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Much to Haylee's displeasure, she was blindfolded on the way to the party that Paige and Dillon planned for her. She hugged Jonah's good arm as Dillon drove to God knows where. Haylee was so excited that she was going to celebrate her birthday with some of her favourite people.

Dillon's trunk swerved as he turned too quickly. "What the fuck, Dillon?! I swear your driving has gotten worse."

"Shut up, Haylee," Dillon huffed, "anyways, we're here." 

Jonah and Nolan helped Haylee out of the car. They helped guide her to where ever they were going. Haylee held on tightly to Jo and Nols. She was blindfolded and in heels—a recipe for disaster if you asked her.

"We're almost there," Dillon said.

"Gonna push me off a bridge, Dill?" She asked.

"No. It  be too hard to push you, Jonah, and Nolan off at the same time."

"Oh that makes me feel so much better," she sneered.

"Shut up, Hayls."

"Asshole," she fired back.

"You two fight more than Lex and Jonah," Nolan laughed.

"That's pretty hard to do, and yet it's the truth," Laura agreed.

A few seconds later, everyone stopped walking, but Haylee kept going and almost fell forward. Nolan and Jonah helped her stay on her feet. She couldn't help but huff in annoyance that she had almost twisted an ankle. She felt hands undoing the blindfold before it was ripped off. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAYLEE!" People shouted around her.

"Oh wow! Thank you so much!" Haylee grinned.

She saw all her friends from the Rapids. They ran over and attacked her in a bear hug. She laughed and hugged them back. Haylee missed them all the time. She had grown up with that club, and she thought of them like brothers.

Kort was the first to reach her. She smiled and hugged him tightly. He had been close with she and Dillon. Andre ran over and tackled them over before the whole rest of the team piled on top of them.

"Have you missed me?" Haylee laughed

"More than you know, Serna," Kellyn and Jon helped Haylee on to her feet.

Haylee smiled and chatted with everyone before looking around the at the room. It was perfectly decorated. She hugged Dillon and Paige tightly.

Her chest felt tight looking around the room. Amongst all the familiar faces, there was one that missing. The one she wanted to see more than anything. Her best friend. Her heart in human form wasn't there. Her heart hurt. She felt like she was suffocating. Haylee smiled and quickly excused herself to the bathrooms.

She sat down on the seat inside the bathroom right by the mirrors. She grabbed a few paper towels as she sniffles and dabbed at her eyes. Haylee wondered what's she had done wrong to make her best friend miss her birthday. There was no call or text or DM or SnapChat. She twiddled her thumbs racking her mind.

Maybe she should've texted or called Lex to tell her about Jonah's injury. She knew from talking to Jo and Noly that she had been really hurt by it. Haylee knew she should've told Lex, but Jonah was so sure that he didn't want to tell her. She had tried talking to him. Millie, Fernando, Cousy, Meg, Laura, and Nolan has all tried to change his mind. Maybe she had given up too easily on the idea. Maybe she should've told her anyways.

"Haylee?" McKenzie called walking in.

"Hey sorry," Haylee sniffled looking up at her friend.

"Don't be sorry. What's wrong? It's your birthday!" McKenzie sat down next to her.

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