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Haylee's hands were shaking as she and Sam walked hand in hand up to Nolan's front door. He and Laura has insisted on hosting Christmas at their new house. It was a lovely house. His whole family, her family, and the Porters were all gonna be there. She had Leo and Nala on leashes so they could play with all the other dogs.

Sam had only been back for 2 days. Haylee had to keep it together for the sake of her plan. She had talked it over with Lex and Cierra about five times before taking it to Dillon, Jonah, Nolan, and Mike. They all thought it was great.

"Hi! Welcome in! We're so glad you made it! Welcome back, Sam!" Laura smiled as she let them in. 

"Thanks, Laura. Merry Christmas!" Sam smiled. 

"Is everyone here?" Haylee asked as she took off her boots and jacket.

"Yeah. You're the last ones here," Laura nodded.

"Oops sorry."

"Don't sweat it. Hayls and Sam are here!"

They walked into the family room. There were already 24 people there with mugs of hot chocolate. Lex jumped up and gave her a big hug and squeezed her hand a couple of times. She then went over to her parents and Dillon and greeted them. Mike introduced them to his family with a grin.

"Shall we start with presents?" Laura asked.

Everyone nodded, and the gift exchange started. Everyone was smiling and laughing having a great time. It was finally her turn to give Sam his gift. It was the last gift of the day. She knew only a handful of people knew what was going on. She took a deep breath and handed Sam a bag.

"Thank you," he kissed her cheek.

He pulled out a box and instantly frowned. The box was wrapped in in paper made up of prints of Sam and the girl back in Scotland. He looked at Haylee confused as he tore the paper off and opened the box.

"I-" Sam broke off.

"You went to Scotland and made me look like a fool back here. While I was trying to process the fact that I miscarried your baby on top of dealing with a concussion, you were out kissing this girl. Dillon and Kort came over and showed me right after we got off FaceTime, and you had told me you loved me. I have always been there for you through your injuries, transfers, and everything in between. I will not stand for this. I will only be in contact with you through my lawyer to finalise details of the divorce and the sale of the house since I already have an apartment for me, Leo, and Nala," Haylee slid the rings off her finger and dropped them into the box.


"Don't Hayls me. Get out."


"You heard her," Nolan stood up.

"Get out, Nicholson," Jonah added as Dillon and Michael also stood up.

The four of them yanked Sam up on to his feet. They grabbed the bag with the divorce papers and hauled him to the door. Haylee stood up and followed them with her arms folded. The guys waited for him to get his shoes and jacket on before escorting him out to his car. She folded her arms over her chest as she breathed heavily.

"Haylee, I'm sorry-"

"Good bye, Sam," she flipped him off before walking back into the house.

"A WHOLE ASS QUEEEEEEEN!" Cierra screeched as Lex grabbed a bottle of champagne.

"To the Savage Queen herself!" Lex yelled.

Everyone seemed to be in a state of shock over what happened except for Lex and Cierra. Nolan, Jonah, Mike, and Dillon walked back in and hugged her tightly.

"NO CRYING! ONLY CELEBRATING!" Lex yelled as she popped the bottle of champagne. It exploded all over their group hug making them all jump back.

"Oh my god, Lex! My rug!" Nolan yelled.

"So you guys planned that?" Haylee's mom asked.

"Sure did."

"Haylee, I didn't know you were pregnant," Bri took her hand, "or that you miscarried?"

"Yeah. The trauma of my fall and concussion caused it," Haylee nodded wiping her eyes again as she took a glass of champagne from Lex.

"Honey," Bri pulled her in for a tight hug.

"Thank you. Anyways, thank you for all being here for that. And here's to a Nugs win tonight!" Haylee lifted her glass.

"NUGS WIN!" Everyone chimed in raising their glasses.

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