EWW: The Robot

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Gumball gets unfairly abused/punished/taken advantage of for an entire episode cliché +1

Elmore Junior High schoolyard. Bobert is sitting on the bench, depressed while the other students play kickball
Bobert: sighs
Since when can Bobert feel depressed or upset or any emotions at all? He's a robot, he literally cannot feel emotions. At all. +1

Tobias​​: Hey, Bobert! Kick it over! Come on, dude!
Bobert kicks the ball as he was asked for, but the kick is so powerful that the ball gets to reach the Sun
Even with his ultra-powerful kick, there's no way it reached the sun that quickly. Or at all. Especially without burning up on the way there +1

Gumball: Would you like a cup of tea, Mrs. Biggerlocks?
Darwin: Don't mind if I do, Mrs. Pumpernickel.
Gumball: And could I interest you in a... Dynamite cupcake?!
They toss up their dolls showing an explosion. Then they notice the upset Bobert.
Gumball: Hey, Bobert. What's wrong?
Bobert: Oh... Nothing.
Gumball: Aw, come on. You can tell us. We're friends.
Awwwwww, this is really cute. Just goes to show that, despite how he may act most of the time, Gumball really does care about his friends, even if he doesn't always show it. -3

Bobert: Really? prints something on a paper like a cash register then shows the paper to Gumball and Darwin
Gumball: What's that?
Bobert: It's the algorithm for smile.
Awwww! -1

Gumball: Okay, look. Let me demonstrate. Here, Darwin, describe this.
pinches Darwin's cheek
Darwin: his eyes get small because of pain Ahhhhhhhh!!!
Gumball: How does that feel?
Darwin: Horrible!
Gumball: like a psychoanalyst Hey, yes, yes, of course. Can you be more precise? Describe it.
Darwin: It feels... Feels... Like this!
pinches Gumball's chest in return
Gumball: screams even shriller than Darwin Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
They both collapse to the ground still pinching each other and yelling
Gumball: You're making me cry...
Darwin: But when you cry, I cry...They stop pinching each other and start crying
Gumball: gets up I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you.
Darwin: Me, neither. I don't know what I was thinking.
Gumball: I love you, buddy!
Darwin: I love you too!They hug each other crying
Gumball: acting completely normal again And that, Bobert, is emotions. Do you understand?
Bobert: Affirmative. Emotion equals X over Y plus a square root of a hypotenuse.
How...how did he get this from watching all of that? +1

Bobert: May I simulate yours?
Gumball: Excellent choice!
Bobert: Excellent choice! tries calibrating his voice, finally it sounds like Gumball's Excellent choice! Hi, my name's Gumball and my head is so big, I've to go in the other room to look at it!
Darwin and Bobert laugh, Gumball examines his head
Excuse me? Gumball is going out of his way to help Bobert at the moment, to the point of letting him use his voice, and Bobert thinks it's okay to then use that voice to mock and insult him!? More specifically something he should be well aware Gumball is pretty self-conscious about. I get that he was he was joking around and teasing him, but that was just absolutely uncalled for. +10

Bobert: Did you hear? I laughed! I have feelings! I'm a real boy! Thanks! hugs Gumball and Darwin for along time
What? How does using Gumball's voice make him have feelings? It's... just a different voice. +1

Mom-Unit: Bobert! Time for dinner simulation!
Bobert: Coming, Mom-Unit!
Dinner simulation? They just...sit and pretend to eat for a while? Seems kind of pointless +1

Everything Wrong With The Amazing World of GumballWhere stories live. Discover now