EWW: The Dream

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Suddenly, Darwin appears next to Penny, who stops singing. Gumball is shocked and continues dancing nervously as Darwin dances with Penny and finally kisses her. The pineapple in his hands bursts
So this whole episode relies on Gumball dreaming about Darwin kissing Penny, but why would he ever dream of Darwin doing something like that? I mean he trusts Darwin more than anyone else in the world and knows he'd never do something like that to him, so he has no reason to ever dream of such a thing happening, +25

Darwin: Angrily Dude! It was a dream! I didn't kiss Penny! It wasn't real!
Gumball puts his hands over his face
Gumball: I know... but I just can't help hating you! You hurt my feelings!
Darwin: You hurt your own feelings with your own brain! You're being irrational!
Gumball: I know! 
Gumball knows that him being mad at Darwin and lashing out at him like he this is irrational and wrong, but still continues to do so for the rest of the episode anyway. +1

Darwin: I know you're upset, but... could you at least make eye contact with me?
Gumball ignores Darwin as his body twists around
Darwin: Okay, this is getting ridiculous.
Gumball: I don't want to speak to you. There's nothing ridiculous about it.
And now he's suddenly changed tune and is denying he's overreacting, despite literally just admitting that he is only a few seconds ago. +1

Darwin: I'd like to read a poem. Reads on the paper I am more sorry than there are grains of sand in the sea, accept my sincere a-po-lo-gy. When you are sad, it hurts me. So please forgive me, bud-dy.
Gumball closes his eyes and shakes his head
Darwin: Too cheesy?
Time lapse. Gumball walks down the hall to his locker, and opens it, only to see Darwin
Darwin: Surprising voice I'M SORRY!
Gumball jumps, then slams his locker closed and walks away
Darwin: Muffled Too surprising?
In the library, Gumball is on the computer. It dings and Darwin's video of a singing dog plays
Dog: Singing, Darwin's voice Hey buddy, ruff ruff, I'm sorry, ruff ruff, if I treated you so rough, ruff. Please forgive me, ruff ruff, 'cause after all, ruff ruff, I am your BFF, ruff ruff!
Gumball looks at Darwin angrily
Darwin: Too weird?
In the Wattersons' house's backyard, Darwin has locked himself in a pillory while birds peck him. Gumball stands next to him, turning away, but returns to looking at him
Darwin: Aah, aah, ow, ow! I'm sorry, owwww!
Gumball closes his eyes and shakes his head
Darwin: Too medieval?
Gumball: I'm trying, dude, but I just can't forgive you. You and Penny both betrayed me.
Why is Darwin even trying to apologize this much? After the first apology, which Darwin only gave out of courtesy anyway, he should have realized that Gumball was too caught up in his bullshit to listen to him or accept any apology he could give and have given up trying to reason with him there and then. +10

Darwin: Penny didn't betray you. Nothing's changed. She would never pick me over you. Ask her.
Gumball: I can't do that! She'll know I like her!
Gumball somehow believes that Penny doesn't know he likes her despite making it so obvious he might as well be smacking her in the face with a sign saying 'I LOVE YOU!' +1

Darwin: She knows you like her.
Gumball: No. I mean, I like like her.
Darwin: Oh yeah, you can't let her know you like like her like that, but you don't have to be that direct.
Okay, I can maybe just about accept Gumball being somehow oblivious enough to not realize, but Darwin should absolutely know that Penny is completely aware that Gumball likes her in that way. +1

Gumball: Uh-huh! So do you want this handsome, charismatic, faithful, devoted blueberry cupcake, or this backstabbing ugly orange cake Yells down the hall which should have never grown legs?!
Okay, I get Gumball is mad, but straight up wishing his own brother and best friend never grew legs and came back to him!? Not only is that ridiculously harsh, but Gumball would never wish for something like that, no matter how angry he is. +100

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