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"Ready?" Jonah asked.

"Yes," she nodded wrapping her arm around his neck.

Jonah slipped an arm under her legs and one around her back. He carefully lifted her out of her wheelchair. Lex set a pillow down on the seat and placed her back and neck support in the chair before Jonah set her in her seat. Lex sat down next to her and helped her get comfortable.

"You good?" Lex asked.

"Yes," she nodded as best she could, "thank you. Glad to be back at games."

"You're getting antsy," Lex smirked.

"Damn straight I am. I hate sitting and laying around. I'm looking forward to starting physical therapy next week."

"It's gonna kick your ass," Lex snorted

"Yeah I know. But it's one step closer to recovery."

"It's gonna be hard, but you're a fighter, Hayls," Jonah countered handing them each a water.

"Never said I didn't think she would get through it. I'm just saying that she is on a struggle at first," Lex snapped.

"Jesus, Lex," Jonah huffed.

"If you two are gonna be like this the whole game, I'm going home," Haylee rolled her eyes.

"How you gonna do that, cripple?" Lex sneered.

"I'll figure it out," she stuck her tongue out.

"Yeah right, hoe."

"You two are something else," Jonah rolled his eyes, "how you two are actually friends is beyond me. Since when did Virgos and Sagittarius get along?"

"We do occasionally," Haylee laughed.

"Not that often!" Nolan's voice echoed from behind them.

"The fuck you doing up here, Noly?" Haylee asked as he walked to stand in front of them.

"What a lovely welcome," he sneered, "I snuck away because I wanted to make sure you didn't bail."

"I would never bail on a Rockies game," Haylee laughed.

"Just checking," he smirked.

"Are Laura and Cousy coming?" Lex asked.

"Cousy's heading back home. Laura should be here in a bit. Are you staying the whole time, Haylee?"

"I don't know yet. I hope so, but we'll see how I fee," she sighed, "sitting gets tiresome."

"I know. I'm sorry," Nolan gently held her hand, "do what's best for you."

"Love ya, Noly."

"Love ya too, Hayls," he grinned and kissed her forehead, "I'll see whoever after the game."

Haylee shifted slightly and took a drink of her water as Nolan left. She stole a look over at Lex wondering if Lex actually wanted to be here since Mike had an overlapping game or if she was just here to make sure nothing happened with Jonah.

She shivered slightly knowing the answer deep in her heart. They had broken Lex's trust in them. And it was going to take time to repair. It wouldn't ever be the same, but it could be partially fixed.

"Cold?" Jonah looked at her.

"A little," she mumbled.

"Your blood circulation is probably trash," Lex took her hand and gently rubbed it with her own.

"Probably," she agreed weakly as Jonah threw a blanket over her, "thanks, Jo."

"No problem."

It was actually a bit of a cold day. Lex and Jonah both ended up using the blanket too as they watched the game. Haylee smiled as she watched Nolan play. He was incredible. He was up to bat and immediately got a home run. Lex and Jonah jumped up cheering. She lifted her arm up in celebration and cheered too. Lex and Jonah sat back down as Laura joined them.

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