EWW: The Refund

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The Wattersons' house, Gumball and Darwin are holding a game cartridge
Gumball: Staring at cartridge Look, Darwin. We waited more than seven months for this.
Darwin: I know! We waited so long, I had time to grow hair.
Gumball: Huh?
Darwin shows his leg, which is covered in thick hair
Gumball: Whoa. May I touch it?
Darwin: You may.
Gumball: Strokes Darwin's leg Nice.
Darwin: Thanks. Shouts at Gumball in excitement Come on! Put the game on!
Gumball: Opens the disc tray Come on, come on. Gasps Oh, there you are. Attempts to insert the cartridge in the disc tray, but it obviously does not fit There's something wrong with it!
I know Season 1 Gumball and Darwin are a lot dumber than their later selves, but they're 12 and 10-year-old boys who spend a good chunk of their time playing video games. keeping up with news about it, and have done so for years. This is one of the few things they actually know a lot about, so the two of them making a mistake like this makes no sense whatsoever. +1

Also, writers make Gumball and/or Darwin uncharacteristically stupid cliché +1

Larry: I'm sorry, kids, but it's store policy. I can't give you a refund.
Although it's perfectly legal, stores that refuse refunds are pretty shitty +1

Flashback: Gumball and Darwin are asking Larry
Gumball: What's bigger—a lion or a tiger?
Larry: A tiger.
Gumball: Why is the sky blue?
Larry: Diffraction of light through nitrogen.
Darwin: Can anything escape from a black hole?
Larry: Not unless it's a superheated quasar.
Gumball: What is 2,352 times 1,035?
Larry: 2,434,320.
If Larry is this smart why is he doing low-paying jobs like a store clerk? +1

Gumball: If you know all this stuff, how come you're a store clerk?
Oh god damn it the writers are self-aware!- 1

Gumball: points at Larry dramatically This is not the end of it, Larry Needlemeyer! Mark my words! We will get a refund!
They angrily leave the store, then immediately come back inside in a happy mood
Gumball: Hi, Larry. Can we have a refund, please?
He expected this to work. +1

Larry: Notices Gumball's voice Hey! What kind of police are you?
Gumball: Off-screen The... super-real police. The... refund department... of justice!
and this +1

Gumball: And now you're a store clerk giving us a refund?
Larry: Monotone, still hypnotized Sorry. It's against store policy.
Gumball: Sighs, upset]Now your butt's on fire again.
Why didn't he just say he was Larry's boss and that giving refunds was no longer against policy? +1

Gumball: Every year, hundreds of children buy faulty computer games and don't get refunds. opens door of Anais' room This is Jimmy. Camera zooms into Anais; she throws her Daisy doll at the camera annoyed
Didn't she give Daisy to Tina? How does she have her back again? +1

Music starts playing
Darwin: Refund the world. Refund it sooner.
Gumball: Uphold the rights that little Jimmy had as a consumer.
Darwin: Now he's living in a box.
Gumball: He's a victim of deceit.
Gumball and Darwin: And even though he still had the receipt.
The song ends shortly, back to the store
Hahahahaha, this song is great! -1

Richard gets off the sofa, rips off his shirt, and puts on a black vest. He then draws a tattoo of a deadly unicorn with "Nicole" on it on his arm using a pen, and after he does that, he grows a pair of wild mutton chops sideburns
Richard: Now how do I look?
Gumball: Actually, you look like your wedding picture.
He says this but Richard didn't look like this in any version of his and Nicole's wedding we saw +1

Larry: Nooooooo! We're doomed!
Richard: Aah! What's going on?!
Larry: He's coming! Slides through the exit
Richard: Who's coming?!
Larry: The manager! Escapes before the shutter door shuts
Ey, love the little reference to Indiana Jones there! -1

Gumball: What?! When you said you'd get us a refund, we didn't expect you to steal from the register!
Richard: You know very well I can't be trusted!
Richard would be good at CinemaSins +1

Manager: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! No need to get excited. Okay, look, I can't give you a refund. It's a matter of principle. But since I find you quite pathetic, I'll give you a 1% discount on this new games console. That way, you can play the game you've already got. What do you say?
Gumball: Hmm. 1%. So, $700. That's, like, $7 off!
Richard: Now, that's what I call a bargain!
They accept this offer +1

Also, what games console/shredder is $700!? +1

Richard: Ugh! Can't believe I got beat up by a garden gnome. Looks annoyed
Gumball: Oh, come on. It was pretty funny.
Darwin: Like when you were screaming, "no, no, my beautiful face!"
Gumball: Laughing And when he was pounding on you from above and it looked like a tennis ball bouncing on a melon.
Gumball and Darwin laugh, then Richard slowly begins to laugh with them
Awwwwwww -1

Gumball puts the game into the shredder
How did they not realize this was a shredder until now? +1

Also, why did the store manager not just sell them the actual games console with the 1% discount as he said? He had no reason to give them a shredder instead, and in doing so is only continuing the problem. +1

Also also, this whole problem could have been resolved in the first place if they waited til their Mom got home and got her involved. There's zero chance they would have walked out of there without the refund of she was involved. +1

Total Sins: 11

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Laziest (71)

Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Gi (-12)

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