EWW: The Knights

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Patrick: Look, Penny, I know you like this kid, but are you sure there isn't a better partner for your medieval assignment? 
Why does he suddenly dislike Gumball again? He was fine with him by the end of The Date, yet now he's randomly changed his mind? +1

Gumball: Gurgling soap in his mouth Hello! Welcome to the Wattersons' house!
Why did he run out with the soap still in his mouth? Why not simply spit it out? +1

Tobias​​​​​​: This, you rustic troglodyte, will allow me to attract fair Penny to be my study partner.
Why does Tobias care about attracting Penny now? What happened to pals before gals? +1

PennySarcastically Nice tights.
Tobias​​​​​​: Why, thank you!
Idaho: I think that was irony.
Tobias​​​​​​: No, it wasn't.
PennyCalling off-screen Yes, it was!
Hahahahaha -1

Penny: Hey, Gumball, I just wanted to say sorry, about last night.
Gumball: Last night? What happened? Oh-oh yeah, you were gonna come over to work on our medieval assignment. But you didn't. Psh, I didn't even notice since I was so busy.
Penny: Really? But, my dad said you were calling our house till like, four in the morning.
Gumball: Pssssh. That could've been anyone. No one picked up the phone, so there's no way you could know it was me!
He expects her to believe this whilst outright admitting it's true by saying no one picked up the phone. How could he know that unless he was the one calling? +1

Darwin: Don't worry. You'll pass that medieval assignment. You know the whole book by heart.
Gumball: But I... but I learned it all for her.
Awwwww -1

Scene changes to Patrick driving home from work. He notices a billboard has changed, so he looks at it. It's a billboard of his company, with crude drawing and writing obviously done by Gumball
Patrick: "Watterson and Fitzgerald Co. Friendship Unlimited?" What the...?
There is no way Gumball could or would have changed a billboard like this. He would have needed to be at least sixteen to buy the spray paint, and even if he could he would never do something illegal like graffiti. The only time he ever did was on Principal Brown's car to help Ms Simian and that wasn't full-on defacing public property like this. +1

Scene changes to Gumball going to the Fitzgeralds' house again. Gumball rings the doorbell, and Patrick opens it, only to find Gumball back, this time he starts singing while playing the ukulele
GumballSinging I wanna study with your daughter, I know you don't think that I oughta. I'm not that bad I'm pretty friendly, I think that you should be—Patrick angrily grabs Gumball's ukulele and crushes it in his hands
PatrickIrritated I don't care. You are not good enough for my daughter, and I don't want you around her. End. Of. Story!
GumballStill singing So why don't you gimme one more—
Awwww, even if it was short, this song was super cute, and the writers finally portrayed Gumball as not being a complete idiot with him being able to play the ukelele! -2

Gumball: That's better. Penny! Penny!
Penny: Unenthusiastically What?
Gumball: Can you throw me my sword?
Penny: ...You mean your broom?
Gumball: Yes....
Hahahahaha Penny in this episode is great! -1

Penny: Gumball, can we just do the assignment now, please?
She says this as if he can just get up and walk away. He has a guy literally attacking him, he can't just stop and go do the assignment. +1

Patrick: Thank you so much, Gumball. You saved my little girl's life.
Not really. Patrick had already turned the car away, so it wouldn't have hit her either way. +1

Nicole: Also angrily WHAT?!
Where did Nicole come from? She couldn't have gone round the back from the side she came from as it's blocked off by a fence, and the railing of the porch. +1

Total Sins: 3

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Poltergeist (128)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Gi (-12)

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