EWW: The Tape

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Darwin: Hi, my name is azzaz-um... Sighs and starts over Hi, my name is Warwin Datterson... UGH! Starts over Hi, my name's Dyle Watterson, and this flim, and this fil, flim, AHH... CURSE WORD! Starts over Hi, my name is Darwin Watterson, and this Darwin's about... Sighs Uh...
Gumball: Off-screen Oh, come on, dude! How hard can this be?!
Gumball would be great at CinemaSins +1

Gumball: Oh, hi! Turns and cracks his neck, his head has now turned one-hundred-eighty degrees Augh! Mmm...
How somehow doesn't break his neck or become paralyzed after this. +1

Darwin: Okay, one, two, three. Hi, my name is Marmin Towerson, and this is a film about the thing that, when the people do the...and then, then they do that, and it's about the film where we show who it is...

and then, then they do that, and it's about the film where we show who it is

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Cut to Darwin cheering
Gumball joins Darwin and they hug
Gumball: Wait, is the light supposed to be on, when it's recording or..?
Gumball and Darwin sigh
After doing that many takes you would have thought they'd have double-checked it was recording. +1

Gumball: Voice-over This is my school, Elmore Junior High! And this is the story of my life!
Cut to a shot of the Wattersons, with Gumball holding a piece of cardboard stating the following
Gumball: Voice-over Starring....The Wattersons as... The Wattersons!
Cut to Tobias waving to Penny, who ignores him. He awkwardly high-fives himself. Gumball holds another piece of cardboard
Gumball: Voice-over Tobias Wilson as Tobias!
Cut to Principal Brown at his office desk. He turns around and takes his glasses off to reveal another pair. Gumball holds another cardboard sign
Gumball: Voice-over Nigel Brown as The Principal.
Cut to Hector. Only his legs are visible, and Gumball holds yet another cardboard sign
Gumball: Voice-over Hector Jötunheim as Hector.
Cut to Carrie's bedroom. Carrie can't be seen on camera, and Gumball holds another cardboard sign
Gumball: Voice-over Carrie Krueger as Carrie.
Cut to Gary at the door. Gumball holds one more piece of cardboard
Gumball: Voice-over This guy... as... this guy!
Cut to a shot of Carmen, Teri, Alan, Bobert, William, Sarah, Leslie, Clayton, and Tina, behind Gumball, smiling happily
Gumball: And introducing all my other friends in....The Amazing World of— Sighs Ugh. Forget it, who's gonna watch that?
Gumball walks away from the camera. The students behind the camera have confused or disappointed faces
He went to all that effort just to randomly change his mind out of nowhere and give up. +1

Also, he came this close to making the show within the shown. The metaness of that probably would have ripped Elmore apart a few seasons early! +1

Cut to the Wattersons' living room. Richard is asleep on the couch
Gumball: Voice-over in British accent And here we are, in the natural habitat, of the Moobus Gelatinous Holds a piece of cardboard stating the preceding words spending today, as he does everyday, sheltering himself, from responsibility.
Ahahahahaha, this whole David Attenborough parody scene is just great! -5

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