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Haylee woke up to someone jumping on her bed and shaking her awake. She groaned and rubbed her eyes and pounding temples as the yelling started. It took only Haylee a couple of seconds to realise it was Lex yelling at her.

"Lex, shut the fuck up. My head is pounding," Haylee groaned feeling she was hung over.


"I have a hangover so lower your fucking voice, you bitch," Haylee whined sitting up with a moan, "I was seeing my friend."


"OF FUCKING COURSE NOT!" Haylee's face started turning red at the accusation, "I CARE A LOT ABOUT YOUR BROTHER!"


"We were just hanging out! I haven't seen him since I was in the hospital in London! He and his friends are here on vacation after their seasons too," Haylee slowly got up and went to get get some medicine for her headache.

"You had to see him? You couldn't just leave it alone?"

"Lex, what the hell is your problem?!" Haylee whipped around with a small groan.

"My problem is that you're on vacation seeing another guy."

"He has a girlfriend back in Hershey, so why don't you get all your facts before you start making wild accusations. And you're one to fucking talk. Weston and Nick saw you with Devin yesterday. Don't think that Meg, Paige, Laura and I haven't noticed you sneaking off."

"I was saying hi to my friend," Lex folded her arms as Haylee took her medicine.

"My ass," Haylee scoffed, "get out of my room, Lex. I really don't want to talk to you right now."

"No we need to talk it out!"

"No get the fuck out of my room. I want to have some cold water in some peace and quiet which I won't get with you yelling at me," Haylee shoved Lex out the door and flipped the door lock in place.

Haylee rolled her eyes as she heard Lex pounding on the door to let her in. She went over to the window and shut the room darkening drapes. She let out a little sigh as she flopped back down on her bed with a bottle of water and some Pedialyte. Haylee grabbed her phone and FaceTimed Jonah wanting to know if he had the same concerns Lex had or if Lex was just trying to deflect she was seeing Devin while they were in Cabo.

"Hey, Haylee! Having fun?" Jonah answered with a big smile.

"I was until your brat of a sister woke me up screaming," Haylee frowned.

"What was Lex yelling at you for?"

"She was yelling that I was cheating on you with Christian," Haylee yawned and took a drink of her Pedialyte.

"Christian Pulisic? And are you hung over?"

"Yes and yes."

"She thinks you're cheating on me with Christian? Doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

"Yep. Back in Hershey," she nodded her head as she reached for a bag of potato chips.

"That accusation is really out there," Jonah scratched his head.

"Oh good so you don't mind that I saw him?"

"Not at all. I know you have guy friends. I know where we are."

"You're the best."

"I love you, Hayls, and I have complete trust in you," he smiled.

"Thank you," she grinned.

"Of course. Get some sleep. And maybe lay off the booze today," Jonah winked.

"Hah. Fat chance," she smirked.

"Well have a good rest of your day. I love you. Talk to you later."

"Talk to you later," she grinned blowing him a kiss. She hung up her phone and set it down on the night stand.

"So there, Lex," she muttered to herself.

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Liked by logan

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Liked by logan.panchot bellarodriguez and thousands of others

hayleeserna I'm all about this cabana life 😎
📸 lauraarenado

View 529 comments

sammyvines Your legs look really long for you being so short.

jonaharenado I'm all about you 😍😍😍
hayleeserna 😘😘😘 see you soon!

dillon1710 Because you can act like even more of a princess 🙄

cmpulisic 😎

paigenicole2 Cabana life suits you 😎

mpj How many suits did you bring with you? Geez
hayleeserna How come you're always hating?

laceylowe Fashionista

cierraporter Hayls belongs on the beach!
hayleeserna You would be correct!

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