EWW: The Tag

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Then, he sees the Robinsons' empty trash bin and gets an idea. He glances around, and drops his trash into their bin.
Gaylord: Pops out This is a senior citizen's arrest!
How long was he waiting in this trash can for? +1

Gumball: finds the canned butter in the bag and opens it You know what? Now that we're here I don't think we're doing the right thing.
Darwin: Well, we can't disobey Mr. Dad. He told us to put butter on everything in the house.
Why can't they just wait a while then go home and say they did it? He would have no way of knowing if they actually did or not. +1

 I'm in a bath of melted cheese! [quietly] I've been wishing for this for twenty years. opens a secret compartment in the wall, containing a bag of "Nacho Crisps." He dips one in the bath and eats it.
Those crisps must be stale as hell if they've been hidden in that wall for that long. +1

Richard: Okay boys, here's the plan. Hold my foot.
Then, Richard is seen crawling across the ground, looking stretched out.
Richard: You put your dirty hands on my cheese, you get my greasy fingers on your windshield!
It is seen that Gumball and Darwin are holding Richard's foot, preventing the ankle bracelet from going off.
Gumball: Ughhh... I'm losing my grip!
Darwin: His cankle is too wide for my hands!
Richard is still crawling on the ground, in front of him are small shovels, which he uses to help him crawl.
Darwin: Grab his pants!
Gumball and Darwin grab Richard's pants, but end up letting go of them. Richard's pants go flying off, and he slams into Mr. Robinson's car, making the car alarm go off and setting off Richard's ankle tracker.
The fact they managed to hold on for that long, considering how weak they are, is very surprising. +1

Gumball: Well then, how would you like your radio tuned to young people's music?!
Oh dear god no, how could they do something so evil to a man they love so much!? +l

A video camera appears in front of them.
Gaylord: Hmm, play me? What kind of a musical instrument is this? [blows on it]
Richard: It's a video camera!
How does Mr Robinson not know what a camera is? And how is Richard smarter than someone else for once? +1

Gumball: Inside the cake is a key. By sharing the cake, you'll find the key. And learn that sharing is the key... to getting out of there.
Richard gulps and Mr. Robinson looks at him angrily.
How did Gumball and Darwin not expect this exact thing to happen? They know how much their father loves food. +1

Gumball: You have fifteen minutes before the police arrive!
Does it even matter if they get back inside or not? The police still know they left the house, even if they do go back inside they violated their house arrest. +1

Darwin: Why are you always trying to motivate me with cruelty, when you know I respond better to emotional rewards?!
Gumball: Sorry man. pats him
Darwin: Ah, that's better. AHHHHH! Speeds up with a rainbow boost and catches up with the trash can
Hahahahahahaha, exactly what I'd expect from Darwin. -1

Though why do they literally never use this ability ever again after this episode? +1

Marvin: No, please! I'm too old! I can't walk without my cane-starts crying sees Hexagon Lady walking and walks normally, suddenly speaking with a flirty voice Oh, hello...
He acts as if this is this first time he's ever seen her, despite literally going on a date with and being rejected by her before in The Watch. +1

Donut Cop: The worst part about this job is you give people a second chance and you still end up having to taze them.
Richard: Wait! That was all his fault!
Gaylord: Don't listen to him, officer! He's nothing but a good for nothing—
The Donut Cop tazes them. Episode ends.
Wait why did he have to taze them? They weren't resisting anything or disobeying him in any way, they were literally just sitting there. This is literally straight up police brutality...

...which...actually makes this one of the more realistic scenes in the show considering what country they're in... +20

Total Sins: 19

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Hero (1, 490, 894)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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