EWW: The Fridge

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Why is this episode called The Fridge? The fridge itself is such a tiny part of the episode. It should have been called 'The Winner' or 'The Chart' +1

Also, Gumball gets abused/unfairly punished for an entire episode cliché +1
(Note, due to feedback I'm dropping the counter for clichés and thus they will only be worth one sin from now on to avoid unnecessary padding of the sin count. I mean, if I had continued it we would have been seeing +50s in no time. Also, for the sake of avoiding repetition and making the series boring they're only going to be sinned for more blatant, outright examples of said clichés from now onwards.)

Anais: I got a science award for discovering a new form of bacteria in the fridge, sir! Ma'am.... Mom.
Scene cuts to moldy bread in the fridge; disco lights are flashing from it and dance music is playing
Nicole: Oh, that's very good, Anais! That puts you on the... sunny cloud!
Only the sunny cloud? I get why it's not the star, but why not the sun? +1

Gumball: Meh, I guess I achieved nothing.
Nicole: Again?! Surely there's something you're good at.
Gumball: Hmmm... I guess I'm just good at being happy. Gumball smiles at Nicole
Nicole: Well, that's not good enough, little man! As of tomorrow, I'm turning you into a winner! But right now, you're on the rainy cloud!
Wow, way to make Gumball feel like a disappointment... +1

Nicole: Honey, I think there's a few things you don't understand about being a winner.
Gumball: Scoffs Like what?
Nicole: Like...
Scene flashes to Gumball carrying Nicole up some stairs
Nicole: A winner never quits!
Gumball's back cracks, and he collapses on the cement
Nicole: Shouting into the sky A winner stares fear in the face!
Gumball is standing on the roof of the house, holding a golf club
Gumball: Ohhh! Oh, oh man! Uh...
Lightning strikes the chimney, destroying half of it.
I get she wants to motivate Gumball to work harder and accomplish something, but why does she have to do so with such cruel methods? This is straight-up child abuse! Is she trying to make him a winner or kill him? +1

Actually, no, one sin isn't enough for this. +25

Gumball is at school exhausted with bags under his eyes
Okay, no. I get Nicole wants him to be a winner, and I get she's a little carried away, but pushing him to the point of exhaustion!? That's going too far, even for her. And don't say 'She's gone too far to realize what she's doing' or anything like that. Seeing how exhausted and mentally drained her son is would surely be enough to snap her out of it. +50

The scene cuts to Nicole and Gumball in the car again, now they are in the desert
Gumball: And he kept throwing the ball over, and over, and over... and I don't know what got into him!
Nicole: Sighs You know, there's nothing wrong with a little competitive spirit, honey! Success is like a journey full of hardship. You need to learn that there's no gain without a little pain, which is why I've driven you here.
The camera cuts to a view of the desert, where the car stops and Gumball steps out
Gumball: The desert?
Nicole: Yes... you're walking home.
Nicole drives away while Gumball runs after her
Gumball: No! Don't you dare leave me here!
Gumball dives after the car and holds on to the rear bumper, he stammers as his body drags across the desert; he loses his grip and faceplants into the sand
Gumball: Coughs, then stands up She'll be back...
Gumball stares into the sunset, waiting for Nicole to come back. After a brief moment he sighs
Deep inhale as I enter rant mode Okay, pardon my French, but what the actual fuck!? I get she wants to teach him there's no gain without pain, and that's totally fine, she can by all means do so, but doing so by ABANDONING HIM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING DESERT!? What. The. Actual. Fuck. This is the literal cruelest possible way she could have chosen to teach him this lesson. I mean, she could have made him do anything else. He could have ran around the block a few times for a joyful burger meal, or done a bunch of chores to get a new video game, but noooo, she decides to abandon him in the middle of the desert, sleep deprived, without any food, water or directions?! And she thought her parents were bad!? Not only is this literal child abuse, but the amount of pain he goes through is so ludicrously disproportionate for what he actually gets for doing so. And what exactly is it that he 'gains' from all of this pain you may ask? Going up a few places on a chart he's already expressed he couldn't care less about. That's it. No game or meal or trophy or money or anything else. Just a 'well done'. Like, she puts him through the torture of walking home from the middle of the desert and doesn't get him anything to make it even remotely worthwhile!? Just a 'Well done, you did it!' Deep breath to calm myself down Okay... remember when I said sin counts were gonna start flying...?

