EWW: The Flower

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Carmen, Teri, and Leslie help up Penny, who is upside down on the ground
Wait, how is Teri not turning into mush right now? She's made of paper and she's outside in the rain. +1

Darwin: Angrily What's going on, is you've dragged me here to eat my lunch in the rain, so you can gawk at Penny like you do every day, even though you guys aren't even boyfriend and girlfriend!
Why exactly did Darwin have to come with him? Gumball could have just gone and watched her on his own. +1

Jealousy: Tired Curse this feeble body, you should work out more. Continues slapping Leslie's pot
Penny: Looks at Jealousy angrily Gumball, what is wrong with you?
Somehow through this entire episode, everyone still believes this is Gumball despite him being green and his voice and face being very obviously different. +10

Penny: Gumball, I think you owe Leslie an apology.
You'd think him planning to literally MURDER Leslie would have a little more consequence than just "say sorry" +1

Gumball: Phew, it's hot. Oh, a bench in the shade. Pats the other side of the bench, showing where Leslie should sit
Both of them sigh happily and chuckle
Leslie​​​​​​​​​​​: You know, after today, I never thought you and I would become friends.
What does he mean? Were they not already friends? I mean, sure, they don't seem that close, but according to The One he's Gumball's sixth best friend +1

Gumball: Well, I guess sometimes life is just full of...
Jealousy: SURPRISE!
Wait, why was Gumball going along with Jealousy's plan? He made it clear he doesn't want to do any of this to Penny and Leslie. +1

Carrie: Don't break the circle of pepper. It's our only protection.
Penny: From what?
Carrie: Jealousy. it's taken possession of his body. And it must be EXPELLED!
So in this universe, Jealousy is a spirit that can manifest in someone who feels jealous. So, how come we never see it again after this episode? There are multiple times both before and after this episode where we saw someone feeling jealous, like Gumball in The Third,  The Goons and The Triangle,  Tobias in The One, Anais in The Rival, etc, and not once did it manifest in any of them. I mean does it only manifest in extreme cases of jealousy? Wait no, that can't be the case as it manifests in Penny at the very end of the episode too. You see, this is why you can't just randomly insert stuff into the lore without thinking it through writers. +10

Jealousy: Possessing Leslie  I wish I had my own bedroom! Like you! Points at Carrie, then proceeds to possess her
Jealousy: Possessing Carrie I wish I had my own body! Like you! Proceeds to possess Darwin
Jealousy: Possessing Darwin Huh... I'm actually quite happy with my life.
Hahahahaha -1

Penny: What are you talking about? We're not dating, we're cousi—
Camera cuts to outside Carrie's house while Jealousy explodes with a bright green flash. Then cut to Gumball flying backwards in slow-motion
How do Penny and Leslie being cousins even work? How can one of Penny's parents have a flower sibling? Were they adopted into the family or something? +1

Total Sins: 28

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Fridge (687)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Gi (-12)

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