EWW: The Ape

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Rocky: Laughs Seriously, though, no one likes you, Miss Simian. Not even me! And I like everybody.
Ouch, that's a painful burn. -1

Though, why did he call Miss Simian...well, Miss Simian? He's staff, he can just call her Lucy. +1

Gumball: Dude, I think something's wrong with Miss Simian.
Darwin: What makes you say that?
Gumball: She hasn't told anyone off all day.
I feel like Darwin should have been the one concerned about Miss Simian, here. Gumball would more realistically just be enjoying the day and be glad that she isn't telling anyone off. +1

Lucy Simian: You and I are friends, right?
Gumball: Faces to Miss Simian Are we?
Gumball actually entertained the idea of him and Miss Simian being friends here. Realistically he for sure would have said they aren't with no hesitation whatsoever. +1

Gumball: Basically, she asked to be my friend. Well, I told her "no," obviously. Camera pans to Miss Simian But she's just following me around.
How have none of the other teachers seen her behavior and question it? I mean, she's following a student around in a way that could almost be considered harassment. +1

Also, Gumball somehow hasn't talked to Principal brown about her behavior yet. +1

Gumball: And the strangest thing is, she's completely unresponsive. Watch. Launches a pea using a spoon into Miss Simian's face, gaining no response from her See? Nothing!
Darwin: Hmm. Try something hot.
Hahahahaha -1

Gumball and Darwin are on the way to their home, with Miss Simian following them
Okay, not only has she been following Gumball all day but now she's also following him home? How do they not call the police as soon as they get home? +5

Nicole: What is she doing in my house?
Lucy Simian: Stops I'm sorry. I just that maybe we could share a nice breakfast together, but since you all hate me, Stands up I'll just go. Approaches the door I'm walking.
And she's tresspasing in their house too? How does Nicole not call the police here and/or throw Miss Simian out of the window? +10

Darwin: Crying Please, let her stay!
Nicole: Sighs Okay. She can stay, but—
Nicole actually lets Miss Simian stay simply because her children asked her too. I mean yeah saying no would have upset them a little but it would have been better than letting someone like Miss Simian stay with them. +1

Lucy Simian: Uh, do you want to share mine? Moves her hands as she breaks her ice cream in half
What? How does one break an ice cream in half? +1

Gumball: How about we all play game, like friends do? Here's one we made up. It's called...
Gumball and Darwin: Dodge or Dare!
Gumball: Roll the dice.
Miss Simian rolls the dice
Gumball: Take a card.
Miss Simian takes a card
Gumball and Darwin: What'd you get?
Lucy Simian: "Put a gooey hair ball in Miss Simian's lunch."
Gumball: Gasps L-Let me take that.
Gumball takes the card that Miss Simian had and hands her a deck of cards, which Miss Simian takes one of them
Gumball: Pick another.
Lucy Simian: "When Miss Simian's back is turned—"
Gumball: Chuckles A-Actually, let me pick one for you. Starts searching for cards Uh, cover Simian in slug juice, drop water balloons on Simian, Miss Simian, Miss Simian, Miss Simian— Throws the cards away and giggles Heh heh. Forget the cards. Here's a dare: make the most annoying noise possible.
Why are all the dares about Miss Simian? Not only would it not make any sense as they always play the game at home, but when they played it in The Game there were none about her. +1

View changes to backyard window, with Nicole watching Gumball, Darwin and Miss Simian while doing her dishwashing
Nicole: I've got my eye on you, Simian.
If she's this uncomfortable with Simian being around her kids then why is she letting her stay? +1

Richard: Ha-ha-ha-ha. Do it again! Do it again!Camera zooms out showing Miss Simian blowing into Richard's stomach again, while Nicole watches the family laughing. Richard falls off the couch, laughing and revealing Darwin standing behind himWow, she is really committed to getting this letter, huh -1

Nicole: Listen, Simian, you might have the rest of them fooled, but I don't trust you for a second. Lunges forward I remember you from school. I remember the horrible name you used to call me everyday.
Camera zooms towards Nicole and Miss Simian
Nicole: Do you remember that?
Lucy Simian: Regretful Yes, I do. And I'm sorry.
Camera zooms to Nicole
Nicole: Surprised What?
She believes this for even a second +1

Darwin: Look how happy she is.
Gumball: That's the power of friendship.
Aww I love how willing they were to be friends with Miss Simian even after everything she did to them. it's kinda cute. -1

Rocky: Slow-motion "Losers."
Nicole's eyes grow wide and the scene changes to a flashback of her as a baby, falling after a few steps, and her eyes well up with tears
Nicole: Unh!
Lucy Simian: Heh! Nice first steps, loser!
Nicole, as a kid, falls from a bike that was hitting a rock
Nicole: Unh!
Lucy Simian: Laughs Nice cycling, loser!
Nicole, as a student, sits at her desk as Simian looks at a poem she wrote
Lucy Simian: Nice "poem," loser!
At the school reunion dance, Nicole has permed hair
Lucy Simian: Nice hair, loser.
At Nicole's wedding with Richard, Miss Simian passes by with her car
Lucy Simian: Nice husband, loser! Laughs maniacally
End of flashback. Scene returns to the school
Oh wow, Nicole has some serious PTSD behind that word. Poor girl was abused her entire childhood not only by her parents but by Miss Simian too. Thank she had Richard for most of it. Poor girl desperately needed him. -5

Anais loads the candy into Darwin's mouth, and he fires it at Miss Simian like a machine gun. The candy cracks Miss Simian's windshield
Hahahahahahaha, this was genius! -5

Lucy Simian: Midair Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!
Gumball: Cool!
Lucy Simian: Not coo-o-o-o-l!
Hahahahaha -1The cars separate and Richard is left running on a car ramp until he goes flying into the air
Richard: Whoooooa! [Explodes somewhere off the road in the woods
Why did he explode? +1

Also, he should be dead. +1

Lucy Simian: Nah! Grabs the letter, and the car falls of the ledge Aaaaaaaaaah!
Gumball, Darwin, Anais, and Nicole look over the ledge as a crash and explosion are heard
and so should she. +1

Total Sins: 12

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Poltergeist (128)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Gi (-12)

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