EWW: The Voice

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Gumball: In a high pitched voice while typing And if you really didn't know that, then maybe you should read a book.
Darwin: Reading book I don't know, dude. This book says he's right. Apparently, nachos aren't fruit.
No way are Gumball and Darwin dumb enough to believe nachos are fruit. Which means...

..Writers make Gumball (and Darwin) uncharacteristically stupid cliché! +1

Gumball: What the what?! You mean that we've been in that flame war for seven hours, and we can't even win?! Sighs
They've been arguing about that the whole day!? How did neither them nor Felix give up after the first like 15-20 minutes!? I've never seen anyone have enough dedication to continue much longer than that, let alone for seven goddamn hours. +1

Darwin: Did he make any spelling mistakes?
Gumball: No, but he did say 'who'" instead of 'whom.'
Darwin: Call it.
So the writers expect us to believe that Gumball and Darwin are stupid enough to think nachos are fruit but also know when they should use whom instead of who? Not a chance. +1

Darwin: Quick, block him before he can respond.
Gumball blocks Felix
Oh, Gumball and Darwin are those kinds of people online!? That's worth this many sins alone. +50

Gumball: Reading Leslie's comment on his pictures of his roots being cleaned 'Just got my roots done, what do you think? ' Typing I think you should realize this is a public forum, and put your pot back on.
Bro, did...d-did Leslie just straight-up post nudes online!? That's literally full-on child pornography and he's just posting it online for everyone to see? What is wrong with him!? Not only that but the show then proceeds to make it seem as if Gumball and Darwin are jerks for calling him out on it? What the actual hell? +50

Darwin: Reading the comment Upset because of a certain someone. They know who they are.
Gumball: typing Stop posting mysterious status updates when we have no idea who you're talking about.
Oh my god, exactly! People who do this are literally just begging for attention! The writers know what's up! -1

Alan thumbs up all the comments on the page
Gumball: Huh, I don't get this. There's always people who give a thumbs up to everything like 'Tobias is getting his appendix out today. Prob gonna have a scar.' Does a derpy thumbs up gesture Thumbs up from Alan! What is he liking about that exactly? The fact that it wasn't him who is in pain?
RIGHT!? This episode is literally calling out everyone online at this point and I love it! -10

 Gumball: Let's just block him. In fact, let's block everyone who annoys us. Block, block, block, block, block, block, block, block, block, block, block, block, block. Done.
They block everyone. A message comes in from someone
Darwin: We got a message.
Gumball: Who from?
Darwin: I don't know. It's blocked
That's not how blocking works. If the account was blocked they should be completely unable to send Gumball and Darwin a message or interact with them in any way. +1

Gumball: What do we do, and who sent the message?! It could be anyone!
Why don't they just...unblock whoever sent it so they can see who it is? +1

Darwin: It couldn't just be anyone. It has to be someone we've upset.~
Gumball and Darwin think for a while
Darwin: Yeah, you're right. It could be anyone.
Hahahahahahaha -1

Gumball: Oh, my gosh, I am so sorry.
Darwin places Sussie's eye back on her body
Sussie: Laughs But Sussie liked that too!
Gumball and Darwin hug Sussie
Gumball and Darwin: Aww.
Aww. -1

Cut to inside of the boys' bathroom. Gumball, Darwin and Tobias are all stood wearing nothing but towels
Why is Tobias wearing a towel? he has nothing to cover up. And why is Darwin wearing one over his midsection when his feet are the things he would want to hide? +2

Alan​​​​​​: Off-screen I apologize for making you leave!
Gumball runs back and throws a rock at Alan, and pops him
Welp, that's the second time Alan gets popped then inexplicably appears fine again in a later episode. And it's not the last time either. In fact...

...Alan inexplicably survives getting popped cliché +1

Carrie: You know, the fact that you don't know what you're apologizing for means that you basically don't care.
Gumball: How dare you judge my guilt! Do you know how torn and tormented I am? Do you
really wanna see my soul weep, Carrie? Do you!?
Carrie: Yeah. Let's see some tears.
Gumball: FINE!
Gumball strains, and struggles with his face, and tries hard to cry. But no tears come out
Carrie drags out this apology and makes Gumball do this whole uneccasary thing when they obviously don't actually have anything to apologize to her for. TL;DR Carrie makes them waste their time for no good reason. +1

Darwin: Hey Penny, I'm sorry for never being upfront about my emotions, or having the courage to stand in front of you like a man to tell you how I feel.
Penny: Oh, wow. I never realized you had any feelings towards me. If anyone did, I would have thought it was Gumball.
From the distance, Gumball is hiding behind a football goalpost
Gumball: Sorry for being too scared to say it in person! Runs, and trips on a trash bin. Gets up, and runs again
Okay, so Gumball gets Darwin to outright fully admit his true feelings to Penny for him, with no holding back, downplaying or denying anything and Gumball himself confirms what Darwin said is true aaand...they still somehow don't get together until the middle of next season, between which only one attempt is made by either of them to actually get the ball rolling (Gumball attempting to ask her out to the mall in The Kids.) Aka, Gumball/Penny make their love for the other obvious but it somehow goes nowhere cliché +1

Gumball: Have I ever told you I love you, Darwin?
Darwin: Whispering joyfully Never like this.
They hug
Awwww -1

William: In silence? Realizes no one can hear him Oh, gosh. No one can hear me, can they? I suppose that makes sense, I don't have a mouth. I thought you'd ignored me on purpose all my life. But when you blocked me on Elmore Plus, something snapped. What was I thinking? I'm so sorry. You must be terrified and confused, I cannot apologize enough-
Darwin: NOW!
They turn around, with Gumball holding a racket. He swats William, and William flies out of a window.

Aww poor William... -5

Total Sins: 91
Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Hero (1,490, 894)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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