...Nicole in this episode can go screw herself. +500

GumballWalks up to Gary and grabs his drink Gimme that!
Gary: Hey! Gumball hisses
Gary: Ah! Whatever, young man! Keep it!
Gumball drinks until the cup shrivels up
GumballSighs Where's Elmore?
Gary: About ten miles that way. Points at the direction Gumball just came from
Why is Gary so far out from Elmore? +1

GumballSees his spot on the chart Mmmm... not bad.
Nicole slithers up behind Gumball and chuckles evilly
Gumball: Ah!
Nicole leans toward Gumball
Nicole: Feels good to win, doesn't it?
Gumball: Uh, no, it doesn't! Your chart is ruining this family! They're all behaving like animals! I mean... Whistles
A mockingbird flies into the kitchen window
Gumball: ...Hello? We were all happy before, do you even realize what you're doing to us?
Nicole: That's right. Use your anger... 'cause you're going to need it for our little family outing tomorrow!
Gumball: Why? What's happening tomorrow?
Gumball is unreasonably calm with her after what she did to him. I mean, if my Mom had done that stuff to me not only would I not be willing to talk to her, I wouldn't want anything to do with her for at least a week or so before even considering talking to her again +1

Gumball: Oh this is great, paintball with crazy people. I'll be in the car.
NicoleWhat have I got to do to get you to show a little competitive spirit?!
What has he got to do to get you to understand that he's happy as he is, and has absolutely no desire to be a winner? +1

Darwin: Go on without me.
GumballSadly I'm not gonna leave you here!
Darwin: It's too late for me. You're the only one who can save this family from insanity. I saw the flag, from the tree... it's just over that hill.
Gumball: No... no!
Darwin: Just go! Just go...
GumballHesitates, then leaves sobbing
DarwinLooks back as Gumball runs off, then sighs
A paintball gun appears behind Darwin
Anais: Don't move. I'm winning this thing.
Darwin: I don't think so... Looks up
AnaisFollows Darwin's gaze and sees the trap Hmm... one of mine, huh?
DarwinNods You know it's for the best...
They look up at the balloon together, and as the camera cuts to Gumball, who has made it into a clearing, an explosion is heard. Gumball gasps as he looks behind him and sees pink paint flying into the sky. He sobs, and trudges forward.
Why are they acting so dramatically? It's just paint, it's not as if they're gonna die. +1

Gumball: Enough! I have won! The game is over!
Nicole: Not until you've shot me. Then you'll finally join me... and be a winner.
Gumball: I don't want to be a winner! I'd rather be a disappointment to you than live like this!
NicoleConfused What? Gumball... no no... disappointed? I could never be disappointed in you. I just-
Nope. She doesn't get to try and justify what she did. There is no justifying it. Nor does she get to stand there and tell Gumball that she's not disappointed in him when she's just gone out of her way to prove the exact opposite to him. +100 for the writers trying to justify what she did.

Gumball has just placed a hand on the flag, and is about to take it when he hears a paintball dry fire behind him. He turns around and sees Nicole aiming at him
Gumball: Angrily Did you just try and shoot me in the back?!
Nicole: Lowers her weapon ....No.
Nicole suddenly starts grabbing paintballs and placing them back in her gun, apparently still intent on winning, so Gumball shoots her
Gumball: There! You happy now?!
Nicole: Chuckles, then starts laughing Sorry...
Gumball: Laughs along with her
Gumball forgives his Mom for torturing him simply because she began to laugh about it and said sorry. +1

Total Sins: 687

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Fridge (687)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Gi (-12)

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