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"So Sam and I were thinking about getting married during off season. Like the first of the year or something," Hallee smiled to Lex and Paige, who had also recently gotten engaged to Dillon.

"So were me and Dillon. But the last day of the year," Paige rubbed the back of her neck.

The two future sisters-in-law just stared at each other blinking slowly. Lex put a hand over her mouth trying not to laugh. She looked down at her phone and saw a new InstaStory from Cole. He, Dillon, and Sam has taken a goofy picture together as they played FIFA in the next room over.

"So what do we do?" Paige asked.

"About what?" Dillon asked walking in to get water with Sam.

"You and I want to get married on the last day of the year, and Sam and Haylee want to get married on the first day of the year. That's a lot."

"It is, and I think we should get our first choice considering what happened last time," Dillon shot Sam a dirty look as Sam started smirking.

"What do you mean what happened last time?" Haylee asked.

"Why does Dillon look pissed and Sam look gleeful?" Lex asked.

"Sam and I wanted to propose around the same time. We went round and round about five times," Dillon rolled his eyes.

"How did you settle it? I'm almost scared to ask," Paige folded her arms.

"Rock paper scissors. I won," Sam grinned and held his arms up in celebration.

"YES BABY!" Haylee yelled and went to hug him, "that's my man!"

"Fuck off, Hayls," Dillon rolled his eyes.

"Wait a second. You're telling me that you decided who got to propose first with Rock Paper Scissors?" Lex asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," Sam nodded. 

"Oh my god," Paige rolled her eyes.

"So who's getting married around the end slash start of the year?" Lex asked as Cole came over and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"We are not settling this with Rock Paper Scissors again," Paige folded her arms as she narrowed her eyes.

Haylee looked at Sam who shrugged, "you can. We'll get married a week later before you two leave on your honeymoon."

"Thanks," Dillon kisses her cheek.

"Whatever loser," Haylee smirked as she hugged him.

"This better somehow end up in a toast at one of the weddings or I'm suing," Lex laughed.

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