EWW: The Responsible

316 7 26

Richard is attempting and struggling to put his pants on
Father of the family is fat and dumb cliché +1

Nicole: Sighs I can't believe I'm going to say this. Pained expression I guess you guys are old enough to babysit?
Neither can I. They maybe be old enough but they're definitely not trustworthy enough to be left in charge +1

Nicole: It means acting like a grown-up. And most of all, it means taking care of your little sister.
Anais: Appearing upstairs What?!
How did she hear her from up there? She was presumably in her or Gumball/Darwin's room, and either way there's no way she should have been able to hear her. +1

Gumball: Come on, Mom. We were born reprehensible.
Nicole: Responsible.
Gumball: Yeah, that's what I meant.
She still lets them babysit after this. And before you say she didn;t have any other choice, she could easily have just brought the three of them, or just Anais, with her. Just cause it's a parent's evening doesn't mean they can't come with them and wait outside. +1

Nicole: Straining We have to go! It's a parents' evening, and we are the parents! Shoves Richard into the car and slams the door
Technically you don't both have to go. Just because it's a parents evening doesn't mean that both parents have to go. In fact, that's another alternative than leaving Gumball and Darwin in charge. Nicole could have just gone on her own and left Richard to look after the kids. +1

Anais turns on the TV to the Daisy the Donkey Show
Daisy the Donkey​​: On TV Welcome to Daisy the Donkey Show! We'll be right back after these messages
Going to commercials not even a few seconds after the show started. +1

Gumball: Screams Aah! Commercials! They'll corrupt your mind!
Gumball and Darwin smash the TV with baseball bats
Gumball: Bad commercials! Bad commercials! Bad commercials! Bad commercials!
Anais: Are you completely out of your mind?
Gumball: There's... too... much... violence... on... TV... anyway!
Anais: And you chose to demonstrate that by smashing the TV in front of me?
Anais would be good at CinemaSins. +1

Anais: Stop! Don't throw water on an electrical—
Darwin spits a stream of water on the burning TV, electrocuting himself and Gumball
Anais: You should always use a fire extinguisher or, if unavailable, baking soda. Puts out the fire with an extinguisher But most importantly, call an adult or the emergency services. 
Youngest member of the family is the smartest cliché. +1

Anais: How could Mom put you in charge?
My question exactly. +1

Anais: Excuse me, but who makes your breakfast every day?
Gumball and Darwin: You, of course.
We see in later episodes that this is false. +1

Darwin: I know what will cheer her up. How about a walk in the park?
They're okay with her doing this but not reading a book or going upstairs? +1

Marvin: Oh, isn't she lovely? How old is she then?
Marvin mistakes a four-year-old girl for a dog. +1

Gumball: It's time for num-nums! We have a mackerel sandwich, a potato, and a little something for dessert.
I know they said last episode that they couldn't cook, but is this really the best they could do? Did they seriously expect her to eat this? +1

Gumball gasps and tosses Anais back onto the rug
Why was she in the bath fully clothed? Were they trying to clean her clothes too? +1

Darwin: Is that water I hear?
Anais opens the door a little
Anais: No! I just, uh, flushed?
They fall for this. +1

The water rises to the top of the bathtub, and it spills onto the floor. Gumball and Darwin chase Anais through the living room, making a huge mess in the process. She hides under the sofa and gets chased into the kitchen
They completely disregard Anais' safety now, despite being extremely overprotective earlier. +1

Gumball: Oh, what's Mom gonna think? We're in so much trouble!
You only realize this now? +1

Anais: Babysit yourselves on the roof until Mom and Dad come back. Walks away from the window
Or they could just...climb down and go back in through the front door? +1

Anais: Oh, no, no diaper. I surely hope I don't have an accident, on your bed!
This is your bed, not Gumball's. +1

The scene cuts to Richard and Nicole sitting on the front steps of the school
How has all of this happened and Nicole and Richard have only JUST gotten out? I mean, the kids went all the way to the park and back! +1

Gumball and Darwin are on the porch
The window we heard Darwin smash earlier is now completely fine. +1

Gumball: Don't worry! I'll smash the door in— Headbutts the door and recoils in pain
He expected this to work. +1

Gumball: Ah! You wouldn't know where the keys are by any chance, would you?
He assumes the door is locked without even trying to open it. +1

Darwin swims up with the keys and the 3 of them cheet
The three of them just inhaled a ton of water and so Gumball and Anais should be beginning to suffocate now. +1

Gumball: Hey, don't worry, we can use this diaper as a parachute and float safely down to—
They hit the ground face-first with a loud smack
They should be dead. +1

Nicole opens the door, and a huge burst of water hits them, leaving them filthy and stunned
Wasn't the door locked? How did she open it? +1

Anais: So, you're not angry at us for trashing the house?
Anais, the smartest one there, assumes for even a second that their Mother would't be angry with them for trashing the entire house. +1

Anais: Mom, it's my—
Gumball: No, I've got this.
Anais: No, Gumball, it was me that left the faucet running!
Gumball: Please, sis, let your brother be responsible for once in his life.
Anais gets teary-eyed and runs over to give Gumball a hug
Anais: Thanks, Gumball.
Huh, Gumball actually stepping up and taking the blame for his mistakes. I guess he actually can be responsible sometimes. -1

Gumball breathes in and begins to tell Nicole what happened
Gumball: Mom... Sees Nicole with blazing eyes It was Darwin. Points
Nevermind. +1

Richard: Well, none of this would've happened if it wasn't for you! Points to a broken computer on the floor
The scene falls silent for a moment
Nicole: Um, who are you blaming here?
Richard: The Internet...?
The Wattersons: Everyone settles the dispute and agrees Yeah, that's good enough.
They accept this excuse. +1

Total Sins: 29

Most sinned episode so far: The DVD (33)
Least sinned episode so far: The Responsible (29)

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