EWW: The Sidekick

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Two episodes in a row about Gumball being a jerk to Darwin? CN couldn't have reordered it slightly to avoid the same basic idea twice in a row. +1

Gumball: Furiously pressing buttons on a controller Why aren't you flying? I'm pressing the right buttons!
How would Darwin possibly know what buttons Gumball was pushing from all the way over there? +1

Gumball: How's this for better? Gumball starts spamming the "down" button on the controller, and Darwin starts crouching up and down repeatedly
Darwin: Ah! Dude, stop, I'm getting breakfast in my brain!
Gumball: He starts examining the controller I have stopped! I think the crouch button is stuck.
He says this but if this were the case Darwin would just be stuck crouching rather than repeatedly crouching and uncrouching. +1

Darwin: Oh yeah? Then what about... Darwin wheels Gumball to Miss Simian's classroom, bringing the school yearbook along with him The school yearbook! He flips open a page That's your entry
They use a picture from the following episode, The Photo, here despite it not happening yet. +1

..and that's mine! points to a shot of Gumball's shadow
Why would the school have allowed this to be Darwin's photo? I mean surely he would have been there to have actually been in the photo. And if he was off ill or something surely they would have gotten Nicole or Richard to send in a picture instead. +1o

"Darwin Watterson. Age: two years younger than Gumball! Class: the same as Gumball! Most likely to be: standing next to GUMBALL! Even my nickname is "GUMBALL'S SIDEKICK!" Darwin shoves the open book in Gumball's face in the process
and they allowed this too? What is wrong with this school? +5

Darwin: Then, how do you...explain this? Darwin grabs Colin in the hallway, and confronts him face-to-face Hey you! Look me in the eye and tell me you don't think I'm Gumball's sidekick!
Colin: He gasps My Rubik's cube, you can talk! I always thought you were Gumball's orange bag. Colin then walks off
Colin is surprised Darwin can talk despite having not only gone to school with him for years, but also hearing him talk in the car in The Club. +1

Gumball: Shhh! At least a ladder would know how to shut up when it's helping me to sneak into someone's house!Darwin huffs angrily, and he walks into the opposite direction. The window closes in on Gumball's hands, and he falls into their basement
Darwin: That's for demoting me from a sidekick to a foot-stool!
Gumball: Okay, okay! Point taken, now get me outta here!
Darwin: I'm sorry, but I don't take orders anymore. Darwin walks home, and leaves Gumball behind
Gumball: Fine, you're not a sidekick! You're an assistant! I mean, a deputy! Ugh, you're my vice Gumball! Silence ensues Dude, you there? You're not speaking to me to make me think you left, right? And if you did, it's just to get some rope? Another moment of silence occurs ...You're getting rope? Again, no answer Nah, I'm sure he's just gone to get some rope.
Okay,  I get that Darwin is mad with him, and he has every right to be, but abandoning Gumball and leaving him stuck in that cellar all night is incredibly cruel. I mean, we could hear the fear in his voice near the end there, the poor guy must have been terrified being stuck there by himself all night..Not to mention the fact he fell two stories and through the cellar door to the ground below. No way he survived that without a broken arm or leg, or probably more, and the poor guy was stuck there like that the entire night in agony, freezing cold and starving cause he hadn't had dinner either. Let's just hope that Nicole, Anais, and/or Richard went to help him instead.  +250

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