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"Did you kiss him?" Cole asked, making Lex snap to look at him. Her hazel eyes red and puffy from the crying she was doing. She could swear Sam and Haylee were listening from the outside of the room; all of that was irrelevant because Cole stood in front of her pacing back and forth and he refused to even make eye contact. To Cole, it was almost as if he didn't make eye contact with her he wouldn't turn into putty and cave in right in front of her, "Answer me."

"No." She whispered leaning against the door, "I- no." She restated making Cole look at her that only made her tear up more, her teeth tugging at the bottom lip as his eyes read anger, confusion and hurt all at once, "It was only one dinner, please believe me. Cole look at me." Lex at this point was crawling into the bed. His knees hitting a stopping point against  the soft mattress, Lex right in front of him as she begged with her eyes, "I had sushi-"

"You don't even fucking like sushi." He hissed his eyes shooting daggers, "Would he know that? Of course he wouldn't because he doesn't know you!"

Haylee from the outside of the door looked at Sam, "She hates sushi." She whispered softly as they both continued to press their ears against the door, "only likes shrimp." She whispered, only to herself.

"Baby," Lex muttered trying to reach for his hands, "Baby, please hold my hands."

Cole pulled away, backing away from Lex who sniffled slightly, tears still filling her eyes as she continuously wiped them away, "You cheated on me. I'm the one that looks like a fool because I'm the one who was here waiting for you like a fool, what did you do?"

Sam looked at Haylee as those words dropped from Cole's mouth shooting daggers to everyone who was witnessing this unfold- the fallout and whatever it was to follow, "She didn't cheat, did she?" Sam whispered, softly pinching his fiancée's shoulder, "She would never." He finally answered.

Haylee knew from the bottom of her heart that she didn't cheat, God, Lex knew better and she just simply belonged to Cole- no questions asked. But, she couldn't lie to herself to knowing that Riqui looked at the teen with those eyes, "No." She uttered trying to hear any response, "She's in love with Cole, she told me the other night."

Inside the room, Lex crawled down from the bed. Her smaller frame coming closer to her boyfriend, "I know you know that I didnt cheat." Lex whispered, "Just please hold me, look at me, do something because I'm losing you here." There was a pause, as Cole run a desperate hand through his hair, "You're my person."

Cole paused looking at Lex, tears threatening to spill. Goddammit, he was so sure Lex was the one he wanted. Lex looked at him, pleading to be held by him and Cole wasn't sure what to do, "I told Haylee I was in love with you." Lex admitted making Cole shoot his head up to look at her teary eyes. He felt his heart drop, "I don't know what Riqui was, I really don't. But, I realized one thing in Barcelona and I realized that I love you."

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