EWW: The Poltergeist

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Richard is seen sleeping. Then he wakes up to the sound of thunder and gets scared
Richard: Waking up Is that you, tooth fairy?
Richard hears a moan and then screams
Richard: Aaaaaah! It's a ghost! It's a ghost! It's a gho—
Nicole wakes up and sighs; she turns on a music box and Richard falls asleep, calmed by the stars that come from the music box
How did Richard hear Mr. Robinson but not Nicole? She's right next to him, and she's a cat and thus has significantly better hearing than he does. She should have heard it long before he did. +1

Gumball, Darwin, and Anais are having breakfast. Gumball pours some Daisy Flakes into his bowl
Gumball: Mom, I need more!
Nicole: But that's your fifth box.
Gumball: Well, it's because... I'm growing?
She believes this obvious excuse +1

Also, even if he's saving some for Mr Robinson there's no way he would have gone through five entire boxes. +1

Gumball starts pouring Daisy Flakes into his pants
He pours cereal into his pants here but then they're never seen nor brought up again for the rest of the episode. I mean once we find out Mr Robinson is in the attic it becomes pretty obvious what he intended to do with them, but...why did they go out of their way to set up him hiding a bunch of extra cereal in his pants to then not show him actually doing something with them? It just makes this entire scene completely redundant and makes it seem like Gumball poured cereal down his pants for literally no reason.  +10

Gumball pulls off the sheet to reveal Mr. Robinson under it
Okay, what? Firstly how did Gumball manage to drag Mr. Robinson all the way upstairs and up a ladder? No way he's strong enough to do that. +5

And secondly, how did none of his family see or hear him doing so? +5

Anais: Do you realize what keeping a fifty-year-old man in these conditions is called?
Fifty? He's retired and refers to himself as a senior citizen. He's definitely at least in his late sixties to mid-seventies. +1

Gumball: Don't worry, Mr. Robinson. We will never abandon you!
Gumball and Darwin hug Mr. Robinson
Aww, it's kinda cute how much Gumball and Darwin care about Mr. Robinson -1

Buuuut at the same time, it's really creepy just how much they do. I mean, they have an entire shrine dedicated to him in The Sale. Does Nicole really not see any issue with this obsession they have with their neighbor? +5

Gumball: And now, ladies and gentleman! For tonight only, I give you...Gumball slides onto stage
Gumball: Me. Laughs
Darwin: WHOA! Applauds This guy's good!
I know he's supposed to be overreacting here, but I kinda agree with Darwin here. I mean that was a pretty freaking awesome slide Gumball did. I mean he stopped dead on the right spot and nailed the pose and everything -1

Gumball: Okay, okay. Now, what do you call.. THIS? Changes himself into an odd figure
I like that you can see Gumball's sixth whisker here. Normally you can't because of the angle he keeps his head at, so it's a nice attention to detail that it's visible here. -1

Also, that fork on a press impression was actually kinda of genius. -1

Gumball raises his arms and starts moving his hip up and down, while the clueless Darwin stares at him
Gumball: It's a butt — Moves his hip up in an elevator!

and you had to go and ruin the moment, didn't you? I was happy taking off sins but nooo you had to go and throw in a stupid butt joke. And you know how many sins that's worth at this point. +20

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