EWW: The Club

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Gumball: Remind me again why exactly we're at school on a Saturday.
Richard: Are you kidding me? It's club day. It's the only day of the week when I get to hang out with people I really like.
Richard just straight up admitted to his family he hates them, which is not only incredibly cruel but also a straight-up lie as we see him go out of his way to do things to protect them or make them happy throughout the entire series. e.g The Painting, The Poltergeist, The Treasure (in the flashback) and as much I hate to admit it...The Hero.

Yes, I actually just praised The Hero. I can't believe it either. +1

Also it's revealed in this episode the family goes to clubs on Saturdays but in The Castle. where they specifically say it's Saturday, Nicole is at work and the rest of the family go to the mall and spend the rest of the day dealing with people in ther houses. Either these clubs are a fortnightly or monthly thing, or the writers decided to just abandon the whole club idea after this episode. Which makes this episode kinda pointless. +1

Nicole: Okay... See you all back here at five.
Gumball: But wait! I don't have a club to go to!
If Gumball doesn't have a club to go to, why did he have to come with everyone else? Seems cruel to drag him out of bed on a Saturday and take him to school to then just leave him on his own to wander around and do nothing for hours whilst everyone else gets to go and fun. In fact, I know it doesn't completely fit the criteria but...

Gumball gets unfairly abused/punished/taken advantage of for an entire episode cliché +1

Seriously though, why is Gumball always  the punching bag for episodes like these? Why can't someone else be the one being left out or unfairly punished for once? Do the writers just hate Gumball? In fact, you know what? 1 sin isn't enough. 

#JusticeForGumball! +10

Anais: Let me stop you right there. You know there are different types of intelligence?
Gumball: Yeah.
Anais: I don't think you have any of them.
Gumball: I don't get it.
Anais: Exactly.
Gumball: Oh, come on!
Anais slams the door
What is up with Anais in these last two episodes? First she calls him a loser and kicks him out of her room for simply shouting at her doll, and now she's straight up saying he's a complete idiot? What is wrong with her!? At this point I'm concerned something is upsetting her and causing her to lash out and Gumball or something. +5

Gumball jumps off the high dive and a swan appears behing him and honks, and he makes a big splash. It then starts raining in the swimming pool, but then stops
Scene cuts to Gumball's vision
Gumball: Coughs, sputters So, how graceful was that?
Darwin: Dude, you can't swim.
...yes he can. We saw him do so fine in The Responsible.+1

Also, even if he can't swim, why did he not just stay here and watch Darwin and Penny? He enjoys watching Penny later on in The Flower, so this would have been an easy way for him to pass the time. +1

Gumball: Okay, I'd like to welcome everyone to "Gumball's Club of Gumball." First order of business: attendance. Hmm. Pretty good. Now, it seems like lately we've been let down by certain... family members. So I propose a little exercise in trust.
Seeing that Gumball actually feels betrayed and let down by his family here is actually pretty upsetting. And it makes them essentially waving away him being hurt like nothing later on even more aggravating. +1 

Gumball 1: Okay, don't worry, Gumball. Just close your eyes, let yourself fall back, and someone will catch you.
Takes off the glasses and runs on the other side of the room]
Gumball 2: Well, I'm a bit scared, Gumball.
Runs back and puts back on the glasses]
Gumball 1: Well, that's why it's called a trust exercise. Come on, dude.
takes off the glasses and runs forth
Gumball 2:  Mm... Okay. Inhales, and falls backwards, naturally slamming against the floor. He groans in pain, then sighs
Why would he ever have expected this to work? +1

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