EWW: The Remote

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Gumball, Darwin, Anais, and Nicole: Ahh... I can't wait till eight
Gumball: Well, then I guess it's whoever gets to the remote first!
Why does Nicole need the remote? She said Win or Don't Win was calling her, why does she need the TV for that? +1

They all freeze
Everyone literally freezes in place when someone calls out to stop cliché +1

Richard: I've been up all night saving my seat for... El gran final de "La Casa de las Lágrimas"
Since when could Richard speak Spanish? +1

The phone rings and Anais runs downstairs
Anais: I'll get it!
She ran down like a second after the phone began ringing. How did she react to it so fast? +1

Richard: Okay! Okay! Just give me the chocolate and I'll tell you!
Gumball and Darwin: Yes!
Richard: Swallows chocolate bar But in the form of a riddle. The remote is in the valley betwixt two hills. Its name begins with a "B," ends with two "T"s, and has "U" in the middle. AND YOU'LL NEVER FIND IT! Laughs and falls asleep
Darwin: Oh, I know this one! I know this one!
Gumball and Darwin go to Butt Valley: a valley with two hills
This show still made a butt joke an entire season later. That's worth this many sins. +20

Gumball: TELL US WHERE IT IS! Grabs Daisy and holds her head between scissors Or Daisy won't have to worry about headaches ever again.
Anais: No, please wait! Reveals 'remote' Here it is. I'm sorry.
Gumball for some reason expects Anais to actually believe his threat. She pretends to do so for her plan. but she almost definitely knows that he'd never actually go through with it. He can be pretty cruel sometimes but he'd never go as far as intentionally destroying her most prized possession, especially not over something as petty as a remote. +1

Anais: I'm sorry...Gumball, Darwin and Richard smile
Anais: But I just want you to know, I AM DOING THIS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD! Smashes 'remote'

Gumball, Darwin and Richard: Noooooooooooooooooooo-!
There is no way they believed that was actually the remote. They were easily close enough to see it was just a calculator. +1

Richard: It's twenty-to-eight!
He says this, but it's still bright and sunny outside. +1

Anais: Daisy!
Gumball: Throws Daisy to Anais Oh yeah. Runs back Wait. You're not coming?
Anais: I don't care about your stupid TV anymore! All I need is my Daisy.
He for some reason believes she just suddenly doesn't care about wanting to watch Daisy anymore. +1

Also, they just left a four-year-old at home completely by herself. Sure, she's more than capable enough to be home alone, but not only is it, y'know, illegal for her to be but it's also morally wrong and very irresponsible. +1

Nicole fights off Gumball, Darwin and Richard before jumping off the parking lot and onto the nearby roof
Okay, that was just awesome. -1

Richard tries to jump to the roof but misses and falls down
aaaaand he should be dead. +1

Gumball and Darwin confront Nicole in the lower parking lot
Wait, why is she back in the parking lot again? She just jumped onto the building next to it. +1

Gumball: Come on dude. "Cutie Pets" starts in five minutes.
There is no way that entire trip downtown and back took only 15 minutes. +1

Gary's car gets crushed
Gary is shown to live opposite the Wattersons even though he's supposed to be their neighbor. +1

Gumball: Dag-nabbit! It's for a garage door! What did you buy this for?!
Nicole: What? It's the one Anais told me to get.
How did Nicole even fall for this? Not only would she have had to find the remote in an entirely separate aisle to the TVs and their remotes, which is already a huge red flag, but the garage remote looks completely different from their TV remote. +1

Anais moves her head left to right trance-like and creepily with the camera zooming in with every "Daisy"
Daisy the Donkey​​: Daisy, Daisy, Daisy, Daisy, DAISY!
Oh man, seeing Anais portrayed as some crazy evil mastermind like this makes me wish we'd seen more of this side of her, what she was really capable of doing, and how far she. could go  Huge missed opportunity there. +1

Total Sins: 34

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Poltergeist (128)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Gi (-12)

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