EWW: The Joy

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Anais: I think someone needs a hug. Richard hugs her with his left arm while still playing the game Not me, them!
Awwwww, I love that his first instinct was to hug her -1

Though there was no need for her tor respond so annoyed to it. +1

Gumball: Grumpily It's Monday!

Richard: Inhales deeply and hugs them WONDER HUUUUG!
As Richard hugs them, a rainbow mushroom cloud explodes out of the Watterson household and sparkles are seen everywhere
They survive this +1

Also, Richard singlehandedly sets off what is essentially a zombie invasion with nothing but his bare paws.  That is both awesome and terrifying at the same time. +1

Lucy Simian: Rocky cries while mopping Good. A sad Teri opens a photocopier lid and drops her face onto the scanner, creating duplicates Hm, excellent. The Eggheads miserably bang their heads together, cracking each other's shells Perfect. Inhales I love the smell of despair on a Monday morning. But there's something missing. Giggles I know. Presses a button on a cassette player, which plays Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" Yeesss..
Does..does she seriously go out of her way to make sure everyone in the entire school is as soul-crushingly miserable as possible every single day? Why? How can she actually enjoy this? +10

Gumball: I don't understand it myself, miss, I just feel so hap-- He sees Darwin's face with his fin on it, then points at him and laughs maniacally while coughing up a vibrant rainbow-colored fluid. Miss Simian starts to look shocked. The camera hits her face
God damn that laugh at the end there was fucking incredible! Terrifying, but incredible! Kudos to Jacob Hopkins, he fucking nailed screams and other insane stuff like this! -5

Nigel Brown: Pretends to fight, thrusting his fists at the camera. Miss Simian opens the door and Principal Brown freezes. Beat. Miss Simian closes the door and opens it again. This time, Principal Brown is in his chair and the camera is on his desk Ah. Miss Simian. What can I do for you?

Lucy Simian: Hmm... Gumball's face and mouth rotate, his expression ultimately going back to being smiley
Ew, god, the bone-cracking sounds there made this actually kind of disturbing +1

Simian: What, really? What time is it?
Lucy Simian: A timestamp says 16:06 PM, knocking down Miss Simian.
Hahahahaha, what a genius fourth wall break! -1

Switch to Darwin's point of view. Miss Simian is a live-action color-changing sock monkey and the nurse is a candy cane Hello? Hello?
Darwin turns to Gumball, who is live-action - except his eyes, brows, and whiskers. His mouth has human lips
Oh GOD, now THIS is disturbing. Jesus christ... +10

Joan: Standing near the hallway "Supervisor"?? More like a super nut job! I'm not gonna watch you torture children for being happy! I'm getting Principal Brown! She leaves, closing the door
Awww, seeing Joan stand up for the students like this is actually really nice. She may hate her job, but she does genuinely care about the kid's well-being. -1

Gumball and Darwin begin laughing hysterically. They cough up rainbows, stars, hearts, bunnies, and sparkles and they fall unconscious. The monitor flatlines, then becomes rainbow-colored and sparkly, playing a cheery tune
How...how is this even remotely scientifically possible!? Or technologically for that matter. The heart rate monitor should not have been able to show all those various colors. +25

As Miss Simian dances, Gumball and Darwin wake up as huggers and jump onto Principal Brown, knocking him down and infecting him with the Joy Virus. Rainbow fluid splatters onto the camera. Principal Brown gets up, laughing creepily. 
Fucking hell, they really went all out with making this episode disturbing. -1

Miss Simian and Ms. Markham back away into the hall as Gumball, Darwin, and Principal Brown approach them. Miss Simian throws Ms. Markham into the infected, infecting her as well. Miss Simian enters her office, trying to close the door as they try to get in. She gets tickled a bit
Also, god DAMN they did a good job making this feel like an actual zombie outbreak. Wish we'd gotten to see more off it -15

Penny: Gumball?! No!
Gumball infects Penny and kicks Banana Joe away. Penny laughs
Hahahahaha, of course Gumball has to have Penny all to himself! -5

Miss Simian: The music! The music is the cure! Looks up at the intercom The PA system. It's our only chance.
A timestamp says 18:20 PM. Miss Simian is slowly walking down an empty hallway, carrying the cassette player and keeping vigilant. Lockers are open and there is rainbow fluid on the wall and floor
Huh, never thought I'd actually be rooting for Miss Simian, like, ever. Only the Gumball writers could have actually come up with a way to actually make her of people the one we want to succeed. -1

Also, it's half six and the kids still aren't home or even outside waiting to be picked up. Surely their parents should be getting concerned and coming to see if they're okay, right? +1

Anais turns around - revealing she too has been infected. Laughing maniacally, she runs toward Miss Simian, who screams. Anais tumbles into a locker, which Miss Simian quickly closes
Awwww...I know I shouldn't laugh at poor Anais like this, but that was kinda funny... -1

Lucy Simian: Uuuhhh! Banana Joe is strutting down the hallway, his peel down again. Miss Simian tries to resist, but gives in and fixes his peel DRESS CODE!!!
Of course she just had to do it. Classic Miss Simian... -1

She catches everyone's attention and they start chasing her. Coach Russo follows behind shortly after, constantly stopping to catch her breath
Hahahahahahaha -1

 Tina tries to infect Miss SImian, but her arms are too short.
What? Some of the rainbow gow fell onto her. Surely that should have infected her, right? +10

She turns another corner and runs into Tobias, who is not infected. She screams and he smiles awkwardly at her. Beat. She slams his locker door on him, knocking him down]
Tobias​​​​​​: Ow! What the — Ow!
Hahahaha, poor Tobias just can't catch a break! +1

Lucy Simian: Yes. As she's about to play the song, Gumball and Darwin emerge out of the darkness behind her You gotta be kidding me. She screams as everyone outside in the hall is shown. Fade to black
What!? She had SOOOOO much time to press play before they got her! +25

Lucy Simian: To the camera The joy. It's starting to get to me. There's only one way to defeat it. Cringes You have to play a piece of music. Inhales I don't actually Coughs] know what it's called, but it goes something like this. Inhales DAA DAA—Oh, sorry, I'm not much of a singer. DAA-- Coughs I'm sorry. Coughs I've let you down. This story...came to a happy...ENDING!
She becomes infected and laughs maniacally before the video cuts to static. The camera's tape cuts to Principal Brown in his office, wielding and swinging a mop around. He stops for a few seconds to catch his breath, then continues. The episode ends.
Aww, come on, after all that we don't even get a proper conclusion!? This easily could have been an awesome two-parter, or just y'know, had Miss SImian play the song and cure everyone, but they just left it on a cliffhanger of her being infected then never gave an explanation for who managed to cure everyone or how. What a lame ending. +30

Also, the ending they did go with would have been so much more powerful if it had ended on that note and the static then went to credits. Adding the Principal Brown clip kinda just ruined any and all tension and atmosphere it had built up. +10

Total Sins: 83

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Hero (1,490,894)
Least Sinned Episode: The Kids (-230)

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