EWW: The Password

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So uh...didn't mean for it to be this long since the last EWW. Got carried away trying to work on my fics more and completely neglected this. Oops. Promise it won't be nearly as long a wait for the next pair. Especially considering what episode is right around the corner!

[The episode begins with Gumball, Darwin and Anais sleeping. Soon, the alarm clock rings, making them bolt upright.]
Anais: IT'S MY TURN!
Darwin: NO! IT'S MY TURN!
So, this entire episode is about the kids fighting over the computer, and thus who the favourite child is but there's one major flaw to the entire thing. They have more than one computer right? The kids one, the laptop, and the one in their parents' room. Why can't they just all use one of them each? Boom, problem solved. 

TL;DR: Writers, please think about your plot ideas for more than a minute before making an entire episode, otherwise you'll be left with episodes like these with a premise that can easily be solved in mere seconds +5

Also, surely Gumball and Darwin would wanna use the computer together, right? I can't see Darwin doing much by himself except searching random things or watching videos on Elmore Stream-It, both of which he'd enjoy more doing so with his brother +1

[Darwin quickly throws a pencil holder containing sharpened pencils onto the chair. Gumball sheds a single tear as he lands on the pencils]
Gumball: Good move, but I can take it.
Considering the other much lesser things we've seen Gumball cry and yell in pain over...how is he not rolling on the floor and holding his ass in agony right now? +1

Richard: [With little emotion] You kids spend too much time on that thing! You should be playing outside.
Gumball: Why do I have a feeling that you sound like Mom right now?
Richard: Uh...[Nicole's arm comes through the door, and gives Richard a note to read]
Richard: "Your mother has nothing to do with this! I take full responsibility for being the bad cop this time. Read this, or you sleep on the couch tonight."
Nicole closes the door]
Why exactly is Nicole trying to pin the blame on Richard this time? Niot only is it extremely obvious that he's being forced by her to do it, and thus the kids will blame and be mad at her anyway, but she's never had a problem being the bad cop before +1

Also, I highly doubt Richard would care even slightly about sleeping on the couch. In fact, it'd probably be a treat for him as he could stay up and watch TV with a bunch of snacks +1

[Gumball takes her out the room and dumps her onto the floor]
Anais: Uh! HEY! C'mon, you promised!
Why is she banging on the door to be let back in? It's not as if it's locked. She can just...let herself back in +1

Gumball: "Password clue: favorite child?"
Gumball: [Inhales deeply] Ooh... ah... ouch. Sorry man. This is awkward.[Gumball types his name in the password box, but the password is still incorrect]
Gumball: What the what!?
Darwin: [Gasps] Really? [Cries] This moment is so much bigger than me. I would like to thank my parents, and my manager.
[Darwin, while crying, types his name in the password box, but the password is incorrect]
[Anais is banging on the door in the background]
Gumball: Well if it's not you, and it's not me, then who could the favorite child be?
[Anais (still banging on the door in the background) is heard.]
Anais: Come on, guys! I've got real work to do. You just waste time on Elmore Plus!
[Gumball and Darwin run to the door]
Gumball: Anais, who would dad's favorite child be if it wasn't me or Darwin?
[Gumball and Darwin both gasp and run back to the computer.]
[Gumball enters "Anais" in the password box. He presses enter and the password is correct]
Darwin: Yes!
[Darwin does a victory dance]
Gumball: What are you doing?
Darwin: A victory dance, we cracked the password!
[Gumball turns off the computer]
Gumball: That doesn't matter. Don't you get it? Anais is the favorite child.
Darwin: Yeah, but— oh.
[Darwin does a sad dance]
And welcome back to the writers clearly not thinking things through! This time, forgetting
things that you wrote in your own damn show!

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