EWW: The Boss

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Gaylord: It's just a little mistake, Margaret. Everyone makes mistakes. Whispers Our marriage is a permanent reminder of that.
Jeez. I know he's probably just mad, but him straight-up calling their marriage a mistake is going a little far,  even if he doesn't mean it. +1

Gumball and Darwin smash through the fence
Gumball and Darwin: Joyfully We'll do it!
I still seriously don't get why Gumball and Darwin are so insanely obsessed with Mr Robinson. Like, you'd have thought the show would have given some explanation for it, but no. Nothing. The two just have an unexplained deep, unhealthy, almost Sarah-level obsession with him, and no-one seems to care. +1

Gumball: Don't worry! I've got this.
He pulls the blade of grass again, and everything in Mr. Robinson's garden, including the fence, collapses
Gumball: Oh.
Suddenly Mr. Robinson's stuffing pops out of his head
Ambulance siren sounds. Cut to Mr. Robinson being taken into an ambulance
Bandage Nurse: Madame, your husband's anger levels have caused him to lose a lot of stuffing. 
So, after everything they've done to him you're telling me this is what caused him to lose it so far he burst? The two have done WAY worse to him before. How is this what finally pushed him too far? +5

Bandage Nurse: Does he have any direct family member we could ask?
Margaret: Says nothing but mehs]
Bandage Nurse: Hm. Yep. Hm. Alright. Well, that made no sense. Does anyone here talk with words?
Darwin: You could ask his son, Rocky. He's a janitor, at our school.
Or...Mrs Robinson could do it. Since, y'know, she's right here. Would be much easier. +1

Mr. Robinson wakes up on the stretcher
Gaylord: I want nothing from that loser! He's an embarrassment to the Robinson name! I'd rather get stuffing from a turkey! Aaaaghhh! Passes out again
Okay, what the fuck. What kind of terrible father insults their own son like this? Yeah, he might not be doing a high-end fancy office job as an executive or CEO or whatever, but so what?

He's doing all the dirty work at school that nobody else will, as well as driving the kids to school and cooking them lunch, all of which he has a genuine passion for. Plus, as we've seen, the kids all love him and he genuinely cares about all of them and tries to make sure they're all okay and happy. If that isn't a son to be proud of, I don't know what is. +20 

Gumball: You have to go to the hospital, man. He needs you.
Rocky: I don't know. I've always been such a disappointment to him.
Darwin: Has he ever actually said that to you?
Rocky: More times than I count on my hands. Counts on his puppet hands So at least five. He thinks I'm an immature deadbeat who never left school, refuses to get a decent job, and dresses like a Canadian.
Darwin: Well, are you?
Rocky: Totally.
The fact Rocky also genuinely believes this is actually a little heartbreaking. Even though he enjoys his job, he feels like a disappointment for doing so. No-one should feel like that. +5

Gumball: Office jobs...
Internet instantly chimes in with "-work at chanax inc" all over the search results
Darwin: All the options say "work at chanax."
There's no way that this is the only office with jobs available. Nicole works an office job at The Rainbow Factory for example, why are there no mentions of jobs there? +1

Rocky: I work real hard! To do as little as possible...
Gumball: Right. I'm gonna write that you're goal-oriented. Types Okay, what else?
Rocky: To be honest, I just lie down a lot
Gumball: Types Lateral problem solver.
Wow, way to ignore and discredit everything Rocky does writers. As we see in the comics he quite literally singlehandedly keeps the school running. Without him the entre thing would be falling apart. But nah, he's just a loser who lazes about and doesn't really do anything. Duh. +5

Rocky: Ah! I can whistle with my butt! Whistles "Star-Spangled Banner" with butt

Rocky: Ah! I can whistle with my butt! Whistles "Star-Spangled Banner" with butt

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Rocky: I don't have a suit.
Darwin: Don't worry. We've got it covered. Takes out spray can
Why did Darwin just have a can of black spray paint lying about ready to go? And why was he already holding it? +2

Gumball: through radio ...
Outside, Gumball takes out the batteries of his radio. Darwin tries to open a pack of batteries
Gumball: Dude! The batteries are dead! Give me the new ones!
You'd have thought they would have checked the batteries before doing this +1

Also, they had new batteries with them but didn't put them in before starting? Why? +1

They try to tear the pack open. Then they hear Rocky whistling the same song earlier with his butt. Gumball facepalms repeatedly, until his hand goes through his face.
My reaction exactly dude. +20

Paperball: Well, I think you'll fit right in!
Rocky: Seriously?
Again, my reaction exactly. Not in any universe would someone have actually hired him here. +1

Gaylord: Ah! What're you doing here?! Margaret, get them off of me! Margaret?
At the beach, Margaret is dancing with some sailors
Her husband is seriously ill and she's off partying at the beach!? Goddamn Margaret is an awful wife. +5

Soulless Office Worker: Oh, he can't leave, he signed the contract. Mr. Chanax owns his spirit now.
Gumball: Come on, man. It's just a job.
Soulless Office Worker: Endlessly typing Kid, they kept me here forty-seven years straight. I missed my own wedding, my kids growing up, even my own retirement.
Preeeeeeety sure this is illegal. +1

Confused, Darwin pulls what he grabbed and sees the skeletal remains of an employee
Gumball: No, don't!
Darwin screams aloud, and the stacks of paper fall down
Darwin saw the skeleton worker earlier and was fine with it, so not sure why the skeleton here scared him so much +1

Paperball: You were the first people to ever make it to this office. Congratulations.
Gumball: Where's Mr. Chanax?!
Voice: Monster voice Let them see me!
Paperball: Yes...master.
He unfolds himself, and reveals a face inside of him which belongs to Mr. Chanax
Ahahahahaha, this is a brilliant Professor Quirrel/Voldemort reference! -10

Goblin: Dear employees, after four-hundred years in the business, Mr. Chanax has decided to pursue new goals, and spend more time with his family. The shareholders have named me as his replacement. Thank you very much. Demonic voice NOW GET BACK TO WORK, SLAVES!
But...their contracts are destroyed, right? They're free from Chanax's control and thus can do whatever they want now. if they stay now they're only doing so by choice +1

Gumball: Are you really sure? Because it looks like you're about to...
The heart monitor explodes, and the episode ends
They survive this +1

Total Sins: 88

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Hero (1,490,894)
Least Sinned Episode: The Kids (-230)

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