EWW: The Coach

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Gumball: Ah! My legs are trying to kick my brain for just thinking about it. But don't you worry. Today's the day the plan works.
Darwin: But it's already gone wrong so many times. Maybe we should just accept our fate and go to gym class. Gumball kicks Darwin's leg OW!
Einstein once said the definition of insanity is 'doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.' If it's failed the past however many times you've tried, it ain't gonna work this time either. +1

Joan: Did you just give me a quarter?
Gumball: And there's plenty more where that came from. How does a thousand cents sound to you?
Darwin: Ten dollars?
Gumball: How does a hundred cents sound to you?
Hahahahahahaha, this is classic Gumball for you alright. -1

Joan: A dollar? Writes a note If I just wrote you a note now, would you promise never to come back?
She gives in and writes a fake sick note for the two children, despite the fact that if it were found out to be fake she could literally lose her job. +1

Gumball: Oh, there we go. Hi, mis...ter...?
Coach Russo: You can call me Coach. Now get to gym class.
Principal Brown hired someone this clearly unfit as a gym class teacher. +1

Also, she didn't correct the two misgendering her here for no reason other than so the twist reveal can happen later on. +1

All of Gumball's organs start screaming. Gumball is shown doing push-ups while sweat pours out of his armpits
Oh, come on! I know Gumball isn't in the best shape he could be, but he is definitely not this unfit. He's done so much running, jumping, and climbing throughout the series that he should be more than fit enough to do at least a good few dozen pushups before struggling like this. +10

Coach Russo: Come on, Watterson. If you can't manage a simple push-up, how are you ever gonna do a cartwheel?~
Gumball: Why would I ever want to do a cartwheel?
Coach Russo: Because everything you learn in gym class could make a difference in your life one day.
Gumball: What possible use could I have for knowing how to do a cartwheel, apart from physically replacing the wheel on a cart? 
Gumball acts as if learning to do a cartwheel is a dumb idea and that he'd have no reason to ever do one, even though he not only already has learned how to do one but has actually performed one before to try and impress Penny in The Meddler. +1

Coach Russo: Oh, really? Jamie, you're running being chased by a pack of angry dogs, but oh, no, you've dropped your pen. Drops pen on the floor Now, do you let those dogs have that hard-earned pen, or do you cartwheel your way out of it like a boss?
Coach thinks that even a single person would ever actually risk their life to stop and do a cartwheel to pick up their dropped pen if they were being chased by angry dogs. Yeah no, fuck that pen I'm getting the fuck out of there. +1

Coach Russo: Let me paint you a picture. You're being chased by another pack of angry dogs. You've reached a ravine with only asymmetric bars allowing you to reach the other side. They want your pen. What do you do?
What is her obsessions with pens? And why does she think anyone would risk their lives rather than simply sacrifice the pen? +1

Gumball: Hohoho. I guess I'd just turn on my jet pack, fly over the ravine, land in my flying car, and drive to space.
Hahahahahahahahaha! -1

Jamie does several swings around the bar and lands perfectly on the gym floor. They stare in shock
Woah, Jamie has insane athleticism? I'm sure that'll be used creatively loads of times in the future, right? 

...wait, what do you mean no?  It's never seen or mentioned ever again after this episode? Seriously? What was the point of introducing a new trait to Jamie only to then never use it again? Seems like a HUGE waste of potential +25

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