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"That's ugly too," Lex rolled her eyes.

"Just like your attitude," Haylee snapped back.

"Oh my god," Paige huffed.

"If it weren't for me, you'd be stuck in chemistry right now," Haylee glared at her best friend.

"You're a fucking bridezilla," Lex snorted, "you have tried on 32 dresses! We're exhausted and hungry."

"Have a protein bar," Lacy chuckled pulling one out from her purse.

"Thank you!"

"Okay, but I agree with Lex," Dillon groaned looking up from his phone, "and you're never going to look as beautiful as Paige so just chose a fucking dress so we can all go home."

"Dillon!" Her mom yelled as she saw Haylee's eyes fill with tears before she ran back to her room.

Haylee sat down in the chair and cried. Her consultant had absolutely no words for what just happened. She sat there holding Haylee's hand before quietly suggested that Haylee try on the dress that she had loved. Haylee tearfully nodded when there was a knock on the door.

"Hayls? It's me," Dillon said softly.

"GO THE FUCK HOME!" Haylee screamed through the door.

"Please talk to me."


Haylee made sure the door was locked as she changed into the dress that only she liked. It was beautiful, and she loved the way she looked in it.

"Okay. I love this. And I know Sam will too. I honestly don't care what they have to say," Haylee smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Then, Haylee, are you saying yes to the dress?"


Haylee got dressed and went with her consultant to order her dress. She felt completely confident in her decision. The girl left her friends and family in the waiting room. Dillon had left as she had requested. After ordering her dream dress, she went back out to where they were.

"Okay, lets go," Haylee said, "I have a bridal shower to get ready for."

"What about your dress?" Alyssa asked.

"I'll figure it out later," she shrugged.

"Haylee, you know Dillon didn't really mean it right?" Paige asked.

"I'm over it. Let's go."

"Hayls-" Lex started.

"Let's. Go."

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