EWW: The Finale

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A photo of the waterlogged house in "The Responsible" is shown as a flashback
Richard: Oh, that's the time we left you in charge, and you all flooded the house. Do you remember?
Why would they have a photo of this? +1

Anais: We must have fallen four thousand feet straight onto the sidewalk, and walked away without a bruise.
Wha, hey! You can't call yourself out on that! That's my job!

But in all seriousness,  it's actually pretty awesome that the show jokes about itself like this though. -1

Anais turns the page again, and we see a photo of the Wattersons sitting on the couch with their former season one designs
Gumball: Is it me, or did we all look a bit... off?
And thus we have the one and only time the show acknowledges the designs of the characters changing. And yet still no explanation is given, just "Haha, we looked so weird back then!" +1

Darwin: Let's look at another. A photo from "The Mustache" is shown Haha, do you remember the time we swallowed Mr. Dad's supplements and turned into men?
With all the references and callbacks to the past two seasons throughout this episode, it genuinely feels like it was made not only as a huge season finale, but also as a celebration of the entire Logan Grove & Kwesi Boakye era of the show, due to the two's upcoming departure in the following episode, and I love it! I don't know any other show that would do a full-on bombastic reference-filled season finale for its main protagonist's original voice actors' final full episode, before then doing an entire episode dedicated solely to the two's swansong. Yet another reason why The Amazing World of Gumball is the best cartoon! -50

Mrs. Jötunheim: Enough flashbacking! If you remember well, seventy-five percent of Elmore was destroyed and somebody has to pay for it!
Richard: You mean it didn't all end well like it always does?
Mrs. Jötunheim: Takes out a sheet of paper and hands it to Richard Here's your half of the bill for the reconstruction work.
Richard gasps as the sheet of paper unfolds, revealing a long list
Mrs. Jötunheim: Why are you looking so surprised? Did you really think we lived in some kind of fairy tale? 'Cuz wake up buddy, we don't.
I also love the idea of this episode! It's so fun to see a what-if scenario where things didn't just simply reset at the end of the episode, and all the consequences and actions continued over. They should genuinely make an actual cartoon like this. it'd be such a unique idea! -5

Though, this episode also begs the question, why only now are all of these consequences happening? Did the Void or whatever resets the status quo after each episode just decide to take the day off or something? +1

Richard: That's exactly what he said, but don't worry. I've been imprisoned heaps of times. They put you in then straight away you're just not in there anymore.
Ahaahhahahaha, all these fourth wall breaks are great! -1

Patrick: Look, just pretend to hit me with the handle, and I'll go down.
I'm surprised Patrick is okay with making it appear as if Richard beat him in a fight. +1

Nicole: Starts to lash out, but manages to restrain herself Oh, you... Pats Martha's head
Martha: Mmhmm... Writes Assault on a municipal officer.
How is that assault? She just tapped you lightly! +1

Darwin: So to recap, Gumball and I will sneak into the hospital and give each other facial reconstructive surgery to make us look like the two highest achievers at school: Bobert and Alan.
Bobert and Alan? Surely Colin and Felix, or more likely Anais, would be doing better than Alan, right? +1

Nicole: Look, I'm tired of your attitude, mister! I'm coming in there and we're going to shake hands and make up like adults.
Anais: Mom! You can't do that!
Nicole: Starts to lift the door Yes... Grows muscles and a monstrous voice I can!
Anais: No, I mean you can't do that because he's got a- Nicole forces the door open, Anais sighs restraining order on us...
If Anais knew this why did she wait until now to tell her this? I mean, surely them just being there is already breaking the restraining order, yet Anais still thought it was a good idea for them to go? +1

Gumball: Sobs Where's my happy ending?
Anais: This is the end guys, show's over. Everybody in the cell bows their heads sadly, as the scene slowly fades to black
Bro, imagine how dark it would have been if the show had actually just cut to the credits and ended right there. -1

Gumball: It says here, that Mr. Small is suing us for giving him claustrophobia that time we got him stuck in the filing cabinet!
What? But...they didn't get him stuck in there. He fell in himself because he was leaning on his chair. There's no chance he ever would have won this lawsuit. +1

Richard: Kenneth! Kenneth, frozen in the jar, is shown inside the freezer The gross jar creature! Takes the jar Are you sure this is a good idea?
Oh, so Kenneth does appear again! I stand corrected. -1

But, why would they have kept him? Seems like a terrible idea when he could so easily be defrosted if someone accidentally took him out and forgot about him. +1

Nicole: No! This is it! It's all over! The end of the Wattersons!
Gumball: The only thing that can save us is reality being completely reset by some kind of magic device!
The episode ends abruptly
Hahahahah, clever! Buuuuuut...

...episode suddenly ending and resetting everything deus ex machina! +10

Total Sins: -40

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Hero (1,490,894)
Least Sinned Episode: The Plan (-56)

Whew, that's officially two seasons down, and four to go! Well, until Season 7, and hopefully if we're lucky the movie, come out anyway! 

As much as I'd like to jump straight into EWW: Season 3 however, I'm gonna put the series on a short break. This is to give me a chance to go back and finish remastering Season 1 before continuing onwards, and to give me a small breather between seasons. Don't worry though, you won't have to wait too long for Season 3, I promise! 

Thanks for sticking with me throughout Season 1 and 2! It's been a blast, and with Season 3 coming we have some pretty important and beloved episodes coming up, which I'm very much looking forward to getting to, so look forward to more of this pretty soon!

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