the broadcasting manager, and Dawson Pope, the event presentation director."

"Nice to meet you both," Haylee shook their hands, "this is my boyfriend, Jonah Arenado."

"Nice to meet you, Jonah," Joshua grinned holding his hand out, "big fan."

"Thank you. Nice to meet you too," Jonah smiled as he shook their hands.

"We would like to talk to you about joining the Warriors team," Alison said, "here's my card. Please give us a call. You've done some great things, and we would love to have you on our team."

"Oh. T-thank you," Haylee stuttered slightly accepting her card.

"Hope you two have a nice rest of your night," Dawson said with a nod before the three of them kept walking.

Haylee looked down at the card and then up at Jonah not really sure what to say, "I-uhm."

"Let's just get back home, and then we can talk," Jonah soothed as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Haylee nodded quietly. A thousand thoughts were racing through her mind. Leaving Colorado? Leaving the Nuggets? She was sad leaving the Rapids, but she had stayed within the organisation. She wasn't sure how she felt about leaving them completely. It would almost guarantee that she wouldn't get back to England for soccer. But to be honest, she wasn't even sure did that was her dream anymore.

She bit her lip as she looked out the window of Jonah's car. He held her hand in his as he drove them back to his apartment. He gently rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand and wrist. A small sigh escaped her lips. The city blurred by as her thoughts moved just as fast.



"We're here," Jonah kisses her hand.

"Oh okay," Haylee nodded.

She grabbed her purse and hopped out of his car. He walked around and held his hand out to her. Haylee instead threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. He wrapped himself around her and kissed the top of her head.

"Come on, let's get inside," he gently coaxed.

"Okay," she mumbled.

They walked in silence up to Jonah's apartment. Haylee had no idea what to say. She knew if she did move to San Francisco, Jonah would offer for her to move in with him. The thought of being with Jonah all the time made her smile.

Haylee had been wondering what they would do when she went back to work. His season would be in the final couple months as her preseason started. And when her season ended, his would be in full swing. They obviously could travel and see each other, but it wouldn't be the same.

"Do you want to talk now and then go to bed or do you want to get ready for bed and then talk?" Jonah asked gently grabbing her hips and pulling her into his chest.

"Can we get ready for bed and then talk?"

"Of course," he leaned down and gently kissed her nose, "I love you."

Haylee smiled and kissed his cheek, "you're the best."

She walked into the guest room and pulled out some clothes to sleep in before going to the shower. She quickly took a shower and then climbed into Jonah's bed to wait for him while he showered.

She listlessly scrolled around on Instagram and liked a picture that Dillon had posted of him and Paige kissing after his game. Atlanta had beat Galaxy 2-1 with a late winner that Dill had scored. She grinned and quickly texted him a congratulations.

"Hey beautiful," Jonah smiled softly as he walked into his room.

"Shut up, Jo. I just got out of the shower, I look like a troll," Haylee rolled her eyes.

"The most beautiful troll I've seen," he leaned down and kissed her.

Haylee rolled her eyes again before kissing him back. Jonah pulled away briefly before climbing into bed next to her. She immediately turned and cuddled into his chest. His arms wound around around her waist. She closed her eyes and listened to his heart beating steadily.

"How are you so calm?" She mumbled.

"Because at the end of the day this is your decision. I'm going to support whatever you do," he explained.

"You're amazing," she smiled up at him.

"What are you thinking?"

"If I leave the Nuggets and Kroenke, I might not get back to England. And I loved working over there. But I don't know if that's the dream anymore. The Warriors would be an amazing move, but I don't want to look ungrateful. Personally, I've been with KSE since I was 15. But they've been apart of our lives a lot longer than that."

"I know. But sometimes you have to make the move that's best for you. Not the company you work for. They'd understand. Are you going to call Alison?"

"I think so. It'd be worth at least hearing what they have to say."

"You don't have to make a decision now either. And you could take this back to Colorado and see what the Nuggets would do to keep you if you're not sure. Go with what feels like the better fit for you."

"I signed a one year contract with the Nuggets, and it's days away from being over. They sent over a new one for me to look at. It's pretty similar except it's for three years. Nothing new has been added. I've been contemplating it anyway."

"Well then it can't hurt to talk to the Warriors. They clearly want you, so I'm guessing they'd have a pretty good offer for you."

"You're right. Thank you, Jo," Haylee kissed his cheek.

"Of course. You got real quiet there, and it scared me," he chuckled as he ran his fingers through her damp hair.

"I know. I always have something to say."

"Yeah you do," Jonah smirked, "if you do decide to join the Warriors, you know you are welcome to move in with me. I know it's soon, but-"

"I'd like that if I do decide to go that direction," Haylee rubbed his cheek.

"I love you, Hayls, and I just want you to be happy."

"Thank you. I adore you, Jonah."

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