EWW: The World

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The Moon sets while the Sun rises over Elmore
Basketball: Tobias inhales, but he hits Tobias Look up.
Sewer Cap: Look down. Mister Small falls into a manhole
Trees: Look all around.
Aww man, these lyrics just sparked a long-forgotten memory of the intro to this kids' show I used to watch many, many years ago called Come Outside. Ah, good times, good times. -1

Brown's Glasses: There's more to us than meets the eye. Principal Brown smashes into Bus Stop sign and falls down
Bus Stop Sign: Try to look when you go by!
Utensils: We love.
Bacon and Eggs: We laugh.
Plug Socket: We cry.
All Objects: We do all of this and more, 'cause we're the amaaaazing woooorld of Elmorrrrrrrre! You'll have the most amazing time!
So, everything in Elmore is alive? If this is the case why do we never see any objects ever speak to anyone or do anything outside of this episode and The Revolt? And why does nobody ever acknowledge this is the case? I mean, is this like a Toy Story situation where the objects don't want everyone to know they're alive, so play dead whenever they're around? This is such a weird piece of lore that basically otherwise gets forgotten about. +1

A scene that is similar to 2001: A Space Odyssey's opening plays, then it is revealed that the Moon and Earth are the ones singing. The Sun is irritated, because the Moon is "mooning"

Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. +20

Light Switch: Dude. flips switch, the Light Bulb stays off] DUDE! flips several times; Light bulb remains of LIGHT BULB! NO! OH NO, WHAT HAVE I DONE?! sobbing LIGHT BULB! NOOO —
Light Bulb: turns on Psyche. snickers
Even if they're friends, that was an incredibly cruel joke to play on the light switch...and I can't believe I actually just typed that sentence. +1

Bacteria: Bacteria! We begin with only one!
Bacteria! Two is what we then become!
Bacteria! Each of us becomes two more!
Bacteria! We are stronger than before!
Bacteria! We keep growing at this rate!
Bacteria! No longer shall we wait!
Bacteria! The plan now unfolds!
Bacteria! We will take over the world!
Rocky exterminates all the bacteria with a spray on a toilet
Hahahahahahaha! -1

Hot Dog: to Muscular Rat Hey. You know... I was thinking – just tell me if it's weird or anything – but, uh...
Wha-even video game characters are alive!? How is that even remotely possible!? +5

Cut to the inside of the microwave. Richard places an uncooked sausage on a plate and puts it in the microwave
Sausage: Yeah! Whoo! Yes! Yes! Richard presses the buttons and leaves Bring on the tan!Oh, so it's not a Toy Story situation, cause this hot dog is clearly screaming right in front of Richard. So...why exactly is everyone either oblivious to objects being alive, or acting as if this isn't the case? +1

Computer USB: muffled Help! Please, we're stuck! We can't breathe!
Nicole: ducks down Oh, come on, guys! How do you always end up like this?
Oh...so people sometimes acknowledge it but most of the time don't? This is just getting more and more confusing. +1

Soda Cup: spins his straw around, as if it was a radio antenna Mayday, mayday. This is first platter requesting help. We are under attack. I repeat – we are under attack. Coordinates – table three, seats six and seven.
Suddenly, the soda cup gets his contents drained
Who the hell drinks their entire soda all at once? It gets drunk through the meal, not basically at the end. +1

Fade in to Richard and Nicole giving a birthday present to Anais, as classical piano music plays throughout this skit. Anais opens her present, and is delighted to have received a Daisy the Donkey plush doll before hugging her. Fade to Anais in her bedroom, seated with Daisy. She feeds her doll a spoonful of cake and wipes her face with a napkin. Fade to Anais pushing Daisy on a swing. Fade to Nicole retrieving Daisy from under the bed and hands her to Anais, who immediately hugs the doll. Cut to a stormy and rainy night, then the children's bedroom. Gumball and Darwin are peacefully asleep, but Anais tosses and turns before being awakened by thunder, frightened. She takes out Daisy and cuddles. Soon, she falls asleep. Fade to Anais picking up Daisy. She notices her burst seam, and takes her to the desk. She stitches her seam, applies a band-aid, picks her up, and kisses her band-aid, before hugging her again. Fade to Anais spinning with Daisy. She tosses the doll into the air, catches her and hugs her
Anais: You're my best friend, Daisy.
Awwwwww, It's so heartwarming seeing just how much Daisy really means to Anais! -10

Daisy the Donkey​​​​: moves her head straight up You're my best friend, too, Anais.
Anais: What the?! Aaaaah! kicks Daisy away and runs away screaming
So Anais finds out Daisy is alive and can talk here, and is horrified, but then she inexplicably still has Daisy in episodes after this, and is still just as attached to her as she's always been. +1

Also, why is Anais, a four-year-old, in a field all on her own? +1

Gumball's Eyes: We hope we've opened up your eyes.
Oh my god, this is fucking nightmare fuel. +1

Total Sins: 23

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Hero (1,490,894)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Plan (-56)

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